how to manage your business online reputation ginee

Your online presence has a significant impact on how others perceive your company. Your brand’s online platform presence can literally make or break it. It requires you to know how to manage your business online reputation.

Others will know if they are pleased with your brand and your company. Others will be aware if they are dissatisfied with how you handle certain issues. There are numerous tips and tricks you can employ to effectively manage your online business reputation. Read more about managing your business online reputation below.

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What Is Reputation in Terms of Business?

Reputation is people’s perceptions of a business. Your online reputation is the first thing people notice about you. Same like managing your online presence when seeking a job, reputation in business is also important. Why is it important to manage your online reputation? 

People are becoming more understanding about business sales and marketing. Consumers are beginning to value other customers’ opinions and online reviews more than anything you have to say about your brand. Customers not only value online reviews, but they are willing to pay more for a service from a company with more positive feedback and ratings.

People will not simply send you an angry letter or write to the newspaper if they are dissatisfied with the way you conduct business. They will point out your flaws on social media, and before you know it, you will be dealing with a PR disaster.

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Because social media is essentially a giant echo chamber of people’s opinions, minor complaints can quickly escalate. Complaints can escalate into movements in a matter of hours for large or public-facing businesses.

When you do your business reputation management online, you ensure that your company appears credible and trustworthy in every interaction with a customer. Your online presence can have a significant impact on purchasing decisions. People are unlikely to give you a second chance if your brand image does not meet expectations the first time.

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How to Manage Your Business Online Reputation

Business reputation management is a very required operation for any business owner. Here is how to manage online reputation of your business.

Building a Reputation

How to maintain a good reputation in business? Obtaining a large number of positive reviews is the best way to establish a solid online reputation. Unfortunately, there are no shortcuts, as any business owner will tell you. Only happy customers leave positive reviews, so you must strive to provide excellent service.

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This, however, is only the first step of review and reputation management. Negative reviews are always uninvited and usually written by customers who want to vent their annoyances. In contrast, very few people will feel compelled to leave a positive review unless they are prompted to do so.

Customers’ feedback must be requested by business owners. There are several effective methods for accomplishing this:

  • The longer it has been since their visit, the less likely it is that they will leave a review. To combat this, set up a computer or tablet at your business specifically for people to leave comments on.
  • Companies that collect customer email addresses have a competitive advantage. A hotel owner, for example, could email guests after their stay and politely request a review.
  • Request a review from your customers at the point of sale. You could include a friendly reminder on the receipt, or you could provide a separate card with the necessary information. Many companies provide a small incentive in exchange for a review.
  • Request feedback from your social media followers. Be courteous because you’re essentially requesting a personal favor.

Responding to Criticism

Even the best-run businesses can receive negative feedback. Responding in a fair, polite, and apologetic manner, on the other hand, can have a positive impact on your online reputation.

One of reputation management strategy is to never respond to a negative review right away. Move your body away from the computer if necessary. It is tempting to respond angrily in the heat of the moment. However, this can have a negative impact on your company’s reputation, especially if the situation worsens.

A good response should be brief and polite, and it should include the following points:

  • A heartfelt “thank you” for their visit to your business, as well as an apology for their disappointing experience.
  • Give a direct response for each of their complaints. These should be polite and honest – if you believe the criticisms are unfounded, say so diplomatically.
  • A reason for the poor service. But, don’t use this as an opportunity to make excuses.
  • With your compliments, give an invitation to return.

A great reputation will naturally follow if you listen to customer complaints and correct your mistakes. In general, you should respond to every negative comment. If you suspect you’re being trolled, don’t respond. You can report an unfair review if you believe it was written about your business or about personal online reputation. 

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Monitoring Brand Mentions

Too often, when businesses do online reputation management, they do not realize their online reputation has been harmed until they have experienced a drop in revenue. You must always think about what is my online reputation. Negative reviews will not just appear in your inbox; you must actively monitor your own online brand mentions.

Fortunately, there are a variety of tools available to assist you in keeping track. The most popular is Google Alerts, but Social Mention, Topsy, and Tweet Alarm are also useful for brand reputation monitoring. Each service will search the internet for the keywords you specify, highlighting any new comments or reviews about your company.


Managing your online reputation does not have to be expensive, but it will take time and effort. Include reputation management in your next business plan update to show your business’s commitment to developing healthy customer relationships both online and in person.

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