With Shopee’s robust scale of online presence, there’s no doubt that Shopee is a preferred online marketplace especially for those who are newbies in online selling. However, just like any leading online marketplaces, Shopee sellers are always facing relentless competition and price wars. To help Shopee sellers, Shopee introduced the Shopee auto boost.

What Is Auto Boost In Shopee?

Shopee Boost is a marketing tool. Shopee booster products help you get more views about your product, but it has its limitations. To get a boost every 4 hours, you need to select up to 5 products. Shopee will display these products at the top of the corresponding category page. 

Also, you often get tired of monitoring or forget to boost because you have to manually increase each product every four hours.

Using the Auto-Boost feature means you don’t need to go to Shopee Seller Center to manually click Boost Now by yourself every 4 hours. 

Related Article: How Shopee Makes Money

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How Do I Boost My Shopee Products Automatically?

How to boost Shopee product automatically? Here are some tools to help you boost your Shopee product automatically.

Using Unicart Business Gold Plus Plan

  1. Navigate to your Unicart Admin Panel, Marketplaces, and Shopee Auto Boost.
  2. All Shopee synced products will be shown, and you may add the product where you wish to boost in the Shopee seller center into the Boost List.
  1. Navigate to the Boost List tab, the product status will then be shown in “Boosting” and there will be a countdown time of 4 hours. You can boost up to 5 products every 4 hours. However, you may add more than 5 products to the Boost List and the product will be in the queue to be boosted.

Using BigSeller

  1. Go to Products > Shopee > Boost Management
  1. You will be redirected to the following page, then select one store and Click Edit.
  1. Click + Add Product > select the product(s), 30 products at most, and click Confirm > Click Save. After that, the system will start auto-boosting your selected products within ten minutes according to the order of the products and boost 5 products in each turn.
  1. If you want to pin products to be boosted, you can click the ‘Pin boosting’ button, then this product will always be boosted until you unpin its boosting (click the ‘Unpin boosting’ button). If you pin 5 products to be boosted, then the products in the Waiting list will not be boosted.

How Do I Increase My Page Views On Shopee?

How to boost product in Shopee? To increase your page views and boost product on Shopee, follow these steps.

Click “My Shop”

To boost a product, open your Shopee Seller Center by clicking on “My Shop”.

Click “My Products”

Then on the side bar menu, click on the “My Products”. In this page you also can see how to add product in Shopee. 

Click “More” then Click “Boost”

Find the specific products you want to boost. Under the “Options” column, click “More” to open the dropdown menu. Click on “Boost Now” and get more views on that particular product. 

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How Do I Increase My Shopee Conversion Rate?

Here are a few tips to increase Shopee conversion rate.

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Improve Product Descriptions

The downside of online shopping is the lack of concreteness. For this reason, 81% of shoppers look up products online before making a purchase. [*] 

Treats the characteristics of the product as a selling point. Emphasize all the good points and let the buyer know why you need your product and why you should choose your product over other products. 

Ask yourself frequently asked questions about the product and include it in the description. In this way, you not only minimize regular product inquiries, but also build trust in your products and accelerate your purchasing decisions.

Use Bullet Points

The attention of online shoppers (or anyone these days) is short. The bullets are easy to read and warn of important information. Improves general readability. 

Include The Brand In The Title

Trust is very important when shopping online. In addition, there are thousands of fake replicas that are sold at cheaper prices. The brand gives trust and wins the trust of its customers. Trust leads to loyalty, and loyalty leads to continuous sales. 

Image Quality

Uploading professional product images from multiple perspectives demonstrates credibility and creates credibility. Give buyers an overview, not only reduce inquiries, but also encourage purchases.

Optimize Your Listings Using Keywords

Ranking in a very crowded market requires more than just better explanations and beautiful pictures. Yes, these can be important factors, but when everyone is trying to stand out, you need to use all your resources to stay on top. 

Shopee is also a search engine. And like Google, you need to optimize your list so that your product lands on the first page. Search engine optimization requires top keywords. 

Encourage Customer Reviews

Cheap online reviews are a reliable source of information about your product, boosting effective sales. It influences the purchase decision and makes 67%. 

Shopee or other online marketplaces prioritize customer satisfaction and can confirm it in reviews. Aim for a rating of at least 4.5. That way, Shopee will give you good seller performance. Good seller performance leads to product recommendations. 

Increase Outside Traffic Using Social Media

If everyone is optimizing their products within Shopee, what else can they do to gain an edge? The answer is outside traffic. 

Outside traffic is a website visit from outside Shopee. This includes customer referrals, social media, community campaigns, and even offline marketing. 

Increase your social media presence and direct your target group to your shop or specific product.

Use Automation

Automation can increase your productivity during sleep. It saves a lot of time, offers convenience, and above all, is cheap.

Is Shopee Auto Boost Safe?

With using the trusted tools to auto boost your Shopee product, it is totally safe. Since there is no Shopee boost function, you can do the boosting manually. But there are third-party tools available that can auto boost your products. There are many tools to auto boost Shopee like Unicart, BigSeller, or Split Dragon’s Shopee Autoboost Tool.  

Related: Things you need to know about Shopee Philippines


Shopee product boosting helps you get more views about your product, but it has its limitations. To get a boost every 4 hours, you need to select up to 5 products. Also, you often get tired of monitoring or forget to boost because you have to manually increase each product every four hours.

But there are third-party tools available that can auto boost your products. There are many tools to auto boost Shopee like Unicart, BigSeller, or Split Dragon’s Shopee Autoboost Tool.  

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