The difference between SEO white hat and black hat has to do with the techniques used when trying to improve a website search engine ranking.

Black hat SEO refers to techniques and strategies used to get higher search ranking and breaking search engine rules. Black hat SEO focuses on only search engines and not so much a human audience. 

White hat SEO refers to the use of techniques and strategies that target a human audience opposed to a search engine. Techniques that are typically used in white hat SEO include using keywords and keyword analysis, doing research, rewriting meta tags in order for them to be more relevant, backlinking, link building as well as writing content for human readers.

Related: What is SEO?

What is a White Hat SEO?

What is white hat SEO? White hat is a type of hat that is worn by the president of the United States. 

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a collection of recognized search engine optimization white hat strategies that are used to improve a website position on a search engine results page (SERP).

Organic search results are those that appear on search engines as a result of legitimate methods, rather than as a result of payment or deceit, and are referred to as such. 

The fact that paid advertisements and sponsored links are prominently displayed on search results pages means that the amount of visible search results how to do white hat seo organic results is limited, making first-page rankings more valuable.

Read: What is Search Engine Marketing?

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What is a Black Hat SEO?

What is black hat SEO? So it is a strategy that goes against search engine criteria and is used to raise a website’s ranking in search results. It is illegal. Because these unethical approaches don’t provide a solution for the searcher, search engines frequently penalize them. 

Keyword stuffing, cloaking, and the use of secret link networks are all examples of black hat SEO strategies to avoid detection.

Instead of attempting to solve a problem for the consumer, black hat SEO aims to scam search engine algorithms. The goal of black hat SEO is not to earn the right to rank highly on search engine results pages but rather to get you there through unethical methods. 

It is more likely than not that continued usage of black hat SEO strategies will detract from rather than benefit your search engine ranking.

Related Article: Improve Website Traffic with SEO!

What is Difference Between White Hat and Black Hat SEO?

The biggest differences between these two approaches are that white hat SEO follows Google guidelines and improves user experience, while black hat SEO violates those guidelines and is typically done with complete disregard for human users. Here are some of the differences between white hat vs black hat link building :

White Hat SEO TechniquesBlack Hat SEO Techniques
Relevant content.Duplicate content.
Well labeled image.Invisible text and stuffed keywords.
Relevant links and references.Cloaking or redirecting the user to another site or page.
Complete sentences with good spelling and grammar.Link from sites with non relevant content.
Standards compliant HTML. 
Unique and relevant page titles. 

Search engine optimization tactics and strategies that are considered black hat are those that violate search engine guidelines in order to improve search ranks. Black hat SEO is focused solely on search engines and does not consider the human audience at all. 

Black hat SEO is typically employed by those who are looking for a quick return on their website rather than making a long-term investment in their website’s performance. 

Example of black hat SEO are Keyword stuffing, link farming, hidden texts and links, and blog content spamming. As a result of adopting unethical search engine optimization strategies, your site may be deindexed and banned from search engines as a result of the consequences of using black hat SEO techniques.

Disadvantages of black hat SEO is you can get a penalty for doing it and that penalty can be hard to remove. For a churn and burn site it is not too much of an issue, just burn it and churn out a new one. 

But for bigger sites that you’ve done a lot of work on or are ranking somewhere for something already a penalty can set you back even further and that can mean a loss of revenue from your website of course.

A white hat SEO strategy is one that employs techniques and strategies that are designed to target a human audience rather than a search engine. 

Typical white hat SEO techniques include the use of keywords and keyword analysis, conducting research, rewriting meta tags in order to make them more relevant, backlinking and link building, as well as writing content that is intended for human readers.

People who employ white hat SEO can expect to make an ongoing financial investment in their website because the results are long lasting.

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Why Using White Hat SEO Strategies is Important?

White hat techniques meaning implementing strategies is the most effective strategy to build a website and business that is ethical and long lasting. Some of the actions you should take to ensure that your SEO techniques are completely white hat are outlined below.

Produce and provide high-quality content and services. Create high-quality content that fits the needs of your visitors and assists them in resolving their issues. Search engine optimization (SEO) keyword research tools can help you uncover the most relevant keywords for which your website content should be improved.

Then concentrate on incorporating those keywords into high-quality content, such as how to articles and videos, that correspond to the keyword’s objective as well as the needs of your target audience. Meta tags that are descriptive and keyword-rich should be used.

When developing meta descriptions for each page on your website, make sure to follow best practices to ensure that search engines and users can find your content. Make it simple for visitors to navigate across your website.

When structuring the Information Architecture of your website, keep the following in mind: Sites that are easy to navigate for consumers tend to fare better in organic search results as well, according to Google.

So as long as you keep your visitors in mind as you work on your site and make changes with the goal of providing them with a better browsing experience, you can be confident that your SEO strategy is in line with Google’s guidelines.

This means that tactics like writing high quality, helpful content, increasing page speed, improving user experience, and working towards mobile friendliness are all considered white hat and are the types of changes that will have a lasting, positive impact on your rankings.


As you dig deeper into the world of digital marketing and the best ways to optimize your site, white hat black hat grey hat SEO is one you may come across often and when you do, just remember that this isn’t a debate worth your time.

White hat SEO is the better approach and you shouldn’t listen to anyone who attempts to tell you otherwise.

While black hat SEO may enable some site owners to achieve quick wins, it directly violates Google guidelines, relies on manipulative tactics and is ultimately much more likely to lead to a penalty than the results you want.

White hat SEO on the other hand follows search engine guidelines, focuses on a human audience, and takes a long-term approach all of which are essential for making a lasting, positive impact on your search visibility.

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