Shopee is one of the leading marketplace in SouthEast Asia with more than 35 million visitors a month which means you will get more opportunity to make money from selling in Shopee. Are you curious on how to start a business in Shopee? This article will discuss it. Check this article out!

Why Should You Start A Business In Shopee?

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Many people curious and asked why there are many seller in Shopee and why should they start a business in Shopee open platform. Shopee is one of the popular leading ecommerce platforms in SouthEast Asia  that connects buyers with sellers. Shopee’s popularity means a higher opportunity for sellers to make money. Even the small sellel will get notice while selling their products in Shopee.

Sellers can publish their products to Shopee’s large use by using the internet and Shopee acts as the technology provider for it. Shopee provides several features which can help sellers to increase their sales and customer service.

Shopee provides an exciting opportunity for sellers to make money from their large user base of buyers. And the Shopee platform also comes with a large number of features that help sellers sell more and more products. 

Related Article: How Shopee Makes Money

How To Set Up A Beginner’s Account In Shopee?

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How to become a seller in Shopee? The first thing you need to do is make your business account if you want to be Shopee seller. Here are the tips on how to set up a Shopee seller account.

  • Download Shopee from your Google Play Store or Apple App Store
  • Then go to profile and choose register
  • Fill in all the data needed. You can also register by using your phone number or connect to your google account
  • Then register you account by clicking sign up

How Do I Start A Shopee Business?

You might be curious on how to start selling in Shopee. To start your business in Shopee, you have to create your business account first. Take these following steps to know how to sell through Shopee.

Download Shopee App 

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The first step you need to do is Download your shoppee from your Google Play Store or Apple App Store.

Register Shopee Account

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After you have downloaded the Shopee application then go to your profile and register your account for free. You can register Shopee by using your phone number or maybe connect it with your Google account, Facebook and might be your apple account too. 

Once you have registered your account, you will be able to sell and buy products on Shopee. You can use the same account for buying and selling. For your additional information, you have to create a username properly. 

If you want to use the account for selling products, you have to create a username for your business which will describe your products because you only create your username once and won’t be able to change it later. So, choose it properly.

Set Up Shipping

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The third step is Shopee shipping. This step will help you to send your products to the buyers. So set up your shipping. You can choose several couriers to help you with the shipping. You can choose between J&T Express, DHL ecommerce or Shopee Express.

List Your Products 

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Once you have registered an account on Shopee, you can now start listing  your business products for sale. Add a photo or video of your products, input all your product details including shipping information and hit publish.

Related: Things you need to know about Shopee Philippines

Tips To Be A Successful Businessman /Businesswoman On Shopee

Create and sign in Shopee account is the answer for those who keep asking on how to become a Shopee seller. But before you create your business account in Shopee, you have to prepare and determine your business first, you also need to know your Shopee seller payout too. Here are the tips on how to start a business in Shopee.

Choose Your Shopee Username

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You have to choose your Shopee’s username. Create a name that will describe your business products so that the buyer will remember your shop name easily. For your information, you only can make your username once and are not allowed to change it later. So, find the right username for your business account.

Pay Attention To Your Shop Appearance 

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Shop appearance is also important to attract the buyers. Most buyers often judge ecommerce shops on how their online stores look. The things that you need to do to make your shop’s look great and attractive is to post an attractive and high quality of your products’ photos or videos to create an attractive appearance. Give what the buyers are looking at.

There are 4 factors that are based on the consumer’s buying decision such as who you are and the image that you present as a brand, the product and the images of the product, the description of the product, review from other buyers. 

From these factors, we can know that imagery and appearance on your online store is one of the most important factors. It is one of the factors in the decision making process. So, you have to decorate your shop’s appearance to attract buyers so you can increase your sales. Don’t forget Appearance is everything.

Knows Your Shopee Badge

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Your Shopee badge can help you to boost up your sales because buyers usually will compare the products and buy from the shop with a good Shopee badge. They will feel safer when buying a product from a well – known shop. The consumer also looks at the shop’s appearance before deciding to buy a product.

You may be interested: Shopee Free Shipping


Shopee is one of the most popular ecommerce platforms in South East Asia. You can sell and find many things in Shopee and it is very easy for those who want to be a seller in Shopee. You just need to create and sign in your account to be a seller in Shopee. You can also contact the Shopee seller center if your Shopee account has problems.

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