Currently, Shopee has a CNSC for Chinese merchants. CNSC stands for China Seller Center, which is a Seller Center for Chinese cross-border sellers (including sellers in Hong Kong). Sellers can manage products, orders, marketing, etc. for multiple stores through it.
Tips: CNSC basic operation guide and introduction, please visit (only available in Chinese)


A. Main Account/Global Store Authorization

1. CNSC Global Store Authorization: Integration > Add Integration > select Shopee

– Ginee uses Main Account to authorize CNSC stores, and when authorizing, you can choose to authorize multiple Shopee stores at once

– When authorizing a CNSC store, please make sure to log in with your Main Account
– To authorize general local stores, please use Shop Account. To authorize CNSC/3PF stores, please use Main Account

2. On the Shopee authorization page, click Switch to Main account (1) to log in with the Main Account > Input your Main Account login name and password (2) > Log In (3)
Tips: Mainaccount login name will be xxx:main

3. Tick Authorize Merchant (1) > Tick Store you want to authorize (2) > Confirm Authorization (3)
Notes: If “Auth Merchant” is grayed out, please tick the store first, then tick Auth Merchant

Because Shopee supports using one CNSC account to authorize multiple Shopee stores at the same time, your Ginee package may exceed the store limit
– If the store limit is not exceeded after this authorization, then all authorized stores will be displayed in the “Authorized” tab

– If the store limit is exceeded after this authorization, regardless of how many stores were authorized, all authorized stores will be in a “Restricted” tab, and you can choose which store to be enabled in the Store List

– After successful authorization, the authorized store will be marked as a CNSC store. If the authorized store is a 3PF store, it will be marked as a 3PF store

B. Global Products

1. Global Product List

  • If you have authorized a 3PF or CNSC store, the “Global Products” menu will be displayed (If you does not authorize a 3PF or CNSC store, the menu will not be displayed)
  • Please see Published Site column to check which countries each global product has been released in

  • Supports Account filter and searching by Product Name, Channel SKU, and SPU

2. Operation for Global Product

  • Single operation: syncing, editing stock
  • Mass operation: sycning

3. Global Products/CNSC Products/3PF Products Stock Update

Global Products support multi-warehouses, and one SKU may have stock in multi-warehouses
– If you has not created a new Channel Warehouse, then by default only China stock is available
– If the merchant creates a new Channel Warehouse, there will be other warehouse stock by default
– After creating a Channel Warehouse, you can bind their stores to that Channel Warehouse. After binding, the stock of the that Channel Warehouse will be used as the store SKU stock

– If your store is not bound to a warehouse, then China stock will be used as the store’s SKU stock

– CNSC/3PF store’s product stocks cannot be edited. Only Global Products’ can be edited. Updating the stock of Global Products will automatically update the stock of all associated CNSC/3PF stores
– If there is a change in MSKU stock, Ginee will use MSKU’s channel product binding relationship to find the corresponding Global Product SKU and push updated stock to the Shopee store
– Global Product list supports manual “Edit Stock” button.
– Orders from CNSC stores will generate Outbound Lists, deduct stock, and push stock just like regular orders (will only push CNSC’s Global Products stock)

C. CNSC Channel Product

  • Ginee doesn’t support editing CNSC products
  • If the store is a CNSC store, (CNSC) tag will be displayed before store name. For example, the store name is: (CNSC) xxxx

  • Products under the CNSC/3PF store will display the CNSC or 3PF logo

  • CNSC/3PF store product prices can be edited in Price Management

  • CNSC/3PF store products support single Sync, mass Sync and Create Master Product

  • CNSC/3PF store products stock cannot be edited. Stock changes can only be made due to changes in related Global Products.
  • CNSC’s store can be cloned to non-CNSC stores, but it is not supported to clone other general stores to CNSC or 3PF stores

D. Global Account Warehouse Binding

  1. Settings > Channel Warehouse Management

  2. Channel Warehouse Management will be opened in a new tab

    – The Channel Warehouse under each CNSC account needs to be bound with the Ginee Warehouse, otherwise it will affect the stock push

E. Stock Push Rules

CNSC/3PF stores only support setting Stock Push Rules according to Merchant Account