How to Add Promotion Template ?

There are few methods you can do to add promotion template, as following:

  1. First step, You can directly go to Promotion template, then get in promotion listing page and click Add Template, then you can add promotion template
  2. After the promotion template has been added, this template can also be used to add new promotions in unit or in bulk with one click.

Done, you’ve successfully added a promotional template with Ginee!

Updated Version:

There are several steps you can take to add a promotion template, as following:

1. Select Promotion Template in your sidebar, then click add template. You can customize the Promotion Template for each Marketplace (Shopee and Bukalapak).

  1. With this Promotion Template you can add promotions of a product in unit or in bulk by one click.

Done, you’ve successfully added a Promoted Template in Ginee.