ebay title character limit ginee

Wondering how many is the eBay title character limit? Many established retailers and eCommerce businesses that expand onto eBay are surprised when they don’t achieve their eBay sales targets.

Similar to Google, being listed on the first page of search results is critical for sales. Even if your website has achieved, organically, the first page rank on Google search results, the same tactics often can’t be used on eBay.

Why is eBay Title Important for Your Business?

eBay title optimizer is also important outside the eBay platform as search engines use them to decide where to include your product on a user search results page.

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This means you must optimise your product titles to maximise the performance of your listings on eBay. If you have multiple listings, a data feed tool will help you achieve this optimisation, but what are the specific things you should do?

Product titles are important to your listing because it is one of your two slim chances of getting people to look into your product. The first one is your image quality, the second is your title.

more views from potential customers, and better standing compared to the vast listings of the same niche in the eBay store.

Adding the right keyword into the title makes it searchable by people and, as a consequence, putting your product in front of top search engines. The other factors are included in the “should do” and “should not do” of eBay best practices when it comes to creating titles and eBay product description.

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What Are Title Guidelines on eBay?

The product title is the main gateway into a product eBay catalog entry where titles are crawled by search engines and listed in their search results. Because of this, titles must be tight, accurate and intriguing so they capture the attention of the buyer looking for your specific product.

What Is the eBay Title Character Limit?

The general eBay title tips requirements are listed here and the requirements related to the wording of your titles are listed in the section that follows:

  • Titles should describe the product’s top features while being as short as possible.
  • Titles should not exceed 80 characters in length. The catalog displays only the first 80 characters of a title, and search engines will not pick up any of the extra characters that are not displayed in the title.
  • Titles should be unique; your title for a catalog entry should not match the titles of any other catalog entries.
  • Titles should be concise, well written, and easy to read.
  • Titles should not contain any misspelled words.
  • Titles should not include any tokens or characters that are not needed to accurately describe the product.
  • Titles must not contain false or misleading information.
  • Titles must not contain any descriptive language that might bring into question the legality of the product by either governmental or eBay standards.
  • Titles must not contain prohibited, banned, illegal, outlawed or restricted words used in an attempt to market or advertise the product.

How Many Characters Can Be in an eBay Listing Title?

Wondering about Amazon title character limit and Amazon title requirements? Well, eBay has an 80 character limit for product titles, while online stores and non eBay listing tools allow for more. 

When product eBay title builder are directly exported to eBay from other sources, any title with more than 80 characters will be truncated, with “…” added to the end of the listing title.

Unlike other marketplaces and online classifieds sites that apply the buyer search to the listing of eBay description rules, eBay search results depend primarily on the listing title. This is why most of eBay high ranking listing titles are keyword packed.

In the Top 50 search results for “pop up tent,” the average number of characters used is 78. However, in the “Explore Planet Earth Speedy 2 Pop Up Tent” product title, there are only 41 characters. 

Tentworld product listing is missing keywords that prevent it from being shown to customers. This may result in lost sales and, depending on their competitors listing sales, can also lead to a lower search rank. Besides, you can use bese eBay keyword tool to help you find the right keywords!

Read also: 17 Best Keyword Research Tool 2021 to Boost Website Rank

How Do You Make a Good eBay Title?

With more than 168 million active buyers currently using eBay merchants are more than ever interested in taking a stab at selling on eBay. 

As with every marketplace and shopping channel getting the listings right is always a bit of a challenge. eBay product titles are also important outside the eBay platform as search engines use them to decide where to include your product on a user search results page.

This means you must optimise your product titles to maximise the performance of your listings on eBay.

Best Practices for Creating Titles

The first thing is to make sure you adhere to eBay title guidelines when updating the titles in your data feed prior to submission.

Here are the main points you need to verify your titles against:

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  • The title should be 80 characters or less.
  • You should make the title unique.
  • You should include all the top features of the product in the title.
  • The title should be well written. This means ensuring there are no spelling mistakes. Also, don’t use abbreviations in place of words.
  • Don’t use all caps unless it is part of the product name. Also, you shouldn’t use bold formatting, unnecessary spaces between letters or words or any other special formatting.
  • Don’t include any unnecessary characters. Exclamation marks are a good example. Also, eBay specifically highlights the plus sign (+), saying you should only include it in product titles if it is part of the product’s name or is essential data.
  • Don’t add any HTML to the title.
  • Do not include prices, conditions of sale or promotional text.
  • You can only include one variation of the product in the title.
  • Do not include keywords in the title that have no relevance to the product.
  • Only use plurals when necessary.
  • Avoid using words in a foreign language unless they are part of the product’s name.
  • Make sure the title is legal and doesn’t contain prohibited words.
  • Make sure there is no misleading or false information in the title. This covers superlative adjectives too. For example, you can’t say a product is a best seller unless the product has received a best-seller award.
  • Don’t include contact information such as phone numbers or email addresses.

What Are Example Titles?

Best eBay titles? You should note that many of the requirements stipulated by eBay above can also be described as best practices. For example, checking the spelling of words and making the title easy to read will help optimise your product titles as well as staying within the guidelines.

eBay also publishes additional requirements for titles when the product is a bundle or multipack. The starting point for these requirements is you should only include multi pack or bundle products in your eBay product listings that come from the manufacturer.

Example Bundle and Multi Pack Titles

How to optimize eBay listings? Here the additional requirements for bundles and multi packs are:

  • The title must include the main product and all the main items. This mostly applies to bundle products.
  • The title should not, however, include accessories in the bundle that are non essential.
  • Multi-pack titles should include information about the size of the pack in the title.


Titles make your listings more effective on the eBay platform as good titles make your products easier to find. They also encourage users to click while bad titles will do the opposite. 

It takes time and care to ensure you firstly get your eBay product titles right and, secondly, to optimise them. The results will pay off, however, as you will get more sales.

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