Depending on your return policy, you may need to make returns for consumers in order to allow them to return purchased things and receive a reimbursement for their money. If you refund orders in a timely and efficient manner, you demonstrate your dedication to customer care and may even inspire customers to place additional orders.

Using your Shopify admin, you can generate and manage your returns, communicate with your customers by sending shipping instructions and return labels, tracking returned items, inspecting and restocking things, and issuing refunds to your consumers.

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Creating a Return for an Order

You can create a return for an order to assist in the management of things that a customer wishes to return to you. Following the creation of a return, you can email any return shipment details to your customer and track the return’s progress. Use the Orders page to keep track of all of your returns by filtering them based on the state of the return.

After you have received and inspected the returned items, you can offer a refund and resupply any items that were not returned in their original condition. Create a return from an existing order that has at least one fulfilled line item that has not yet been returned in order to receive a refund. It is preferable to refund and restock the order in the event that none of the line goods have been fulfilled.

  • Log into your Shopify admin and select Orders.
  • Select the order for which you wish to receive a refund.
  • Return the items to the list by clicking on them.
  • Enter the number of items in the order that are being returned, followed by a colon.
  • Return shipping choices are listed below. Choose one of the following alternatives from the drop-down menu.

If you want to generate a return shipping label for your customer, select Create return label. This option is only available if your principal location and the shipping address for your customers are both in the United States.

To upload an existing return shipping label for your customer, select Upload return label from the drop-down menu. Upload the PDF or JPEG file containing your shipping label to the Add return label page on the website. If you know the tracking number and shipping carrier, you can input them in the appropriate fields. No return shipping is selected to create a return that does not include any return shipping information.

Create a return by clicking on the Create return button. If you select to make a return label, you will be prompted to complete the process of creating and sending the label. For more information, see the section on Creating and mailing return labels.

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Refunding an Order

The option to replenish the items and send an email message to the buyer is available as part of the refund procedure. If there is no payment to refund, you may choose to replenish the items from the original order.

  • You have the option of issuing a full refund for all of the items in an order.
  • Orders can be seen in your Shopify administration.
  • Select the order for which you wish to receive a refund.
  • To request a refund, select Refund.
  • Enter the number of goods from the order that will be refunded in the box provided.

The amount of the refund total, not the amount of the entire amount available for reimbursement, is updated, less any shipping charges. To charge your customer a restocking fee, you can manually adjust the refund total in the same way you would edit the order total. You can also include a reimbursement for any shipping costs that were incurred.

Optional: In the Shipping area, enter the amount of shipping that you would want to receive a refund for. Restocking products should be unchecked if you have delivered the items but your customer has not yet returned them to you. This checkbox is only displayed if you are keeping track of the inventory for the items that are included in the order.

Optional: Provide a justification for the return. You can uncheck the box if you do not want to send an email to your customer when you give a refund to them. A notification will be sent to the consumer. By default, this option is selected to be used.

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Restock an Order

If there is no payment to refund for an order, you can resupply the items without having to create a return or a refund for the items in question.

  • Log into your Shopify admin and select Orders.
  • Select the order that you want to replenish from the drop-down menu.
  • Select Restock from the drop-down menu.
  • Input the number of goods to be restocked in the order to restock.
  • Items can be restocked by selecting Restock items.

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Mark Order as Returned

Order completion occurs once you have created a return, received all of the items from the buyer, and issued a refund for the payment. If you opt to restock the items as part of the refund, the order will be cancelled automatically after the refund is processed. You can designate the order as returned once you have received the items back from the consumer, even if you did not resupply the items originally.

  • Log into your Shopify admin and select Orders.
  • Select the order that you want to indicate as returned by clicking on it.
  • Select Mark as returned from the drop-down menu.

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