Sản phẩm và Tồn kho

How to Manage Your Lazada Choice Store in Ginee?

INTEGRATION Login to your Lazada Choice Seller Center Open Ginee OMS, Integration > Add Integration > Lazada Choice Select Country/Region (1) > click Authorize (2) LAZADA OPEN PLATFORM will b


Ginee POS Product Management

Ginee POS Product List Channel Product > Ginee POS – POS products are products that exist in the warehouse bound to POS Store – When the product stock in the warehouse bound to POS stor


How to Synchronize Store’s Product Information ?

A. Get Product ID  1. Shopee Reminder: Click “Live Preview” in the Seller Center’s product list, and the product details address can be obtained from the newly opened link. For exam


Tiktok Multiwarehouse Management

1.Warehouse Mapping 1. Operation Enterence Please click [Authorization] – [Store List], and click [Warehouse Management] behind the store with the multi-warehouse logo. 2. Instructions If a mul


Tokopedia Product Update

1. Add and Edit Channel Product 1. When Channel Products are added or edited, the price and stock will be updated to the default warehouse 2. Edit the price and stock 1. In the Tokopedia Channel Produ


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