Product sales report table summarizes and analyzes the sales of products on all orders that are synchronized with Ginee by product name dimension

Supported platforms: All platforms.

Statistical period: Yesterday’s statistics are displayed by default, and users can override their own statistics period

Statistical rules: statistical time is based on the & nbsp; time of order creation, and the data in this report is real-time data.

Filter description:

1. You can filter according to your needs, click Search before applying your filter in search

2. You can view the description of each label and dimension statistics. View the description of the label by hovering your mouse over the label and clicking on the label description in the top right corner.

3. You can show and hide certain & nbsp; fields and order of settings, click the button specific fields to apply.

4. Support data report download, please set your own download time period, can do statistical data download up to 3 months.

5. Support to view detailed statistics, according to statistical results by product, support to view the sales status of each variant in one product

Label description:

Total ProductsTotal number of products contained in all orders, data that is duplicated according to shop + product name 
If two products of the same product are purchased at the same time in one order, the total number of products is 1
Valid OrdersLunas / Ready to Send / Being Sent / Arriving
Total SalesTotal number of products sold in valid orders 
If two products of the same product are purchased at the same time in one order, the total sales volume will be 2
Total Net IncomeTotal product sales (Subtotal) in a valid order, excluding shipping and other information
Total Valid BuyersThe total number of buyers in a valid order, the same buyer data will be made 1 according to the same cellphone number
Product nameThe name of the product that is on the order that is synced to Ginee
Store nameThe name of the shop where the product is located
Total OrdersOrders contains the total number of orders for the current product, regardless of the order status
Valid OrdersOrders contain current products with the status of Paid / Ready to Ship / Delivery / Delivered
Total SalesThe total number of products currently contained in a valid order
Sales (%)Current product sales account for a proportion of total sales
Net salesThe total product price currently in a valid order, excluding shipping and other information
Gross Sales (%)Percentage of current product sales of total sales
Total BuyersThe number of buyers included in all orders is duplicated according to the same mobile number
Valid BuyerThe total number of buyers included in a valid order, the same data will be made 1 according to the same cellphone number
Transactions Per CustomerNet Sales / Valid Buyers
Repurchase (%)The percentage of the number of orders> 1 to the total number of buyers
Return OrderOrders contains the number of orders with the current return status
Returns (%)Product return rate, total number of returns for current product / total number of orders for current product