Note: Package Review is only for orders with package outbound type
Select “Package Review”, you can scan the outbound order number or logistics number according to the input (Image 2), click “Confirm” and it will jump to image 3, use the PDA to scan the correct product SKU, then the page will show the SKU, quantity and logistics number.

If you scan wrong SKU, PDA will show an error notice “Scanned SKU is not match with current review SKU” (Image 4)

When the number of PDA scans reaches the outbound number, scanning will not be counted, and the final quantity will remain the same with the outbound quantity. If the quantity is not match, the PDA will show an error notice “Product Quantity Not Match” (Image 5), and the parcel review can only be completed if it matched.

If there are multiple SKUs in one package that need to be reviewed, click “Confirm” to automatically jump to the SKU scanning page (Image 3); when all SKUs are reviewed, click “Confirm”, and the page will display “Package Review Completed” (Image 6)

When the PDA has finished handling package out of the warehouse, the package review status in WMS order will be displayed in green. See screenshot below.