competitor analysis business plan ginee

Have you ever heard about a competitor analysis business plan? Competitor analysis business plan is the way to analyze your competitors in business. Do you want to know about it? Let’s check this article out.

What Is Competitor Analysis Business Plan?

What is competitive analysis of a business plan? Have you ever heard about it? As we know, a business plan is a document where you write your business goals and the things and ways to achieve them. When you are writing a business, it has to be informative by inputting all the business data like products and your business marketing strategies.

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There is a competitor analysis business plan. What is it and how to find the business plan competitive analysis example? So competitor analysis means analyzing your competitors strengths and weaknesses that might include the competitors marketing strategies, service development as well as the potential products. You can find all of the data by using the market research methods.

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What Are the Benefits of Writing Competitor Analysis Business Plan?

Before you write an analysis of the competition in business plan, you can try to find the competitor analysis in business plan example first. But before that, you need to know the benefits of writing a competitive analysis template. Here are the benefits for you.

Identify Potential Competitors

The first reason why you need to write business plan template is because it helps you to identify your potential competitors so that you can prepare a strategy to face it. When you are writing the competitor analysis business plan, here are several things you might get such as :

  • The highly profit margins in the industry.
  • It is relatively easy to enter the business market.
  • The market grow rapidly.
  • Few business competition.


By using business plan format to analyze your competitors, you might get the opportunities to know your competitors very well. This also helps to increase your business strategy as well as its sales.


Other benefits you might get is you will know what risks your business might face up in the future. So that you can prepare any action or strategy in anticipation of something bad happening to your business.

How to Write Competitor Analysis Business Plan Examples

There are several ways to analyze your business competitors. You can use digital marketing competitor analysis to help you analyze your competitors including their product, brand, the marketing strategies and so on. 

Beside using digital analysis, you can also analyse it by writing a competitor analysis business plan. Are you curious on how to write a competitor analysis for a business plan? Here are the tips for you.

Find Out Who Is Your Competitor

The first thing you need to do before writing a business plan is knowing who your competitor is. You can do the market search to help you find your competitors. Your competitors will depend on what and where you start your business. If you sell locally, your competitors must be the local business owner too. If you sell worldwidely, you might have local and international competitors.

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Find Out about Your Competitors

After you know who your competitors are, you need to find out about them. Here are the things you need to find out, such as:

  • What markets do your competitors serve?
  • What products do your competitors offer and what are the benefits?
  • How many people are buying their product and what are the products?
  • What marketing strategies do they use?
  • What services do they offer to customers?

Gathering Information for Your Competitor Analysis

You need to gather all information about your competitors to help you analyse them. You can search for your competitors’ information through the internet by looking at their company’s website or marketplace. But it is not enough, you can try to go to their business place and observe your competitors’ business and how they treat their customers.

For example if you set up a restaurant and you have other restaurant competitors, you can try to visit their restaurant and try out their menu. Then you can compare it to your menu. You will get the answer why your competitors get many customers? How do they treat them? How is the food they offer and so on. 

Analyzing the Competition

When you have a bunch of your competitors’ information, you can try to analyze them. You also need to analyze the competition in the business. By knowing how your business as well as your competitors, you can find out what strategies you can use to compete with your competitors.

For some businesses, identifying the market niche really works to find out the specific target market. The market target might be group based on the gender, age, location and other factors. The goal by analysing your competitors is to identify and expand the competitive benefits that you can offer while other competitors can’t.

Writing the Competitor Analysis Section

Business plan is not only used to analyse your competitors but you can use a business plan to find your business idea. The way you write the business plan is actually the same no matter what thing you want to analyze.

When you use a business plan to analyze your business competitors, you need to write the competitors analysis section in the form of paragraphs. First paragraph usually outlines about the competitive environment including who your competitors are, what products they offer, how much target they control and other related information about your competitors.

The following paragraphs usually talk about your competitors’ detailed advantages. In this paragraph, you need to explain what your competitors benefits and why your business competes with them, and what strategies your business should use to compete with them. You need to describe every step you need to take to compete with your competitors.

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Competitor analysis means analyzing your competitors strengths and weaknesses that might include the competitors marketing strategies, service development as well as the potential products. You can find all of the data by using the market research methods.

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