Let’s read this article to get the information about an online business description sample. Check this out!

What Are Product Descriptions?

Selling online is not about uploading your products in the products listing but product description also plays an important part too. No matter how big or small your business is, creating a good and complete product description is a must when selling things online. You can try to find a sample description of online store to help you.

So what is the product description? So, product descriptions are a form of marketing that is used to describe the products you sell. These product descriptions provide detailed information about your business products including the available color, size, pattern and so on. 

You can create a product description in one sentence, short paragraph or by using bullet points. You need to point out the important thing about your product so that your customer will not miss it. You can write the product description under your product titles. 

There are multiple ways to create product descriptions for your ecommerce store. It doesn’t matter whether you want to make a funny or detailed one but remember to keep writing the important points that your customer needs to know.

A good online store description sample can help to influence your customers’ purchase decision. It also helps to increase your sales and improve your conversions and click rates. Besides that, your product visibility will increase too.

Read also: Top 7 eBay Description Template Free and Listing Template

Online Business Description Sample (Product Description)

Here is the online business description sample for your reference.

  • Here is the new way to grill with the sleek Spirit II E-210 gas grill which fits small spaces, and is packed with features such as the powerful GS4 grilling system, iGrill capability, and convenient side tables for placing serving trays.
  • Are you looking for a beautiful laptop case? Here are the laptop cases that  fit 12″ to 14″ laptops and there are front pockets available for your charger cable and notebook. We can also make you a custom coloured and size that fits your laptop/macbook or tablet. 
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How To Write A Good Product Description? 

You might be curious on how to write a good brand description sample. As you know, product description plays an important role in your customers’ purchase decision. Here’s a description example template you need to know.

Know About The Who, What, When, Where, Why And How Before Writing

The first way to make the description example is by knowing how to create the product description and who your target audience is. Here are things you need to consider before writing the product description.

  • Who is this product for? – You need to know who your target audience is. You can target your audience based on gender, age, behavior, lifestyle.
  • What are the product’s basic details? You need to consider the product’s basic details including attributes such as the product dimensions, materials, product features, cost and functions.
  • When should someone use the product? You need to consider when is the certain time of day, seasonally or for a specific type of occasion to sell your product.
  • Where should someone use the product? You need to point out whether your product can be used indoors or outdoors.
  • Why is this product useful or better than the competition? You also need to describe the reasons why the customers should buy your products and what are the advantages.
  • How does the product work? You need to explain how the product works.

Determine The Best Format To Describe Your Products

Before you create your product description, it is better to determine what best formats to describe your products. To help the customer to see the important things, you can try to use the bullet points. Bullet points can be used to describe the important information about your products like specifications, available colors, size and also its dimensions. 

Another way to describe your business product is by using paragraphs. You can try to describe your products in a unique and attractive way but don’t make too long a paragraph. Just make a simple, detailed and attractive one.

Choose Goals And KPIs To Measure The Success Of Your Product Descriptions

You also need to measure the success of your product description by creating your goals and key performance report (KPI) but it might take a long time. Here are the benefits when you measure your goals such as:

  • Help to increase the conversion rate.
  • Help to decrease cart abandonment.
  • Get a lower return rate.
  • Get fewer calls from shoppers.
  • Help to increase and improve the organic search rankings.
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Make Your Product Descriptions Short 

You need to ensure that your product’s description is not too long because customers might be too lazy to read it. Even if you need to create a complete product description, it doesn’t mean you should make a long paragraph description. Just keep it short and attractive.

Use Storytelling To Your Advantage

Another sample description example is by using storytelling to describe your product business. You can try to tell how your product’s backstory is. This method really works to engage your audience and win hearts and minds.

Don’t Be Afraid To Boast

You can try to boast when writing your product descriptions. Here is the example of boasting when writing a product description such as Is your product better because of years of testing? Is it hand-crafted? Is it healthy?

Know When To Show And Not Tell

Creating the product description doesn’t mean you just explain your product by using words only.  You can use images to describe your product too so that your customers know the visual of products.

Describe Using Video

Beside using words and images, you can describe your business product by using videos. Your customers will be able to view all the products through the videos. You can add text on the videos to point out the important parts.

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Don’t Be Afraid To Be Unique

Making a unique and attractive product description will help to increase your sales too.  Don’t forget to inform the important thing of your products so your customers will not be disappointed.

Read also: 15 Small Online Business Ideas with Small Budget to Start


Product descriptions are a form of marketing that is used to describe the products you sell. These product descriptions provide detailed information about your business products including the available color, size, pattern and other products information.

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