1, Stock SKU changed to Master SKU (Latest Stock Management)

Starting from March 25, 2021 in the latest version of Stock Management, the name “Stock SKU” is changed to “Master SKU”, Master SKU is the SKU of the Master Product variant.

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2, What is the Connection between Master Product and Stock Management?

(1) Manage Product Master integrations and channel integration history.

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In the Product Master list, channel products can be integrated. (note that the Master SKU will integrate directly into the channel variant without integrating the SKU platform). In stock Product Master and integrated product are used together. 

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This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is B-b绑定记录-1-1024x324.png

(2) Stock Management manages Product Master stock information

The Master SKU in Stock management is in the Master Product list.

After Master Product is created, Master Product Stock (warehouse stock, reserve stock, available stock, locked stock, promotion stock, safety stock), Stock change record will be managed in Stock management.

Product bundles will only be in the Master Product list and will not be present in Stock Management.