Search Ads on Shopee help your business grow by putting your products in places where a lot of people can see them. Shopee’s Product Search Ads help your products get known in a cluster of the same types of other products, which will drive more customers to your shop afterwards. This is also beneficial to customers because it helps them identify which products belong to what category, or which stores sell these specific products.

Search Ads on Shopee has two different inclusions first is the Shopee Keyword Ads where you can bid on certain keywords and your customers can find your products when they search those keywords. Another one is the Shopee Shop Ads, these ads allow your items to be on the forefront of Shopee homepages so that they are easier to find and have much more visibility which is always a good thing for a business. 

What are Search Ads in Shopee Philippines?

Shopee search advertising assists shoppers in finding and purchasing your products by displaying advertisements in prominent positions on the search results page. When buyers conduct a search using terms that are similar to your ads, your advertisements display on the search results page. 

These move your product to the top of the search results page, let you to reach buyers who are searching for terms related to your goods, and allow you to create a budget and determine how much you pay per click.

See also: Using Discovery Ads in Shopee Philippines to Boost Your Sales

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How to Set Up Search Ads in Shopee Philippines?

It is critical to choose the appropriate products to advertise in accordance with your business objectives. Place a strong emphasis on your best-selling products with strong monthly sales performance, as well as products with strong sales potential, such as promotional products. 

Concentrate on products that are in high demand, particularly those with a high organic profit margin. Select new items in order to increase their exposure and determine their market potential.

Setting the Budget

Before you publish your Product Search Ads, you can specify a budget and a time frame for the ads to run. The default budget and time limits are set to “No Limit” and “No Time Limit,” respectively. Remember the following reminders: 

  • For each advertisement, you have the option to “Set Budget” and “Set Start/End Date.” 
  • If you select “Set Budget,” your advertisement will cease to run once your budget has been depleted. 
  • The bare minimum daily budget necessary is twenty pesos. 
  • 200 is the very minimum total budget that must be allocated.

Setting the Keywords

There are two different types of keywords that you can set for Search Ads. You can choose between Automatically Selected Keywords, and Manually Selected Keywords. Each is useful on its own depending on what is more suited for your shop’s needs as of the moment. 

Shopee will select keywords that are related to your goods and optimize them for you if you use Auto-Selected Keywords (see below). Utilize this setting if you wish to set up and maintain your advertising with the least amount of effort and time commitment possible, or if you are unsure about how to select keywords.

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Note that if you are creating new Product Search Ads through the Shopee app, this setting will be immediately toggled on by the application. Please log into your Seller Center using a web browser if you want to turn it off or manually set keywords.

Advanced users, or those who like to have their ads show at the very top of the search results for specific terms, can customize their ads by selecting their own keywords and setting their own bid values for their ads. For keywords, you can select from a variety of different match types.

Buyers who search for relevant versions of your keywords will see your ad on the search results page, even if their searches do not contain any of your keywords. The only time your ad will appear is when a shopper searches for the particular keyword for which you have bid.

You will need to set a bid price for every topic that you will pick. Here are the things to keep in mind when selecting a bid price for your keywords:

  • Your ad ranking will be determined by the quality score and bid price you receive.
  • The quality score is determined by a number of factors, including your store rating, the number of sales, reviews, and the name of your item.
  • The higher your quality score, the lower the amount of money you will have to bid for your ad in order to get it into the first few slots.
  • If you choose the suggested bid amount, you may be assured that your ad will appear in the first few pages of search results.
  • The recommended bid price for Broad Match is 20 percent higher than the proposed bid price for Exact Match.
  • Even after your Product Search Ads have gone live, you can still make changes to your bid price.

Related Article: What are Shopee My Ads Philippines?

Maximize your Reach with Ginee Ads

Mastering how to use product listing ads or just knowing what’s a good shopping ads example is really only the first step in improving your store’s market reach. Beyond just searching on Google Shopping Ads example or working to showcase shopping ads  online, you need to do as much as you can, as efficiently as you can, to integrate smart shopping campaigns into your market strategy. Luckily, Ginee Ads can help you to do that and more!

Ginee Ads is Southeast Asia’s leading digital marketing platform for ecommerce. As such, Ginee has extensive experience in providing for their clients effective 360 degree marketing services that can easily and effectively help clients increase their store’s online presence. This could be exactly what your store needs to grow. So go ahead and consult with Ginee Ads today!

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