Most people must know what Instagram and Facebook is. Both of them are the most used social media nowadays. Many people are using these social media applications for personal use and business but do you know the differences between Instagram vs Facebook for business? Let’s read this article for more information needed.
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Instagram vs Facebook by the Numbers

Are you looking at the difference between Facebook vs Instagram for business 2022? Before we discuss it, you need to know what Instagram and Facebook are. Both Instagram and Facebook are the most popular social media nowadays and have been used by many people from many countries. Because of this, Instagram and Facebook business pages are really suitable as media to market and promote your business.
The question is why is Facebook and Instagram good for business? It is because Facebook and Instagram’s growth keeps increasing. Here are the differences between Facebook and Instagram by the statistics numbers.
Here are the Facebook statistics such as:
- Have more than 2.38 billion active users.
- 96% of Facebook active user accessed the social media through mobile device.
- 40% of Facebook users watch videos on Facebook.
- 65 million small businesses have Facebook Pages.
- 83% of marketers and business owners use Facebook their brand’s social media marketing.
Here are the Instagram statistics such as:
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- Have more than 1 billion active users.
- There are 500 million daily activities in the Instagram Stories worldwide.
- There are 37% of the Internet users are using Instagram.
- 68% of Instagram users keep visiting the Instagram platform as their daily routine.
- 77% of marketers and brand owners choose to use say Instagram as part of their brand’s social strategy.
From the statistics above, you can find the similarities and differences between Instagram vs Facebook. One of the similarities is that both Instagram and Facebook are popular and really work to market your business.
Even Facebook has a lot of active users but Instagram is really good to get more engagement. Beside that, when you use the Facebook and Instagram page for your business, you can feel how your sales will increase. The number of active users really works to make your business keep growing.
Read also: 5 Tips How to Get More Followers on Facebook Business Page
Facebook vs Instagram: Audience Demographics

Another comparison of Facebook and Instagram is the audience demographics. When you choose Facebook and Instagram to be the medium to promote your business, you will need to create your social media account first. Then you have to decide what marketing strategy that you want to use. Thinking about the social media marketing strategy is heavy because you don’t know about your users demographic data.
Based on the research, Instagram and Facebook difference is about the users. The active users in both Instagram and Facebook are the younger in age while the older ones aren’t as active as the younger. The majority of social media users are people that are under 30. That’s why when you choose to use social media as your marketing strategy, you need to create attractive content that can attract the younger users.
Even if there are a lot of younger active users in both social media such as Instagram and Facebook, you may not disqualify the older users too. That’s why you need to consider what younger and older people like in Instagram vs Facebook ads. The benefits of using social media to promote your business is you will get higher engagement as well as it will help to increase your sales.
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Facebook vs Instagram: Engagement in Numbers

What is the difference between Instagram vs Facebook for personal use? One of the differences between Facebook and Instagram is the same with the difference between Facebook Twitter and Instagram which is the engagement numbers.
For your information, the Instagram engagement is higher than Facebook engagement with the rate of 1.6% median per post in Instagram and 0.09% media per post in Facebook. This data is the comparison between Facebook vs Instagram Quora engagement for campaign benchmarking.
For your information, image content performs better on Instagram than Facebook but if you want to post a text, it is better to post it on Facebook. Beside that, you need to note that not all content you post will get more engagements than Facebook. All of it will depend on several factors like how attractive your content is, when you post the content because as we know there are best times to post content in social media.
Read also: 5 Questions to Ask for Your Social Media Marketing Strategy
Difference between Facebook Business and Instagram Business

As mentioned above, there are several differences between Facebook vs Instagram for business 2022 such as the statistics, active users, engagements, audience demographics and many more. There is also a best time to post content too which will help you to get more clicks and conversion.
You need to note that the content you post in Facebook will appear based on the algorithms. Even if you don’t know how the algorithm works. You can manage your own strategies to get more engagements like posting the update and hot topics that the audience is looking at. Don’t forget to consider your audience demographic too before posting content on Facebook or Instagram.
When you choose Facebook and Instagram as a medium to market your business, the first thing you need to do before you can use it is creating your social media account. Then you have to decide what marketing strategy that you want to use and want content you want to post.
You can manage your own strategies to get more engagements like posting the update and hot topics that the audience is looking at. Don’t forget to consider your audience demographic too before posting content on Facebook or Instagram.
Beside that, you need to note that not all content you post will get more engagements. All of it will depend on several factors like how attractive your content is, when you post the content because as we know there are best times to post content in social media.
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