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What is a social media marketing checklist? Did you know that the average user spends 28% of their Internet time on social media? In today’s world, that might not be a surprising statistic, given how prominent social media has become. 

Fortunately, that prominence makes social media a prime marketing opportunity. By using social media to reach out to your target audience, you can meet people right where they are. But what makes for a successful social media campaign? What steps should you take to get your social media off the ground?

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What is a Social Media Checklist?

Social media marketing checklist 2022? As a marketer, you are always thinking in one million different directions, and you have SO much on your plate that it is humanly impossible to remember everything and this is why checklists exist.

Marketers rely on checklists to get things done according to an established lineup of tasks. A social media marketing checklist is a similar list of all the important tasks you should carry out to keep track of your social media marketing efforts.

At Social Champ, have a checklist for managing our social media activities that help you stay on the same page and track how well your strategies are panning out. In fact, the checklists that you will go through later in this article are based on how you structure the tasks and take care of our social media marketing campaigns.

Here are a few other reasons why every marketing should have a social media checklist:

  • A social media checklist ensures that you don’t miss out on any task for the week, day, or month.
  • A checklist helps you stay organised and streamline all your tasks to achieve the business objective of the quarter.
  • A social media checklist allows you to be consistent with your social media daily checklist and weekly tasks. Marketers can follow a consistent workflow that doesn’t burn them by working on less productive tasks.
  • It helps you align tasks on a priority basis to make the most out of your day.
  • A checklist allows you to assign essential tasks first and assure that the team is getting work done.

Read also: What are Social Media Marketing Benefits for Your Business?

What is Required for Social Media Marketing?

A social media marketer has multiple small tasks that make up their day. Having a list helps them check off all the things and divide their time accordingly.

Reply to All Direct and Private Messages

Replying to all messages is as essential as it gets. No one likes it when their query is left unseen or even worse if the message is left on seen for days on end.

Check All Mentions and React to Them

This is related to the first item on the checklist. Check out all the brand mentions for the day and react appropriately to them all. Check out all Twitter, Facebook and Instagram mentions first at the end of each day. Reshare all Instagram mentions on your story, re-tweet a few mentions on Twitter and react to all Facebook negative and positive mentions.

Check Out All Comments and Reactions on Posts

Again, keep your push notifications on so that you get real time updates for comments and reactions. Try to engage with all comments on official channels, Facebook and LinkedIn groups, communities and Twitter threads.

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Schedule Posts for the Next Day

It is good practice to schedule posts in advance using a social media scheduling tool. Make sure all regular and planned posts are scheduled at least 24 hours before.

Check Out All Social Media Profiles

It is a good practice to catch chats, a follow request, a mention or a potential partnership opportunity that slipped your attention.

What are the 10 Steps to a Successful Social Media Strategy?

You might see the occasional business profile. Fast forward to the present day where a social presence is an expectation for businesses with 80% of marketers relying on social media to raise brand awareness.

If you’re starting from scratch, the following list of social media marketing basics can help get your presence off the ground. Whether you’re interested in social selling, customer service or anything in between, this guide will get the ball rolling and here the steps below:

Pick Your Social Channels

Bigger brands with large customer bases tend to have presences across multiple platforms. Giants like McDonald’s and Starbucks obviously have the resources to be everywhere at once, but what if you’re a small business? Instagram marketing checklist?

For the sake of narrowing down where you should spend your time, below is a quick overview of each of the major social platforms. Rather than try to dominate them all, you should consider which platforms make the most sense based on your industry and audience.

Complete Your Profile(s)

Among the most important social media marketing basics is the need to fill out your profile 100%. Not only does it make your profile look more professional, but also makes your business easier to find.

Think about it. Social media results are often among the first to pop up for any given small business on Google. By totally filling out your profiles with your business’ name, address and other essential information, you become much easier to find in a Google or native social search.

Follow Fellow Businesses, Brands and Prospects

Following others shows that you’re an active participant in the social space versus a profile that’s just blasting its own content. Whether it’s competitors, fellow industry leaders or even prospects, make a point to follow fresh profiles to see how others operate on social media.

Keep a Close Eye on Your Mentions

Before you get in too deep into worrying about followers in content, make sure that you have an ecosystem for monitoring mentions and notifications. Customer concerns. Shout-outs from a fan. A new follower from an influencer.

Timeliness is so important when it comes to responding to these touchpoints, especially when it comes to customer service.

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Define Your Content Strategy

Now that your profiles are set up, you’re going to need to decide what you’re going to post on a day to day basis. Coming up with a content strategy might seem like a lot of legwork, but it all really boils down to your goals.

  • Looking to educate your audience in the B2B space? Publish content, news and opinions relevant to your industry.
  • Trying to push ecommerce products? Post action shots of your products and photos of others showing off your swag.
  • Focused on customer service? Tips, shout-outs and company updates are totally fair game.

Assemble Your Content Calendar

For the sake of saving time, knowing in advance what you’re going to post and when you’re going to post is a major point in your favour. This also keeps you from posting the same pieces of content again and again.

But as evidenced by our best times to post on social media, brands have a lot of ground to cover in terms of frequency and how much content to push.

Engage With Others 

From commenting on posts to retweeting and publishing the content of others, getting noticed on social media means being an active participant. Interacting with fans and customers allows you to show off your personality and likewise introduce your brand to new followers.

Find Your Brand Voice

Speaking of personality, one of the best ways to stand out via social media is to define your distinct brand voice. For example, it’s all the rage for many big box brands to take a sassy or otherwise sarcastic tone with their fans.

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Promote Your Social Channels

Don’t make the mistake of confining your social presence solely to social media. Some additional places and you can hype up your profiles include:

  • Your email newsletter, footers and signatures
  • Your site headers and footers
  • Cross-promotion between social sites (think: promoting your YouTube channel on Twitter)
  • In-person via signage and business cards

Monitor Your Social Presence for Growth

To guarantee that you get in front of as many customers as possible, monitoring your growth is a major must-do. With Sprout, social reports can clue you in on everything from your top-performing content to how engaged your audience is. These reports are crucial for accountability and guaranteeing your numbers continue to tick upward.

What are The Five Elements of The Social Marketing Process?

The process of developing a social media marketing basics program involves research at every stage, with constant reevaluation to assess whether the program is on track. This process consists of five general stages, each of which involves several different types of activities: 

  • Planning
  • Message and materials development
  • Pretesting
  • Implementation
  • Evaluation and feedback

Read also: 5 Reasons Why You Should Care about Social Commerce

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This social media marketing checklist template represents a roadmap for businesses looking to start their presence from scratch. While all of the trends and terminology might be jarring, chances are you have more than what it takes to master the basics.