Shopee continues to be a strong e-commerce platform player with a growing number of 500 million users in Southeast Asia. However, like any leading online marketplace, Shopee sellers are always facing relentless competition and price wars. To help Shopee sellers, Shopee allows sellers to boost their product. How to boost product in Shopee?

Shopee has introduced the Bumping function that may boost your product. Read more explanations below.

Related: Start Selling in Shopee Philippines

What Does It Mean By Boosting Or Bumping Product In Shopee?

The Bump product Shopee (or previously known as Boost) function lets you improve your product’s search ranking to increase the number of views and potential sales. 

Is the boost product in Shopee free? To boost product in Shopee cost nothing, in other words it is free without any charge. Bumping products are only available if you are a Shopee seller, so you need to know how to be a seller in Shopee. 

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What Does Boosting Or Bumping Do In Shopee?

By using this function, your product will be bumped to the top of its category’s search results under the Latest tab.

But before you bump your products, you need to know how to add product in Shopee. After adding a product in Shopee, you can bump your product. But you must make sure that your product is correct. 

You need to know how to delete product in Shopee if it is wrong, but instead of deleting, you can delist your product. Delist meaning in Shopee is to change your listing status from Live to Unlisted, allowing you to hide a listing temporarily without losing its information and customer reviews. 

See also: How to Process Orders in Shopee?

How Many Products Can You Bump At Once In Shopee?

By default, every seller has 5 slots. You can Bump up to 5 products at any one time. 

Each product’s bumped search ranking will last for 4 hours. You can keep track of this using the countdown timer under the More dropdown menu.

After you’ve used a slot, you’ll need to wait 4 hours before you can re-use the same slot. This means that you can bump up to 5 products every 4 hours.

When you reach the slot limit, the Bump option will be disabled.

Related: Good Shopee Username for Better Shop Engagement

How To Bump Products In Shopee?

How to boost product in Shopee Philippines? Follow these steps to bump your products in Shopee.

On Shopee App

  1. To Bump a product on the Shopee App, go to My Products on the My Shop page. 
  2. Find the specific product that you want to improve search visibility for, and select Bump under the More dropdown menu.

On Seller Centre

  1. To Bump a product on Seller Centre, go to My Products via the Seller Centre sidebar menu.
  1. Find the specific product that you want to improve search visibility for, and select Bump under the More dropdown menu.
  1. Product will be bumped for 4 hours.

Tips To Sell In Shopee That Can Increase Sales 

Besides boosting your product, here are 3 tips on how to sell in Shopee that can increase your sales. 

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Use Product Search Ads

Product Search Ads can generate sales for your products from search results. When you use Product Search Ads, ads appear on the search results page when shoppers search using keywords that match your ads. 

The reasons you need to use Product Search Ads are to boost exposure by pushing your product to the top of the search results page, increase sales by reaching shoppers searching using keywords relevant to your product, and have full control of your ads by setting your budget and how much you pay per click. 

It is very easy to get started. First, select the product you want to advertise. Second, choose from a list of recommended keywords or set your own. Last, set a bid price for each keyword based on the highest price you are willing to pay per click. Why my product is not visible on Shopee ads? It may be caused by you spending all of the bid price. 

Use Shop Search Ads

By using Shop Search Ads, you can increase visibility of your shop and build your brand. Shoppers will see your Shop Search Ads on the search result. 

Your ads, showcasing your shop name and logo, will appear at the top of the search results page when shoppers search using keywords that match your ads. The next question is can I change my Shopee username? Yes, you can change it in the user setting. 

Shop Search Ads can increase your sales by direct shoppers to your shop for purchase after clicking your ad. It also grows awareness by showing your shop at the top of the search results page, and you have full control to set your budget and how much you pay per click. 

Shop Search Ads is open only to Mall sellers, Preferred sellers and selected sellers with good track record in sales and shop ratings. To get started, first choose from a list of recommended keywords or set your own. Then set a bid price for each keyword based on the highest price you are willing to pay per click.

Use Discovery Ads

The shoppers will see your Discovery Ads in Similar Products and You May Also Like. Ads appear in the product detail pages of similar products to capture a highly relevant audience. 

The ads also show in shoppers’s Daily Discover. Ads appear in Shopee homepage’s Daily Discover section to shoppers who have shown interest in similar products in the past 30 days. Moreover, you can join the Shopee campaign so you need to know how to join Shopee campaign first.

By using Discovery Ads, you can enhance exposure since it shows your  product in Shopee’s recommendation sections, increase sales by reaching shoppers with interest in your products, and have full control by setting your budget and how much you pay per click. 

You can get started in two easy steps. First, select the product you want to advertise. Second, set a bid price based on the highest price you are willing to pay per click. 


The above steps show how to boost in Shopee easily. But you can try another approach to increase your sales. It is by using Product Search Ads, Shop Search Ads, or Discovery Ads provided by Shopee. You can increase sales with full control on your budget and how much you pay per click. 

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