Learning how to sell online has become a great way to achieve success for your business. Through ecommerce, thousands, if not millions, of Filipinos have found monetary success through buying and selling on online ecommerce platforms like Lazada. So if you want to become the next big entrepreneur, mastering Lazada is the clear way to go.

Through platforms like Lazada, you can upload, sell, manage, and send your products to customers all over the Philippines. Starting and running a successful business has never been as easy.

Related: How to sell products on Lazada.

Why Should You Upload Products in Lazada?

As mentioned earlier, Lazada has become one of the largest and most popular ecommerce platforms in the Philippines. So if you are starting out as an online seller or even if you’re seasoned, Lazada might just be the right place for you. Countless transactions happen on the site constantly so you really don’t want to miss out. 

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Requirements to Start Listing Products

A product page is the location where clients can find all of the pertinent information about a particular product. When creating the product page, it is critical to address any questions that your customers may have regarding the product in order to assist them in making an informed decision before making a purchase. Make sure you have all of the information listed below at your disposal:

How to Upload Products in the Lazada Seller Center?

There are many different ways to upload your products in the Lazada Seller Center. You can do it via the website, and you can do it via the Lazada App. 

Via Desktop

Log in to your Seller Center account if you have one. Then select Products > Add Products from the drop-down menu. Fill up the Product Name area with the title of the product.

Choose the most appropriate category from the Category Suggestions. You can also choose manually from the Category drop-down menu. Please fill out the Brand field in the Product Attributes section of the form. In addition, we urge that you complete the ‘KEY’ attributes.

Add your product highlights in a bullet-point format to your product page. The highlight should be based on the primary selling aspects of your product. In the Long Description, you should go over the specifics of your product. We recommend that you include a minimum of 50 words as well as at least one image. If you’re working in Text Editor mode, don’t forget to hit the Apply button after you’ve completed the Long Description.

What’s in the Box should notify customers about what they will receive when they purchase an item, such as accessories, a headset, or just the product.. The following is the recommended format: 1 x item name>.

Via Lazada App

Launch the Seller Center application and select “Add Products”. Complete the Product Name and Category fields. During the course of entering your Product Name, Category Suggestions will appear, providing ideas based on keywords contained in your product name. You must first select a category in which to list your product. 

You have the option of selecting from one of the suggested categories or clicking on “To travel around the category tree, select “Category.” Fill out the Product Specifications form. Choose the brand and model of the item you want to purchase (if brand is not added yet, you can request to add it by clicking “Create Brand”).

When viewing the section in its usual mode, you will only see mandatory attributes in this part such as the Brand, Short Description (in which you should provide at least three product highlights), Video URL, and so on. To begin, simply click on “Alternatively, click “More Product Details” to see the whole list of qualities and to enter more attributes to increase your product’s searchability. 

This section includes more descriptive characteristics about the product, such as (i.e.g Dress Type, Collar Type, Pattern, Clothing Material, Dress Length, Season and etc.). Fill out the necessary information about yourself. Other elements, such as video URL, warranty details, return policy, what’s in the box, package dimensions, and so on must be completed.

Now to handle Seller Product Variations. Complete the Variations section. Colors can be selected, photos can be uploaded, and color and size variations can be created. Complete the remaining fields that are required. SKU, quantity, and price are provided by the seller. Once you have completed creating variations, you will see SKUs (Color and Size) that have been generated depending on the sizes and colors that you selected. 

Consider the following example: if you choose two colors and three sizes, the SKU table will generate six SKUs. By clicking on the arrow down button, you will be able to see the remaining fields that need to be filled out. The “Copy the last SKU information” button allows you to copy the information you entered on the last SKU to a new SKU.

Once all that is done, one tip to further improve your product uploading game on Lazada, is to use the Lazada Lorikeet tool. Basically it is a decoration tool that will help improve and curate your product descriptions using professional templates.

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Things to Remember

When assigning a category to your product, place it in the deepest category possible in order to improve searchable results. Include as many product attributes as possible to reduce the number of questions from customers. Furthermore, products with complete qualities are twice as likely as products with incomplete attributes to be discovered.  

Include one-of-a-kind photographs of your goods. • Double-check that you have entered the correct product and package dimensions because this will also affect the shipping charge. Include at least three products or SKUs in your upload. If you meet the requirements, you will be eligible to use Seller Picks, a tool that will assist you in increasing your visibility on Lazada.

Start Selling in Lazada with Ginee

Starting to sell on Lazada can be terrifying, which is why you’ll want the assistance of Ginee Philippines. Ginee offers many easy-to-use and industry-leading tools for managing your online business. On a dashboard, you’ll be able to keep track of everything in one place while also tracking your success across all of your stores.

You can check out the features for yourself by signing up for free. Ginee is a great place to start selling online if you’ve never done it before. You’ve got nothing to lose. Now is the time to sign up and start selling on the internet!

Upload Products to Shopee and Lazada Automatically! How?

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