To be successful, an online shopping site must be able to provide a joyful shopping experience for clients while also providing an easy-to-use environment in which sellers and customers can conduct business efficiently. It is possible to summarize the success of the sites by the speed with which users engage with the app, as well as the satisfaction with which consumers sell and buy things through mobile applications.

Selling and purchasing activities conducted through mobile applications are growing increasingly popular, owing to the fact that they can be completed at any time and from any location, and that they are both convenient and rapid. 

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What is Carousell?

Carousell is a mobile classified software that simplifies the process of selling by allowing users to just snap a photo and purchase by conversing with other members. This online shopping program has two primary users: the seller and the consumer, and each of them has a certain goal in mind that they seek to achieve through the use of it.

When communicating, searching for information, and conducting transactions over the internet, the user interface is the environment in which internet users communicate, seek information, and make transactions. Carousell is an online marketplace located in Singapore that allows users to buy and sell new and used goods.

How to Add Product Listing in Carousell?

Selling is one of the most straightforward activities on Carousell. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to sell your very first item on Carousell.

App for mobile devices

  1. Start the app by pressing the button.
  2. Select ‘Sell’ (the ‘+’ icon) from the drop-down menu.
  3. When you arrive, you’ll be given the opportunity to either take a photo on the spot or choose a photo from your collection. You have the option to take/select up to ten photos.
  4. Complete the form by filling in all of the relevant fields.
  5. At the bottom of the form, click “List it!”.

Carousell Web 

  1. Select “Sell” from the drop-down menu in the upper right-hand corner of the page.
  2. Choose photographs that accurately portray the item you’re offering! If your photo is too large, you will be required to resize it before uploading it.
  3. After you’ve selected all of your photos, click on the green “Save” button that appears on the photo preview box to save them.
  4. Complete the form by filling in all of the relevant fields.
  5. At the bottom of the form, click “List it!”.
  6. If you are unable to select “List it!” it is most likely because you have not completed all of the required fields. When this happens, you’ll be confronted with an error message that will inform you what went wrong.

Once this is completed, your item will be listed in the marketplace. Your new item will be displayed at the very top of the category that you have chosen.

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What is Duplicate Listing in Carousell?

Duplicate listings are many listings of the same product/service and/or products that are virtually identical to one another. There are no significant differences between them. Make sure to differentiate your listings from one another in all essential elements of your listing, such as the title, description, price (including shipping costs), condition (including photo), and product-specific characteristics (if applicable).

In the case of listings that appear to be the same product in search results and have similar entries in the title, description, and other details (even if the photographs used are different), they will be deemed duplicates.

Duplicates make it difficult for consumers to locate what they are looking for since they add extra clutter to the marketplace. Please limit the number of times a product or service is listed to make everyone’s browsing experience more pleasurable and relevant for everyone.

Here are some examples of duplicate listings:

  • Listing the same product/service in many accounts, whether they are the same or different.
  • Adding a new listing for the same product or service after removing an existing item
  • There are multiple listings for the same product in various sizes and/or colors (applicable to New products)
  • Listing the same product/service in several categories and/or different localities within a country is considered a violation of the law.
  • For employment, services, travel, education, and enrichment Categories: A listing is considered duplicate only if it has the exact same title or cover image as another one.

When it comes to the Property Category, listings with the exact same price, number of bedrooms, and floor areas in a building are considered duplicates under a single account. In accordance with our listing rules, users who repeatedly list duplicates may have their products deleted from the marketplace and have enforcement actions taken against their accounts.

What if my Listing Got Deleted?

When listings are deemed to be in violation of our Community Guidelines or if they are regarded as prohibited items, Carousell’s content moderators curate the platform and remove them from the platform accordingly.

If your listings that have been removed do not appear on our list of Prohibited Items or do not violate our Community Guidelines, you may make an appeal through Carousell’s website or mobile app, which will be reviewed.

How Do I Get my Carousell Listing Back?

A listing’s deletion is final, and you will not be able to recover a previously deleted listing. Consequently, do not delete your listings unless you are certain that you do not want them to appear on the marketplace again.

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