Now you can manage Shipping Service settings on Shopee by clicking icon Setting on Ginee main page then go to Shipping Service Settings.
If you have integrated Shopee store, the shipping service from Shopee will be displayed here. Shipping service from each store will be set separately and the active/inactive status of the Shipping Service will be synchronized to your store.
Please be noted that every changes in Shipping Service option here will be synchronized with Seller Centre Shopee shipping service setting. For the example, after you deactivate one option of shipping service, then the shipping service will be deactivated from remain products. Then the product that doesn’t active at least one shipping service will be automatically deactivate and will not be seen by the buyer.
To make it easier to add or copy product, we suggest you to set the same shipping service for Shopee and the other Shopee Store, and activate at least one shipping service.