It’s no secret that the e-commerce market has become one of the largest and most important industries in our society today. Its development has revolutionized the way we do business and has led to countless Filipinos finding business success online. You might be wondering how you yourself can also take advantage of the growing e-commerce market. If you are, then one thing that can really put your store on top is to make your store stand out.
You might be wondering though what you can do to make your store stand out. Well one sure way to do so is by making sure your store is as attractive and as eye-catching as possible. By curating the way your store looks, you attract more consumers towards your store and away from your competitors. It’s a simple yet effective way to attract both customers and business prosperity.
This article will be focusing on Shopee’s native tool called “Shop Decoration” which you can use to help easily step up the visual appeal of your online store.
What is Shopee Shop Decoration?
To help merchants better attract customers, the Shopee Seller Centre provides the Shop Decoration tool. The tool enables you to design your shop homepage with various layouts and components so that you can build a striking and eye-catching storefront that highlights the goods your store offers.
It helps you to do more than just change one’s Shopee shop profile picture size, it allows you to edit many components of your store like the Shopee profile picture and the Shopee banner among many, many others. It also helps that for Shopee Decoration size, color, and other elements of your store becomes significantly easier for you to curate.
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Shop Decoration Premium
While the tool Shopee provides is available to all Shopee merchants for free, the platform also offers to selected sellers a more advanced version of the tool for those who really want to thoroughly curate our store. This is where the Shopee Shop Decoration Premium comes into play.
The two versions share many of the same capabilities and components like the Shopee banner creator however this Premium version offers several more advanced features that the basic version lacks. These features give more freedom and flexibility to the user through things like the ability to manipulate Shopee decoration size and to better make use of a Shopee decoration template.
Why get Shop Decoration Premium?
So to go over the differences between the basic and premium versions of Shop Decoration on Shopee, we can look at the features of the premium version.
Sellers can highlight a certain product or a brand focus with this tool. The system also allows them the ability to promote a larger variety of items. For example, A single picture could display a wide range of your devices. You can create a list of gadget products and link to a single image The Single Image component is ideal for showcasing new or best-selling products, as well as your shop’s specials and unique offerings.
Multiple Click Areas
This tool allows sellers to increase their conversion rates by linking to many pages within a single picture. Having the ability to display many categories and/or multiple products in a single image makes it possible to feature them all.
Text-Category Lists
Your most popular categories can be displayed in a list format using this tool. Images no longer need to be published one at a time, because the posting of categories becomes a lot simpler. This arrangement is especially popular with customers because they can view all the categories at once.
Hiding The Title And Margin
This premium customization feature allows merchants to hide the title and bottom margin of the content on their store. This is advantageous because it allows your store to have more cohesive and more seamless image designs.
Multiple Adjustment Options For Carousel Height
The Shopee Carousel is available to both the basic and premium version of Shop Decoration. The difference though is that on the basic mode you have to make sure your product images fit a standard size requirement. While on the premium version you can use various height ranges in order to make your Shopee carousel size significantly more visually appealing.
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How to use Shop Decoration Premium?
So now that you’ve gone over the different advantages of using Shop Decoration premium, you might be wondering how you can use it to your online store’s advantage. But before answering that question, you first need to note that this feature is not accessible to all and is exclusive to selected Shopee merchants only.
You’ll know if your store is eligible once you receive a certain notification from Shopee indicating that your store is qualified. Upon receiving the notification, you’ll notice the new additional components on your Shopee shop decoration tools.
You will have to use the Edit Decoration button to begin just like you would in the basic edition of Shop Decoration. To try out your new, upgraded shop-decorating tool, start utilizing a component on your shop. It is possible to highlight a part by selecting it and then checking to see it become visible on your canvas. The component can be moved and dropped onto the canvas.
You’ll use the same processes to edit your components as you would for the basic version of Shop Decoration. You’ll need to open the component you want to edit so that the component property panel appears. Just click on a component from the canvas to open the Inspector. Once you’ve selected a component, you can add images, videos, banners, and URLs to it. Once all your edits are done, simply click save and you’re good.
Ginee to Optimize Your Online Business
Now that you know what Shopee’s Premium Shop Decoration software is and how you can use it, you’re now another step closer to maximizing the potential of your online store. But to go even further and achieve long-term business success, you’ll need to find more ways to optimize your business. This is exactly where Ginee Philippines can help you.
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