It seems that there’s no shortage of good growing online business ideas. The truth is, the internet has made it easy to create a business. With just a website, you can reach anyone in any location in the world. 

Target the right people with the right offering, and you would be making your own money in no time. Other benefits of running an online business include cost savings, increased flexibility, and less paper waste.

So if you’re quietly contemplating the idea of ​​starting something of your own, here’s a list of the best small online business ideas that are within the reach of almost anyone who’s willing to take the plunge. 

From the social media manager, to public speaking coach, to interior design consultant, the options are endless.

Related: What is SWOT Analysis in Online Business?

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How Can More Filipinos Who Love Online Shopping Affect Online Business?

More Filipinos are using e-commerce for the first time to make purchases. This admittedly is a new habit for many Filipinos using e-commerce in the Philippines 2021.

According to the study, 52 percent of Filipinos shopped online through apps and e- commerce philippines covid for the first time during the pandemic, and 43 percent of them made their first online purchase using social media channels.

Online shopping activity also expanded in the past one year as close to 9 in 10 Filipinos increased their online shopping Philippines 2021 activities on websites or apps, while 7 in 10 were shopping more on social media channels.

Pre-pandemic, 7 out of 10 payments of the respondents were made with cash, and currently that number shifted down to only 5 out of 10 payments.

Filipinos cited using more contactless payments (73 percent), perceiving cash as unsafe because of the potential spread of infection (54 percent) and more places adopting digital payments (50 percent) as the top reasons for carrying less cash.

See also: What is the Business Model Canvas?

Which Business is Best for Online Business?

Running an online business definitely has its appeal, but it also comes with its own set of challenges. The truth is, starting a business of any kind is hard work. While some may think of the internet as a get-rich-quick scheme, basic business principles still apply. 

In reality, “online” is just a channel that connects businesses to people. It’s a powerful tool that lets you reach anyone from anywhere in the world. But creating a business with it is still about connecting the right customers with the right offering and number of online sellers in the philippines.

Wondering what some of the best online business startup ideas are and the number of online shoppers in the Philippines 2020? Here are 6 best business ideas for your online business.

Related: Why is Online Business Good in the Pandemic?

Start Your Own Clothing Line 

Here are some reasons why you should start a clothing line business :

  • There’s nothing more satisfying than creating products that people will use every day.
  • As soon as you build your Shopify store, you’ll be able to start selling instantly. Thanks to print-on-demand apps, the process of designing and delivering your own custom-made clothing has been streamlined and simplified.
  • You’ll love the feeling of seeing your designs come to life by transforming your creativity into something real and profitable.

Launch a Dropshipping Store

Here are some reasons why you should start with launching a dropshipping store :

  • You don’t need to stock products in a physical location, meaning that your cash flow won’t get tied up in inventory. There’s less of an upfront cash risk.
  • Whenever a purchase is made, you place an order with a third party and they handle the rest of the process for you. Since you don’t have to deal with things like tracking inventory or mailing packages, dropshipping eliminates a lot of potential headaches for budding entrepreneurs.
  • No warehouse means you can run your business from anywhere. Whether it’s your living room or the café down the street, you decide where you want to work from.

Sell Your Art Online

Here are some reasons why you should start with selling your own art online :

  • You’ll be part of people’s lives by getting your work into customers’ homes.
  • You’ll create a platform for showcasing your work by setting up shop online.
  • As an artist, creating art isn’t just a hobby it’s a way of life. This is your chance to turn your passion into an income stream and potentially do what you love for a living.

Start a Blog

Here are some reasons why you should start a blog:

  • Blogs have unlimited growth potential. You can expand into affiliate marketing, ecommerce, courses, and essentially any other online business venture. Some blogs even use a paid subscription model to drive revenue. 
  • A blog is a long-term play. While you won’t see overnight results, they are likely to be more sustainable. A blog lives on the internet forever or at least until you delete it.
  • It lets you practice your writing, an essential skill to have in business and communication. 

Try Your Hand at Being an Influencer

Here are some reasons why you should try being an influencer :

  • It’s an opportunity to get an introduction to marketing, which is particularly valuable if you’re interested in pursuing that as a career or additional business venture.
  • You’ll learn about new and interesting brands. You might discover products and companies you love that you never would have found had they not solicited your services.
  • It’s so easy a monkey can do it. Well, not literally but you can make your pet the star if you’re camera shy.

