Your items, shop name, delivering address, and all are prepared for your shop in Lazada Philippines. Presently there’s only one thing left to do and that is to enrich your Lazada shop. Fortunately, Lazada Lorikeet is the ideal device for you. It gives you the choices to adorn your shop by changing the Lazada store banner, Lazada poster or images size, and the sky’s the limit from there. 

These provisions help you in making your shop search useful for the clients. This may expand your deals just as the unwavering quality of your items. A decent appearance is consistently useful when attempting to get new clients to purchase from you. You may likewise alter your Lazada shop profile picture size, or utilize the Lazada flag maker. Finish setting up your Lazada store with Lazada Lorikeet now. 

Related: How to Upload Products in Lazada? 

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What is Lazada Lorikeet in Lazada Philippines and Benefits?

Lorikeet is an improvement apparatus that can assist you with making and embellishing your item depictions by making plans or utilizing one of our expertly made layouts. 

Item depictions improve the client experience by making your store look proficient and assisting you with selling your items. At the point when a potential client is perusing your items, they might have a couple of inquiries.

There are many benefits that come with Lazada Lorikeet, including but not limited to:

  • Give wonderful item depiction to make clients remaining longer 
  • Advance your items with point by point item data 
  • Separate yourself from contenders 
  • Compelling approach to impart items’ advantage 
  • Shop-proposal and shop-crusade highlights 
  • Carry more traffic and deals to your store

With the Lorikeet highlight on Lazada, you can improve your item portrayal, additionally, it can assist you with carrying more traffic and deals to your store, you can give this component a shot.

Where to Find Lorikeet?

There are 2 ways to find the Lazada Lorikeet Tool in the Philippines.

For New Products

Stage 1: Sign in to your Merchant Place and snap on “Items” > “Add Items”. 

Stage 2: On the Add Items page, whenever you’ve filled in the Fundamental Data area, the Definite Portrayal segment will appear. Under the Long Portrayal, you can pick Lorikeet. 

Stage 3: Pick your ideal layout and a spring up window will open and present the Lorikeet enhancement apparatus. You would now be able to begin planning your item portrayal.

For Existing Products

Stage 1: Sign in to your Dealer Community and snap on “Items” > “Oversee Items”. 

Stage 2: Quest for the particular SKU you need to alter and click “Activities” > “Alter subtleties”. Under the Nitty gritty Depiction area, you can pick Lorikeet. 

Stage 3: Pick your ideal layout and a spring up window will open and present the Lorikeet enhancement device. You would now be able to begin planning your item portrayal.

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How to Use Lazada Lorikeet Philippines? 

When selling in web-based stores, you might get more traffic on the off chance that you have an extraordinary planned depiction. Lorikeet is one of the most valuable apparatuses to build traffic on Lazada, you can utilize this instrument to brighten your item portrayal. With this apparatus, you can build traffic to your items and stores. 

Lorikeet is a beautification device for item portrayal, it can assist you with making and improving your item depictions by making plans or utilizing one of the expert made layouts.

Stage 1. You can get to lorikeet for your new adding items or existing items. Login to your Lazada Vender Center > Items > Add Items/Oversee Items, select Lorikeet in portrayal. 

Stage 2. Select your ideal lorikeet format, then, at that point, a spring up window will open and present the lorikeet embellishment instrument. You can plan your item depiction. 

Features of Lazada Lorikeet

There are a few provisions in Lorikeet you need to know, next I will clarify the elements exhaustively. 


It can assist you with changing the request for layers without any problem. For instance, assuming you need to send picture A to the front and picture C to the back, you can simply drag picture A above picture C in the layer. 

Module and Format 

With the modules and formats, you can make your own plans just by supplanting the pictures with your own pictures. You can utilize various modules. 

Enrichment Region 

This region shows the subtleties of your determination and empowers you to make further alters in the chosen module or format. 

Module component 

With this element, you can add more parts in the module like text and picture. At the point when you click on the module, this alternative will show up. You can likewise change the foundation tone and module tallness.

Want to Handle Lazada Stores Easily?

Ginee Philippines is an apparatus that helps you in your web based selling attempts with Lazada. Ginee has joined forces with Lazada and other enormous web based business sites and along these lines, you would now be able to deal with your stores across various stages in only one dashboard. 

In addition to the fact that this is advantageous, entirely dependable in light of the fact that Ginee’s ERP framework gives an approach to you to do similar activity on your items to every one of your shops in only one go. 

Ginee has highlights that can make your selling experience more useful. You can decide to duplicate postings starting with one shop then onto the next so without any problem. You may likewise decide to mass duplicate each of your items from one store to a lot more in only a couple of snaps. It is productive and bothersome. Pursue free for 7 days with Ginee now.

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