pricing strategy business plan ginee

If you price your offer too low, you will lose money. If you overprice it, you may lose sales that could have made your year. Finding the best price entails deciding on a pricing strategy that is appropriate for your company’s situation. The following article explains pricing strategy business plan and its importance.

Read also: Top 5 Business Strategy Examples to Increase Sales Faster

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Why Determining Pricing Strategy Is Important for Business?

A business plan is a written document that details a company’s core business practices, such as products and services offered, marketing, financial planning and budgeting, and pricing strategy. This business plan can be very detailed, outlining every aspect of the company. For start-ups that want to be as agile as possible, it can be very short and lean.

This plan can be used for both external investors and relationships as well as internal purposes. Internally, a business plan can be useful because it ensures that all decision makers are on the same page about the most important aspects of the business.

Read also: 5 Top Elements of a Business Plan That Determines Success

A business plan can be long and detailed or short and lean, but it should always have a clear vision for how pricing will be handled. A pricing strategy marketing ultimately determines the profit margin of your product or service as well as the amount of revenue generated by the company. Pricing is also very important, according to extensive research of consulting firms. 

A 1% increase in price can result in an 8% increase in profit margin. That is a prime business plan pricing strategy example of how minor changes can have a significant impact!

Each business plan should clearly include a section on pricing strategies. The level of detail and complexity in this pricing strategy should be determined by each individual business and the challenges in the business environment. But businesses should consider some factors when developing their pricing strategy.

Pricing Strategy Business Plan

When making a marketing plan in business plan, you also need to consider pricing strategy marketing plan. Choose the most suitable marketing plan price. There are a lot of marketing plan pricing strategy examples available on the internet which can be used as a reference. Here are pricing strategies for business plan.

Price Skimming

Skimming is the practice of initially charging a high price for a product and then gradually lowering the price as more competitors enter the market. This type of pricing strategy for new business is ideal for companies entering emerging markets. 

It allows businesses to capitalize on early adopters and then undercut future competitors as they enter an already-developed market. A successful skimming strategy is heavily dependent on the market you want to enter.

Pricing for Market Penetration

Pricing for market penetration is the inverse of price skimming. Instead of starting with a high price and gradually lowering it, you take over a market by undercutting your competitors. When you have a solid customer base, you can raise your prices. Netflix is an example of penetration pricing: it enters the market at a low price and gradually raises prices.

Many factors go into deciding on this strategy, such as your company’s ability to take losses upfront in order to establish a strong footing in a market. It is also critical to cultivate a loyal customer base, which may necessitate additional marketing and branding strategies.

Premium Pricing

Premium pricing is reserved for businesses that create high-quality products and market them to rich consumers. The key to this pricing strategy is to create a high-quality product that customers will regard as valuable. To appeal to the right type of consumer, you’ll most likely need to develop a “luxury” or “lifestyle” branding strategy. There are numerous instances of premium pricing strategies, such as Nike, Rolex, and Tesla.

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Economy Pricing

An economy pricing strategy focuses on customers who want to save as much money as possible on the product or service they’re buying. Big-box retailers such as Walmart and Shopify are prime business plan pricing examples of economy pricing models. 

For example, Shopify distinguishes itself through the features it offers users and the prices it charges for them. Customers can choose from three thoughtfully priced versions of their product, each with a number of customizable and flexible features. Adopting an economy pricing model, like premium pricing, is determined by your overhead costs and the overall value of your product.

Pricing for Bundles

Bundle pricing occurs when a company groups several products together and sells them for less money than they would individually. Product mix pricing strategies are an effective way to move a large amount of inventory quickly. Profits on low-value items outweigh losses on high-value items included in a bundle in a successful bundle pricing strategy. 

Pricing Based on Value

Premium pricing is similar to value-based pricing. A company’s pricing in this model is based on how much the customer believes the product is worth. This pricing model is best suited to merchants who sell unique products rather than commodities.

How do you know how much a customer thinks a product is worth? It’s difficult to get an exact price, but you can use marketing techniques to understand the customer’s point of view. During the product development phase, collect customer feedback or hold a focus group. Investing in your brand can also assist you in increasing the “perceived value” of your product.

Dynamic Pricing

Dynamic pricing allows you to adjust the price of your products based on market demand at any time. The surge pricing implemented by Uber is an excellent pricing example business plan of dynamic pricing. 

A customary pricing example of Uber during low seasons can be a very cost-effective option. However, if a rainstorm hits during morning rush hour, the price of an Uber will skyrocket due to increased demand. Pricing strategy for small business can also do this, depending on seasonal demand for your product or service.


Pricing strategies must be included in your business plan. Having a clear vision for how you will price your products and services allows you to maximize profit margins and revenue. 

Join Ginee Philippines!

Planing for a pricing strategy is important in business because you can determine your own product/service prices, reach your target, and increase sales if your target is suitable. That is why you need tips to make a pricing strategy, using those that Ginee has mentioned above.

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