There are two types of sellers online. Those who copy the product description Shopify app and those who write the product description themselves. The problem with the former is that you can have a Google search penalty placed against you. This is more of a risk if you have a large catalog of products, all with copied descriptions.

You may be interested in: What is the Importance of Meta Titles and Descriptions?

In addition, Shopify product description generator free might not be optimized for your audience, might be written in broken english or include branded content. This can affect the trust you have with customers.

The second way, writing it yourself, has a problem of not being salesy enough for customers to convert or your writing might be full of grammar/spelling mistakes.

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A Shopify product description app can help you overcome some of these issues making your advanced product descriptions Shopify descriptions better at converting audiences and improving revenues. 

There are numerous options to choose from, here is our list of the top 6 Shopify product description examples:

Product Description Writing

Offer more: Explore your products by providing exclusive handwritten explanations of goods that are so friendly. Does that make your goods stand out?

Product Description Generator: Expert Writers. Easier than any Description generator. Customers are looking for rich descriptions not bot written content.

Save money and time: Costs are a fraction of what you would normally pay for a traditional copywriter. Just select products and order. 

Your customers are looking for rich and detailed descriptions of your product. This content can be difficult to write and often requires an experienced content team. This can put a costly and time consuming strain on your business. 

Save time and money by ordering with us, you can quickly populate your store catalog without having to do it in house or hire expensive external content writers.

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The number one SEO mistake stores make is having a lack of product descriptions or using a manufacturer provided non unique description which makes search engines penalize your sites.

Related: 10+ Confirmed Reasons of How SEO Helps in Business

Advanced Product Descriptions

Increase SEO: Raise the SEO of product pages with content-rich, detailed product reviews made on site.

Unlimited parts: No limitations, build as many sections of the definition as required to accurately explain the product.

Customizable: All the design choices available to build detailed details that suit seamlessly with your style.

Advanced Product Descriptions is a best Shopify product description app designed to enhance your product pages, increase conversion rates, and improve SEO. Products are complex, and information is vital. Cramming all the product information into a single text area can be daunting to customers and ruin the aesthetics of your store. 

Advanced Product Descriptions allows you to create unlimited Shopify product description tabs and display them as an accordion, switchers, swipers and more.

Smart Product Descriptions

100,000+ Icons: Attractive symbol callouts catch beginning center, stir intrigue and urge customers to investigate the remainder of the item Shopify collapsible product description.

Highlight Key Features: Spotlight the offering purposes of the item to guarantee that the clients don’t pass up critical Shopify product description formatting that influences the buy decisions.

Product Pages That Sell: Transform dull and drilling item depictions into alluring data pages that energize the customers.

The setup is as easy as it can get. That put all the possible efforts to make it a seamless integration.

Open Shopify app store > Go to the Smart Product Description App > Click the Install app button. Afterward, reach the Smart Product Description App login dashboard.

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Add more detail to your product descriptions within your store. The Smart Product Descriptions app helps you do this through the effective adding of fields and more. You just have to say what information you want added to your store. In addition, you can customize the meta fields of your products to improve SEO content.

Product Descriptions That Sell

Builds Conversions: The application makes your item page sparkle and shows the fundamental highlights of your items forthright. It gives item information immediately and manufactures trust.

Speaks stronger than just words: Human eyes consistently follow illustrations before they take a gander at words. Advantage from this and show your items’ data as fast as possible.

Gives data right away: People normally don’t peruse long, exhausting item portrayals. Streamline their undertaking. Give a superior client encounter and get more deals.

The product page is one of the most important pages on your website responsible for sales and conversions. This app is designed for your product pages. It makes your product pages shine and helps your customers find the important details of your products upfront and instantly. Please see the demo & screenshots.

Epic Product Descriptions

Get more deals: Convert your valuable traffic into gainful deals with industry-demonstrated copywriting formulas.

Save your time: Use an organization of 300+ marketing specialists to convey quality depictions in 24 hours.

Stand out: Equip your store with one of a kind portrayals that even coldblooded Google Bots love.

Unique product descriptions are the secret to converting expensive traffic into profitable sales.

A well-crafted description is your product’s very own professional sales rep. It knows how to use your product’s every feature and benefit to inspire action and drive sales.

And just like a bad sales rep, a poor product description is a costly liability.

Picture this, you walk into a store to buy a product. You’re undecided, you have questions and doubts. But the sales rep doesn’t have the information or selling skills to reassure you. 

Without high-converting descriptions, you’re pouring money into a store with escalating bounce rates and shrinking profits.

Descrii, Description Generator

Proficient Grade: Product depiction yielded by Descrii are consistent like those composed by Human Copywriters and rich to feature significant features.

Dual Benefits: Descrii accompanies the double advantages. It makes snappy and important item depiction, which likewise incorporates high volume SEO keywords.

Quick Turnaround: Descrii is sufficiently brisk to Understand your item and spare your time from the chaotic cycle of creating item portrayal physically.


If you’re looking to make more sales from your current sales then you should look at your product descriptions. How they are written and presented make a significant difference to conversion rates and using Shopify product description apps can help you. 

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