Becoming an entrepreneur applies to anyone who has the desire to regardless of what their current job is. Whether you are a full-time housewife, a college student, or an employee with eight to five jobs, starting a business is always possible if you put your mind to it. Here are some micro business examples in Philippines you can do without ditching the stability you currently own. So if you are looking to become an entrepreneur, this article is for you.
Read also: How to Start a Small Online Business in the Philippines?
What Is an Example of Micro Business in the Philippines?
Now before we start, you need to know what a micro business is. Microbusiness or also known as a microenterprise is a small business run with minimum capital and workers. Usually, they specialize in selling products and services while settling in the local community.
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Want to know what is a micro business example in Philippines? There are plenty of it, for example:

The independent contractors usually work alone starting from managing taxes, looking for new clients, maintaining contracts for each project, and fulfilling any other administrative tasks. The freelance careers often include skills such as:
- Writing.
- Editing.
- Consulting.

The independent contractors partner up with a few fellow construction professionals and complete the job of woodworking, installation, or even building projects for clients who need such services. Sometimes this job will also hire one administrative employee who will deal with the administrative task as the other collaborated in building, repairing, and installing clients’ frameworks.
Street Vendors

Have you ever seen a food truck near your neighborhood or local park that is usually visited by people to enjoy the sunset? That’s also considered a micro-business because it is usually handled by one or two-person and this person is in charge of almost everything from taking customers’ orders, preparing food, and handling all of the financial transactions.
Independent Mechanics

If you are working with a small team of technicians and perform general Labor and technical duties for example diagnosing issues, maintaining tools and types of equipment, or fixing vehicles.
What Is Classed as a Micro Business?
You have seen a few examples of micro business in the Philippines—or generally. Now, what exactly makes a business considered a micro business? How do we classify a micro business from others? Here is the characteristic of a micro business you will love to learn of:
- The employee of a micro business usually had no more than 10 employees.
- Micro business capital or funding is usually less than PHP 3,000,000.
- Often home-based or only carried out on a part-time basis.
- May also be registered in the Philippines as a Barangay Micro Business Enterprise (BMBE) under Republic Act 9178 and legitimate to enjoy some privileges such as exemption of income tax and priority to government support in finance, technical, marketing, as well as knowledge.
To start a micro business plan here is what you should do:
- Establish a mission and vision statement as the foundation of your company.
- Have a clear and detailed business canvas model.
- Record your finance funding in detail.
- Plan out your marketing strategy.
- Make research and testify about your products.
4 Micro Business Ideas Integrated with Ginee
Interested to start your micro and small enterprises in the Philippines right now? You may want to start one where you can get it integrated with Ginee so you will have an easier life as a business owner. Here are some micro business ideas you can try:
Blogging and Publishing

Is writing one of your passions? If your answer is yes, you can try to become a blogger and start writing and posting it so the public can see. You can check what’s on today’s trend for your blog’s topic by using Google Trends and Google AdWords.
Do You Want to Manage Multiple Marketplace Just by Single Person?
Of course you can! You can handle multiple stores from all marketplace just by single dashboard. Cut your Business’s cost, and Boost your Efficiency at the same time.
Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing has become one of the most popular jobs recently. Many marketplaces offer their users to be part of their affiliate members. In affiliate marketing, all you have to do is promote business through a link and every time there’s a purchase made through the link you sent, you will gain incentives. More or less like a referral.
Read also: 7 Affiliate Marketing Philippines You Can Try Now!
Culinary Business

One of the micro business ideas you can try is by selling food. You can open a small food kiosk or food truck. You can even sell foods online through a marketplace like Shopee. We have listed some food ideas to sell in Shopee on our blog that you can check if you are interested.
Fashion Business

You can also start a micro fashion business by reselling a ready to wear apparel and accessories. If you are choosing this type of business, you can get a chance to try by becoming a reseller or doing dropship. Another option is by starting a thrift shop which is also an option.
Read also: 8 Reseller for Online Business Beneficial Tips for Beginners
No matter which kind of micro business you plan to do, you can always integrate it with Ginee. Until the day this article was written, Ginee was already used by more than 70,000 Southeast Asian entrepreneurs. Ginee also integrated with various big marketplace like Shopee, Lazada, and Shopify that allowing the business owners to manage their business all at once through one single dashboard.
You don’t have enough time to hassle around multiple platforms to reply to your customers? Well, you don’t have to worry because Ginee has the Chatbot features that will help your customer in real-time. What’s so special about Ginee Chatbot is that it can send and receive live video feedback, allowing merchants to avoid awkward situations.
Do you need a helping hand checking and updating your product stock at a few different marketplaces in one go? Leave it to Ginee Product and Stock Management where you can update stocks and manage your inventory across all of your online stores. You can also determine the progress of your sales with Ginee’s data analysis. If you wish to target the right audience for your campaign, you can rely on Ginee’s marketing strategy.
To sum everything up, Ginee Philippines is the assets of micro business that you will need to grow your business. Visit their page right now and claim the seven days trial where you can try each of Ginee’s amazing features and witness it boost your sales and grow your business. Selling is easy as long as you have Ginee.
Join Ginee Philippines!
Starting a micro business on your own may be hard, but not with Ginee! Ginee Philippines can help you manage your online stores in only a single dashboard. Because your can also manage your products, stocks, orders, promotions, chats, ads campaigns, and more. Join Ginee Philippines now freely!
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