how to price a painting to sell

How to price a painting to sell? Pricing artwork is one of the foremost complex tasks that emerging artists face, especially once they first begin to figure with galleries and begin to determine their art business. It’s easy to determine reading art business articles and books on art marketing that the opinions of the experts on the way to price your artwork vary. Let’s find out about price a painting to sell in Shopee and mass update Shopee painting here!

How Much Should I Charge for My Painting?

To make it even more complicated, these artists sometimes price with our emotions. Some artists overprice their ad order to impress viewers, hoping to make the artwork look more valuable. Sometimes this works, but usually only if the collector is naive or when the artwork is spectacular and gets the eye of significant collectors.

Putting emotions aside, let me share a straightforward formula that several of my professional artist friends have used when first setting out to sell their work. you continue to use this formula. Remember that the value of your artwork reflects your position and reputation within the art-selling world quite what your art sounds like.

If you’re relatively unknown to collectors and don’t have many credentials you actually can’t get the identical prices as artists who have won art competitions or shown in galleries.

When you’re first starting out, it’s a decent idea to create your work as affordable as you’ll be able to while having the ability to form atiny low profit. Don’t charge so little that you simply don’t reach. Remember that galleries often take a 50 percent commission from sales, so you’ll need to take that into consideration:

  • Multiply the painting’s width by its length to reach the overall size, in square inches. Multiply that number by a group dollar amount that’s appropriate for your reputation. You currently use $6 per sq in for work of art.
  • Calculate your cost of canvas and framing, then double that number. For example: A 16”-x-20” oil-on-linen landscape painting: 16” x 20” = 320 square inches. you price my canvas at $6 per area unit. 320 x 6 = $1,920.00, and you round this all the way down to $1,900. My frame, canvas and materials cost me $150.00 (I buy framing wholesale). You double this cost so you’ll savvy all back when the painting sells at the gallery. Otherwise, I’m subsidising the collector by giving him or her the frame free. $150 x 2 = $300.
  • Then you set it all together: $1,900 + $300 = $2,200 (the retail price). When the painting sells from a gallery, my cut after the 50 percent commission is paid involves $950 for the painting and $150 for the framing, for a complete of $1,100.
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Do’s and Don’ts When Pricing a Painting to Sell

How to buy wholesale in Shopee? Set the worth too low and you’ll leave money on the table, set the value too high and your artwork could start stacking up in your studio.

How does one find that middle ground, that sweet spot? Have compiled 2 important do’s and don’ts for pricing your art to assist ensure your work finds a deserving home and you get the salary you deserve!

DO: Research the Prices of Comparable Artists

How much do similar artists charge for his or her work? Thoroughly researching your market will offer you a much better idea of the way to price your art. Consider other artists’ work that’s comparable in vogue, medium, colour, size, etc. Also observe those artists’ accomplishments, experience, geographic location, and production rate.

Then search online, or visit galleries and open studios and see their art face to face. Learn what those artists charge and why yet what price sells and what doesn’t. This information will be a superb gauge to assist ensure your pricing is within the right ballpark.

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DO: Keep the Same Price For Your Studio and Galleries

If you’re thinking of selling work from your studio at lower prices than your gallery, reconsider. Galleries put time and energy into their sales and customarily aren’t happy to find out you’ve been selling work for lots less. Take it from art business coach Alyson Stanfield, they’re going to drop you a hot frypan.

What’s more, other galleries could find out about this and be less inclined to figure with you. ensure you’ve got set prices that are generally the identical for your studio and your galleries. That way people should purchase your beautiful work from either place, and you’ll maintain a positive relationship along with your galleries.

DON’T: Undersell Your Work or Yourself

Misleading discount Shopee? Creating art is time consuming and plenty of materials may be expensive. give some thought to an affordable hourly wage and also the cost of materials when pricing your art that has framing and shipping, if applicable.

The US Dept. of Labour lists the common hourly wage for a fine artist as $24.58. Use this to assist your estimate. Your price should reflect the cash and time you set into creating your art.

DON’T: Let Emotions Get in the Way

Being happy with your work is wonderful, letting emotion impact your pricing isn’t. Pricing your work has to predominantly support its physical attributes and not on personal value.

Subjective qualities like emotional attachment are hard to elucidate to buyers. If there’s a chunk or two that are especially meaningful to you, consider keeping that employment off the market and in your private collection.

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How Can I Sell My Paintings in Shopee?

How to sell old paintings and can i sell my old paintings? Consistent pricing is vital for successful art sales. But, how does one put a price on your efforts and artwork? How does one choose a logical approach?

The best solution for several artists is to pick out a pricing formula that works well for your form and may be a good appropriate stage of your career. A formula can simplify your life, plus makes it easier to clarify your prices to potential buyers.

FORMULA 1: Square Inch × Dollar Amount

Shopee wholesale seller? Artist Daily contributor and professional artist, Lori Woodward multiplies the scale of her painting in square inches by an appropriate dollar amount. Art consultant Maria Brophy and her husband, artist Drew Brophy, use Lori’s technique to cost his work.

To get the square inches of a painting, multiply the width of the work by the length. Next, multiply this number by a dollar amount that produces sense for your reputation and credentials. Then round to the closest hundred.

Finally, double the value of your materials and add it to the square measure dollar amount. This accounts for the five hundred commission galleries usually want to sell your work. But, if you don’t sell from galleries, don’t account for gallery commission.

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FORMULA 2: (Hourly Wage × Hours Spent) + Cost of Materials

Your price should reflect the cash and time you set into creating it. This formula ensures you’re being procured each hour you’re employed and are covering the value of your materials. it’s an especially good formula for artists who are just starting out.

When choosing an hourly rate, look to work out what comparable artists are charging for his or her art. If you employ this formula and your price is far beyond theirs, consider lowering your hourly rate.

FORMULA 3:  (Height + Width) × Multiplier

Melissa Dinwiddie, an artist and author of the blog Living an Inspired Life, recommends linear inch pricing if you have got paintings of many different sizes. During a guest post for The Abundant Artist, she explains that it’s an honest approach because it’s very simple for buyers to know. sq in pricing may be confusing with a spread of sizes.

For instance, employing a multiplier of $2.50 per sq in, your smallest painting (4 × 4 inches) is $40 and your largest painting (32 × 32) are $2,560. That may be hard to clarify to a possible buyer and will put them off. Linear inch pricing may be a lot simpler to follow.

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How Can I Update Price in Shopee

How to set prices in Shopee? Yes, a seller can edit the worth of their listings anytime. Price of ordered products won’t be stricken by any changes made by the vendor.

However, Shopee aims to bring the simplest value to our users, sellers are advised to stick to listing your product pricing in an honest and modest manner to avoid misleading discounts and penalization towards your products.


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