Using Discovery Ads to increase Shopee Sales is a good tactic that you can employ in order to be good at what you do. Discovery Ads appear on people’s home pages on Shopee when they are scrolling through products that are similar to yours. This allows your products to gain engagement through people who are always on the lookout for new products to buy on Shopee.

Discovery Ads, from the word itself, “discovery” are meant to be found on Shopee web pages that appear to be out of the blue. What this looks like is pages that suggest or recommend to consumers found in “Similar Products” or “Recommended For You”. These are important to know because this helps you identify how you want your products and shop to be advertised in Shopee using Shopee My Ads

Given all of that, this article intends to answer your questions and concerns on Shopee ads like “What is Shopee ads”, “How to remove Shopee ads”, “What Shopee ads cost” and “how Shopee ads on Facebook look like.”

What are Discovery Ads on Shopee?

Advertising your products in numerous sections of the Shopee platform to shoppers who are interested in products comparable to or complementary to yours is made possible through targeting ads. 

Shoppers who are interested in products that are comparable or complementary to yours will see your products in numerous sections of the Shopee platform when they click on Discovery Ads. Discovery Ads will appear on the homepage of Daily Discovery, as well as on related product detail pages. Similar Products and You May Also Like ads will appear on relevant product detail pages.

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3 Sections of Discovery Ads on Shopee

Discovery Ads on Shopee has 3 different sections that you should take note of. Each section caters to different needs and showcases different types of appearances on the Shopee Ads. Below are the three sections that can be found under the banner of Shopee’s Targeting Ads. 

Similar Products

On a relevant product detail page, targeting ads are displayed for that item in the first and second spots of the Similar Products section, and then every fifth position after that.

You May Also Like

During the first 30 seconds, up to five targeting advertisements will appear. places on a relevant product detail page may be of interest to you as well Depending on how well the ad is performing, the exact placement of the advertisement may vary.

Daily Discover

Depending on the number of Daily Discover places available on Shopee’s homepage, up to 15 targeting advertisements may be shown. Depending on how well the ad is performing, the exact placement of the advertisement may vary.

How to Set Up Discovery Ads on Shopee

Setting up Discovery Ads in the Seller Centre is not that difficult. You can navigate through it in the marketing centre. 

Step 1: Marketing Centre

In the Marketing Centre of the Seller Centre, you can find “Shopee Ads” and you must click it so you will be redirected to the ads section of Shopee. 

Step 2: Create Ads

Once you are in the ads page, you will see the “+ Create New Ads” button and you must make use of it in order to create a new ad. This will give you the options to create the Discovery Ads for your shop and products. 

Step 3: Discovery Ads

Once you see the option that pops out you need to click “Discovery Ads” on your screen instead of Search Ads. The two are different in purpose, and for these specific ads, you need to click the Discovery one. Note that this will be different from Product Search Ads or Keyword ads Shopee provides.

Step 4: Add Products

Once you click Discovery Ads, you will notice the button that says “+ Add Products” and you should click that button in order to have the option to add the products that you want to advertise on Shopee Discovery Ads. 

Step 5: Publishing the Ad

Afterwards, once you have your products chosen and selected for the Discovery Ads, you need to click the “Publish” button on the lower right corner of the screen. This will allow your ads to now be put on Discovery Pages and other sections under the Discovery Ads category of Shopee Philippines. 

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Benefits of Using Discovery Ads on Shopee

There are many benefits that come with using Discovery Ads on Shopee.

 Here are the 3 main benefits that you can have if you use Discovery Ads on Shopee:

  • Increase your store and product exposure: Demonstrate your product in Shopee’s recommended products areas.
  • Grow your sales in Shopee: Reach out to shoppers who are already interested in your products.
  • Have control over your own PPC budget: Decide on a budget and how much you want to pay each click.

Ginee Ads to Further Increase Online Presence

Taking advantage of the features part of Shopee advertisement Philippines can very easily help your online store generate more exposure and more revenue. After all, in order to get people to buy your products you first need to get them in your store. Aside from knowing the differences between the  keyword ads vs targeting ads Shopee offers, another way to optimize your Shopee advertising strategy is to consult with Ginee Philippines

Ginee Ads is the leading online marketing platform available in the region of Southeast Asia. With extensive experience in 360 degree digital marketing services, Ginee Ads can very effectively develop your market presence with ease. So what are you waiting for? Sign up and consult with Ginee ads and step up your marketing gaming in no time. 

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