Shop Ads on Shopee are helpful in increasing your sales and customer engagement. Shopee My Ads gives a lot of variety to sellers when it comes to boosting your shop’s sales. Making use of these tools are important because increasing your sales can be tough work. Advertisements are generally helpful for business in order to get the word out there about your shop and your products. 

If you want your products to be known and recognized across different platforms and avenues, you should definitely use ads. In the internet setting ads are all over the place, and if you do not keep up, you might be left behind and you most definitely do not want that for your business especially on e-commerce platforms like Shopee.

This article goes over what Shop Ads are and Shopee Ads tips that will help you make the most of the platform’s features. The article will go over concerns like whether or not Shopee ads cost you anything, how Shopee top up  ads, how to remove Shopee ads, and how to make the most of the discovery ads Shopee provides.

What are Shop Ads? 

You will be displayed at the top of the search results page if you use shop advertisements. By bidding on specific keywords, you can control which keywords your shop ad will appear for. In the case of a shoe store that sells shoes and associated products, you might choose to bid on the keyword “shoes.” Shopping carts that contain the term “shoes” will display your shop ad, and customers who click on your ad will be led to your store.

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How to Set Up Shop Ads on Shopee?

Setting up Shop Ads on Shopee is easy and you don’t need to make an entire Shopee advertisement script to do so. Below are the steps on how to set up your Shopee Shop Ads. 

Step 1: Marketing Centre

In the Marketing Centre, you will find the option “Shopee Ads” and you should click it. 

Step 2: Create New Ads

Upon clicking, you will see the “+ Create New Ads” option and you must click it. 

Step 3: Select the Type of Ads

You will be made to choose an option of whether or not you want search ads or discovery ads. Search ads are the ones that appear when the customers use the search bar, while discovery ads appear when customers are browsing through products. 

Step 4: Creating the Ad

You will be met with the page where you can fill in the details that you need for your ads. There are three important things that you need to take note of when creating the ad:

  • Homepage: Your store can either have a dedicated store page for the ad, or a dedicated category page.
  • Images: Decide on a striking, high-resolution photo to use as your advertising display image. Additionally, you can include a graphic of one of your best-selling products to draw in more clicks.
  • Tagline: When displaying the shop ad, include a short description of your shop that will be seen to potential customers. This is your shop name by default.

Step 5: Publish

Afterwards, when you are done editing the details and attaching the images, and when you are done with everything else. You can now click the “Publish” button at the lower right corner of the page. This will publish your ad and it will now be available for customers to see. 

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Using Ads Credit

You need to spend enough Ad Credits to see your advertising displayed. Select how much Ads Credit you want to use. Additionally, the Auto Top-Up option may be found in the Top Up page. Choosing a defined top-up amount between ₱50 and ₱20,000 anytime your Ads Credit goes below a set balance is possible when you activate Auto Top-Up.

Also note that the Shop Search Ads option is only available to sellers that have an excellent record in sales and positive reviews from their customers.

Benefits of using Shop Ads on Shopee

Here are 3 benefits of using Shop Ads on Shop My Ads Philippines:

  • Growth for your sales: After they’ve clicked on your ad, direct them to your store to make a purchase.
  • Growth for your visibility: Display your store’s information at the top of the search results page.
  • You have full control: Decide on a budget and how much you want to pay each click.

These are all definitely helpful when setting up your shop for success on Shopee. Ads help in getting you to be discovered and it is something you should always take advantage of. Start exploring your Shopee My Ads options today. Examine if Shop Ads is the best option for your shop and your customers right now. With these tools you might be successful enough to the point that you’ll have to think of a Shopee tagline Philippines would love.

Ad Optimization with Ginee Philippines

This article goes over tools you can use to help boost your online revenue through boosting exposure for your store with Shopee ads Philippines. Even with this though, finding even more effective ways to expand your business’ reach can be quite challenging. Luckily, this important task does not have to be difficult, at least it doesn’t have to be with Ginee by your side.

With vast experience and capabilities in digital marketing services, Ginee Ads is the leading marketing platform for e-commerce and retail in the Southeast-Asian region. Ginee can easily help you step up your online business’ brand awareness in no time. So why not start now? Sign Up and Consult today with Ginee ads!

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