The ber-months are the busiest months of the year. The Philippines starts to countdown for Christmas as early as September 1. Christmas decorations are already all over the cities, and houses are already lit with Christmas lights and Christmas trees. With this comes the buzz to start gift-buying and even grocery shopping for Noche Buena. Online stores are swamped with messages and inquiries about the products that they sell. 

In order to not be overwhelmed with the festivities, you need to be prepared and equipped to handle the customers. BER-Months sales are all over the place and people are surely looking for your deals if you want them to notice you. Make sure that you’re ready to conquer the best upcoming sales 2021. 

5 Tips To Take Advantage of The BER-Months

The demands for every single product will most likely go up and it’s the perfect time for your businesses to do your best. The impulse buying behavior of millennials on online shopping about mega sales is something that you should definitely take advantage of and learn more about because they are one of the top consumers in these times. 

Since the malls are closed, consumers are left with no choice but to buy online which is why malls got creative with the online platforms and came up with sales like the SM Mega Mall online shopping sales and more. Find out 5 tips about being one of the top-selling businesses during the Ber-months. 

Do You Want to Manage Multiple Marketplace Just by Single Person?

Of course you can! You can handle multiple stores from all marketplace just by single dashboard. Cut your Business’s cost, and Boost your Efficiency at the same time.

Inventory & Stock

The mega online shop first started with books during the Big Bad Wolf book sale. The reason why it was so successful is because the inventory and stocks were managed really well despite the hundreds of thousands of books. You too, can adapt this strategy. Good management of Inventory and Stocks is important to make sure that you will not be overwhelmed with the best online sales right now, especially during Ber-months.

You should definitely anticipate more demand when the holiday seasons come. This means that your online inventory needs to be up to date with your physical stocks in order to relay the proper and accurate information to your buyers. You can do this with omnichannels like Ginee Philippines to save you the hassle, and let you do more tasks. 

Promotions & Merchandising

Good marketing is key everywhere. If people know about your products, then they will definitely buy it and the best way to let them know about your products is through marketing. A lot of online shopping mega sale come with huge campaigns that include celebrity promotions and online ads. You don’t necessarily need to hire celebrities but you can take advantage of this moment to insert your personal marketing and promote your products. 

What promotions look like for mega online shopping sales is a lot of posters championing your huge discounts or a lot of freebies when they buy your products. You need to come up with a way to market what you have to offer in order to not be behind on the mega online shopping festival.

Traffic Acquisition & Conversion

Traffic Acquisition is important to make sure that people actually click on your products. These can come in forms of targeted ads, or campaigns that will drive up your traffic. In order to properly set the right market plan for this you need to be informed about online sale dates 2021 so you can plot out the ads and deals you will make across different online platforms or shops. 

Of course, traffic needs to be converted into legitimate sales in order to allow your business to survive. Your ads need to push the customers to add-to-cart your products and make sure they will proceed to checkout afterwards. Always remember that traffic is good, but it is even better when converted into actual sales.

Website Stability 

All of the traffic that you will accumulate might backfire and lead your web page to a breakdown if you’re not ready for it. This is most especially true in cases of mega depot online shopping where low deals are rare to come by. Which is why you need to prepare your website at least 2-3 weeks before the peak season or the holidays arrive, especially in the Philippines where stable wifi can be tough sometimes.

You can secure your website stability by testing out your promotions and see if there are any errors, or do a trial run for bulk orders to determine if there will be a problem with checkout. You can also try to upgrade your website’s processing power in order to avoid glitches and slow loads. These steps are very crucial in assuring that your shop’s performance is still at its best despite the wild traffic brought to us by the ber-months.

Your Selling Stock is Messing Up? You Need Help!

Ginee Omnichannel allow you to automatically sync every stock from all of your online stores. It’s faster way to helps you profit!

Business Operations 

Your businesses need manpower especially during the peak season. The e-commerce world in general has a lot of needs that you need to address to make sure your business function is at 100%. You need to come up with a way to manage your people or staff and make sure that each one of them has a designated role in ensuring the success of your mega sale.

You can set up recurring meetings that can be accessed and opened by all of your teams and you can encourage them to utilize this so they will not feel lost or overwhelmed on their own. You should also set clear target goals for them to have a direction when monitoring your products, campaigns, and performance. Lastly, it is important that you hold debriefings or evaluations like the SWOT analysis to make sure that you can come back stronger. 

The Best Help Can Be Found in Ginee

These are only 5 things but they might seem like a lot of work for you. Which is why you need to be open to exploring different platforms that serve as the best tool for you to get each of these tasks done in no time. Ginee Philippines provides you with an alternative to handle all of your business things from products to staff so that you can feel a lot more secure with the peak season coming.

Luckily, Ginee can be tested for free for 7 days so that you can see what precisely you are in for and how Ginee can help you with not just one but all of your business needs.

Upload Products to Shopee and Lazada Automatically! How?

Ginee product management allow you upload products to all of your online stores from all marketplace just once! Save time, save cost, save energy, join Ginee Now!