Build Apps and Websites

Here are some reasons why you should build apps and websites :

  • Technology isn’t going anywhere, and the demand for the technical skills necessary to build apps and websites will only continue to grow. 
  • There’s an endless number of platforms and systems out there. If you get bored of one, learn and transition to another.
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What Online Services are in Demand?

More and more people are becoming interested in becoming entrepreneurs in the online business world. Online businesses offer a number of advantages over traditional businesses, mainly due to the fact that the startup costs are much lower.  

There’s no overhead for a brick-and-mortar store, and if you handle your online business in your own home, your costs are even lower. Let’s check out some of the most popular online businesses rise of online shopping in the philippines.

Business Coach

A business coach is someone who can mentor new or potential business owners in how to start their businesses. The business coach can offer suggestions on where to locate a business, how to handle the hiring process, how much cash is required to get the business started, and resources available to new businesses.  

The business coach can also walk an entrepreneur through the process of setting up a business, such as proper licensing.

Specialized Retailer

While there are countless numbers of online retailers, there is significantly less competition among specialized retailers. Specialized retailers meet certain, special needs of consumers by selling a single type of product or service within a specific category.  

An example of a very successful specialized retailer is, which, as the name suggests, sells only quality ties.

Teaching Online

The internet is full of people trying to figure out how to do something. They need people who can teach them how to do things. This can include everything from tutoring and how-to videos to demonstrations and lectures, to webinars and tutoring.  

More and more colleges are offering online courses, and the rest of the world is catching on. The internet is a great source for learning about topics or how to do various things.

What are The Most Successful Small Online Businesses?

The internet is the great equalizer. In business specifically, it has leveled the playing field. Anyone can start a money-making online business with a computer, that is. But here’s the thing: virtually no technical experience is needed. 

Today there are plenty of tools you can use to build an online business that makes technical work a lot easier.

The basic idea behind an online drop shipping business is that, as a small business owner, you don’t have to maintain a large inventory of products or handle any delivery to your customers. 

That eliminates the financial cost and risk of having a warehouse full of stuff you might not sell, and the hassle of arranging to send orders all over the country or the world. In fact, you don’t have to manufacture or store any products at all.

The only thing you have to focus on is marketing and advertising to find the customers and make the sales. Once the sale is made the rest is handled by others. 

Your only cost is the expense of marketing and advertising to acquire a new customer distribution of online shoppers in the Philippines in 2020, by age group.

Here’s how it works : 

  • You list products for sale on your website or a platform like Amazon, eBay, or shopee users statistics philippines 2020 .
  • When one of your customers makes a purchase, you purchase the product from a third-party company (the drop shipper, usually a manufacturer or wholesaler) for a lower price. This process is as simple as forwarding the order from your customer, a process that can actually be completely automated. (Remember you don’t have any risk here of buying inventory because the sale has already been made).
  • Your drop shipper then sends the product to the customer.

What Products Are in High Demand?

eCommerce offers anyone with an interest and hardworking spirit the opportunity to make money. It’s a type of business that doesn’t require massive startup capital, technical know-how, or sometimes even physical space to run. 

However, it does require some business and marketing savvy. One area in which you need to beat competitors is having the right products to sell. 

Since there are thousands of products you can sell at any given time, you can get overwhelmed trying to identify profitable ones and here are some high demand products.

Subscription Food Products

The shoppers love convenience, and the Internet has only increased the amount of convenience people expect in the buying experience. Subscription food products are one example of goods on demand that customers have supported in droves.

Today’s market offers just about every imaginable food or drink in subscription form. Protein bars, snacks, energy drinks, cookies, and even water are all popular products for a subscription box business.

Mobile Electronics Accessories

If there’s one thing the Philippines love, it’s their tablets and smartphones. With such frequent tech usage comes the need for accessories, like covers, screen protectors, earbuds, cleaning cloths, and travel cases.

Tea and Coffee

The online tea sales have exploded in recent years and don’t look to be disappearing. Consumers love both their tea and coffee, not only because they’re caffeinated, but because of the flavor variety.


Starting an online business for the Philippines is one of the smartest things entrepreneurs can do in current times. Even though there are many Filipino-based websites, there are also many unfilled niches and areas. 

If these areas are explored, this could provide a very profitable online business. It can take time to build an online empire. Some people can do this within a few months, while some businesses take a few year’s perseverance is always key.

In the current environment of the COVID-19 Pandemic, running an internet business is challenging and, to be completely honest, a little frightening. When you have Ginee Philippines on your squad, though, this is not the case. The industry-leading company optimization solutions and services provided by Ginee have made it more practicable than ever before to achieve corporate success.

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