When it comes to product videos in Shopify, online merchants are always looking for ways to place their movies in front of or in the middle of their product galleries. In fact, there is nothing wrong with that concept, but if you spend all of your time focusing on the gallery, you will miss out on the opportunity to include videos in Shopify.

Shopify allows you to embed videos on any page. Those who use Shopify have the ability to embed videos in the platform as well as on any page throughout their online store. The most exciting part about it is that you can accomplish it without having to deal with any programming code.

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3 Reasons Why I Need to Add Video on Shopify Products

If you want to learn how to add videos to a Shopify product page, you should first understand why videos are so crucial on a Shopify product page in the first place. In general, videos may be a very effective technique for increasing conversions because online shoppers are aware of which things are superior and which are not when they watch your movies.

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Videos Help You Rank Higher on Search Engines

Adding videos to Shopify product pages gives its users a powerful tool for outpacing their competitors’ offerings. If there are no competitors who are employing videos, there is no reason to squander valuable time. 

As it comes to product videos on your websites, online merchants are in a better position than other eCommerce sites when compared to other eCommerce sites. Due to the fact that Google prefers and prioritizes websites that have videos, Shopify users are able to reach the search engine results page (SERP).

Videos Imply a Simple Watching Experience

A video appears to be more appealing than a reading story with a lot of words, as you can see in the example. It maintains audience engagement while also being intriguing. The videos on Shopify product pages can also demonstrate numerous characteristics of each product that may not be easily and clearly demonstrated by photographs and text alone on the page.

Easier to Share to Other Consumers

Take notice that viewers or customers are more inclined to share popular videos on social media than they are to post photographs or text. This helps to create a positive impression of your items as well as your own brands on social media sites.

Millennials are Big Fans of Videos

For Millennials, videos are currently the most popular internet material because they believe that watching videos is less time-consuming and less complicated than reading. Millennials, who are between the ages of 18 and 34, make up the majority of the population in the United States and account for 54 percent of all online purchases, so you should take their tastes into consideration. Furthermore, it is simple to demonstrate how to include videos on a Shopify product page.

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How to Add Videos on Shopify Products?

There are a few easy actions you should do in order to accomplish this:

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Step 1: Copy the Video URL From Your Browser

You can upload your video to a third-party video hosting service, such as YouTube, using Shopify’s video upload feature. When your videos have been successfully uploaded and made available, you can copy the video’s URL.

Step 2: Make Your Video Mobile-friendly

When you are embedding videos into your websites, you must ensure that the video is responsive and will appear properly on any platform, particularly mobile devices, before publishing.

In order for videos to appear properly on Shopify pages when you add them, Embed Responsibly will assist you in creating a fully responsive embed code. All you have to do is go to the website and paste the YouTube URL for your own videos into the appropriate field. In the event that you are utilizing Vimeo instead of YouTube, follow the identical procedure.

Then select Embed from the drop-down menu. After that, you will be shown a preview of how the movies embedded in the page will appear. At the same time, you will have no trouble locating the source embed code, which you can then copy and paste into your Shopify store.

Please keep in mind that you can generate an embed code directly on YouTube and other video-sharing platforms. Keep in mind that the native embed code from sites such as YouTube will not become responsive to a few different screen widths when viewed on a mobile device.

Step 3: Copy the Embed Code From the Website

Let’s copy the embed code and go on to the next stage to complete the process.

Step 4: Log In to Your Shopify Dashboard

As soon as you log into your Shopify admin dashboard, the system will direct you to the sites where you want to include your new videos. Online Store -> Pages is the location where you can find your previously created pages. Select the page you wish to modify and make a note of the options available in your editor’s toolbar.

Step 5: Navigate to the Insert Video Option

You can access video media from the toolbar of the rich text editor by clicking on the video camera icon, which represents video media. Finally, paste your embed code into the video player and press the Insert Video button.

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