
Stocks may not be pushed or updated to bound stores for various reasons. You may re-push stocks to see if the update will be successful


A. Single Push

  1. Go to Stock > Stock List > Select an MSKU > Click “More” under the Action column
  2. Click “Push Stock” to re-push the stock to bound stores
  3. A prompt will be displayed if the re-push is successful

B. Bulk Push

  1. Go to Stock > Stock List > Select MSKUs that you need to re-push
    – You may click on the mass select icon to select up to 500 MSKUs at a time

    – You may also change the pagination (Depending on the number of MSKUs that need to be re-pushed)
  2. Click “Bulk Push Inventory”

How to check if stocks have been pushed successfully?

  1. Option 1: Go to Stock > Stock Push Record or Store Stock Update History > Search an MSKU to verify if the stock pushes are successful
    – You can also filter the Rule Name, Store, Store Update Result, and even View Push Rules
  2. Option 2: Go to Stock > Stock List > Select an MSKU > Click “More” under the Action tab > Click “Push Record”