Whatsapp business greeting message example? If you are using WhatsApp Business, your greeting message is the cover to your book. Greeting messages allow you to make a strong first impression, even if you are being contacted outside of business hours.
Greeting message for customer service? If you want to approach a customer, you can only do so by using so-called WhatsApp Business template messages. These are also known as Highly Structured Messages.
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What is a WhatsApp Business Greeting Message?
Whatsapp business description sample? When somebody sends you a message on WhatsApp Business for the first time, you can automatically send them a so-called WhatsApp Business greeting message. It’s simply a welcome message for customers on WhatsApp Business. You can make multiple greetings for different types of situations.
A WhatsApp Business template message is a standardised and approved (by WhatsApp) message that companies can use to send out notifications or customer service messages. These can only be sent to people that have opted in to these notifications. Examples of these messages include shipping information, payment updates or appointment reminders.
It is simply a welcome message for your customers. This automated feature found in WhatsApp Business sends a pre-crafted, auto-reply message when customers message your business for the first time or after 14 days of inactivity from the customer.
Found under the ‘Business tools’ tab, this feature can be turned off or customised anytime.
Whatsapp greeting message sample? There are four options to choose from on who will receive greeting messages from your WhatsApp Business account:
- Everyone: Greeting messages are sent to anybody who messages you.
- Everyone not in the address book: Only numbers that are not in your contact list will receive your automated greeting messages.
- Everyone except: Select a few exceptions that you don’t want your greeting messages to be sent to.
- Only send to: Choose an exclusive list of contacts that you wish to automatically send greeting messages to.
Even though there are countless variations of greetings, an effective greeting via WhatsApp Business should follow the following best practises:
1. Set Clear Expectations

Your primary goal should be to set a realistic expectation of when your customer can expect a message. It simply feels better for a customer to know for certain when they will be responded to.
Be very specific in setting these expectations. To illustrate why, let’s look at two quick examples.
- “We’ll get back to you ASAP.”
- “We’ll get back to you within 24 hours.”
The first example is a bit of a vague promise and doesn’t set a specific expectation. ‘As soon as possible’ could mean anything between one minute and 10 hours.
The second example, on the other hand, sets a clear expectation and gives your team the opportunity to overdeliver.

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2. Be as Transparent as Possible

The second best practice is to simply be honest and transparent.
Nobody likes lame excuses for slow response times. If your team just so happens to be a little in over their head that day, there is no shame in simply saying that you are busy.
3. Give It a Human Touch

In a lot of greetings, whether it is via email, live chat or WhatsApp, the tone is often quite formal.
But just because the message is automated, doesn’t mean you have to come off as a robot.
Always sound as human as possible. Keep it professional, sure, but avoid sounding like a lawyer. Well, unless you are a lawyer, of course. You get the point.
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WhatsApp Business Greeting Message Examples
Auto reply Whatsapp business greeting message example? In all honesty, there is no such thing as ‘the best greeting message for WhatsApp Business’. It really comes down to your situation and what it is you are trying to achieve. With all these conditions and rules, it can be quite a challenge to come up with a sufficient number of good templates that have a chance of getting approved.
Welcome message for customers template? But not to worry. Below, you’ll find all the templates you need to get started:
Account Updates

Suppose the customer has an account to log in to your system or your webshop, but an adjustment has been made (or an account has been created). Thanks to the Account Update template, you can easily inform customers about changes made in their account settings.
Example: Dear {{1}}, You recently registered with us as a customer, which is great! However, it looks like the email address that you have filled in is incorrect. Could you please give us the correct information? Thanks in advance!
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Alert Updates

The “Alert Updates” category is used for more general WhatsApp Business templates. For example, updates on an ordered product or a delivered service belong in the Alert Updates category.
Example:Hi {{1}}, welcome to [company name]! We are happy that you have registered with us. Via WhatsApp you will receive your new schedule every week! If you have any questions about your schedule, feel free to ask. We are happy to help out! Cheers, {{2}}.
Appointment Updates

Has the customer made an appointment for an MOT inspection of their car, a haircut, or other treatment? Via an Appointment Update you can send them a confirmation of the appointment. You can also send out handy reminders.
Example:Dear {{1}}, On {{2}} at {{3}} you have an appointment scheduled with us for your {{4}}. We look forward to seeing you fifteen minutes in advance at our garage on the {{5}} in {{6}}. See you then!
Auto Reply

With this template you can, for example, inform the customer about accessibility during the holiday period. Most businesses turn on these messages outside of business hours.
Example: Thanks for your message! On working days we often respond to your message within 24 hours. If you have any other questions or additional information, feel free to share this!
Issue Resolution

Is there a malfunction in your service or do customers experience other problems? By using the Issue Resolution WhatsApp templates, you simply give the customer a status message about their problem.
Example: We are currently experiencing a malfunction concerning {{1}}. We are doing our best to resolve this situation as quickly as possible and will keep you informed of the status here.
Or when the issue has been fixed:
The {{1}} issue has been resolved and everyone can be reached again. If you still experience problems, let us know. We are happy to offer you further support!
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Whatsapp business message templates are the messages that you can automatically send once a person messages you on WhatsApp Business in Malaysia. If you would like to proactively get in contact with your customers in Malaysia, you should look into using WhatsApp Business message templates.
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