Do you want to know about  Shopee success stories and the tips on how to be a successful  Shopee seller? Let’s read this article.

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Why Is  Shopee Successful?

Who doesn’t know  Shopee?  Shopee is the most leading ecommerce store in Malaysia and has become the first app downloaded by people around the world. Beside that,  Shopee is a big platform which has 10 million active sellers.

Why is  Shopee successful? Many people ask this question. The success of  Shopee is based on the result of their prepared work module and their strategic plan for  Shopee expansion in South East Asia and now  Shopee has become the most popular in SouthEast Asia countries.

Besides that,  Shopee is a good shopping sites which makes people feel comfortable when using it. The reason why  Shopee is a good shopping platform is because  Shopee has its presence in many social media and has many language options to choose from. You can sell and buy many things there too.

Do you want to know the secret of the success of  Shopee business model, Here are the secret you need to know

Mobile Friendly

As you know,  Shopee was founded in 2015. Back in 2015, people were still buying things at the shop an ecommerce is not as booming as it is now.  Shopee founders have done research and predict that ecommerce will be booming and grow significantly in the few years. 

Beside that, they predict many people will use phones in their daily life. That’s why  Shopee decided to make a mobile friendly application when others focus on their website only.

 Shopee has become the most visited app nowadays because it has easy navigation, clean design and is also mobile friendly. You will get many promotions too.

Focus On The Localization

Not only the application,  Shopee also focuses on the localization.  Shopee is available in 7 countries which have different languages, cultures and their habits.

Finding what each people’s interested in is important to create more market specific features. By finding what they are interested in, you can attract and appeal to more customers in each market.

The example of website  Shopee localization by selling things that suit the country and culture. If the country’s majority is muslim, so  Shopee has offer more products that suit for muslim’s customer. By understanding all the market, it can help to attract more  potential customers on a nationwide scale.

Many Promotions And Great Services

Another secret why  Shopee is successful is because  Shopee offers many promotions and great services. All people love promotions, that’s why offering promotions really help your business. There are several promotions you can offer such as free shipping, flash sales and discounts.

Read also : 5 Tricks  Shopee Auto Boost, Make People Buy Your Products!

Does  Shopee Make Profit?

Why  Shopee is important? It is because  Shopee is the leading ecommerce and a role model of success ecommerce platform.  Shopee is a popular marketplace that also offers free shipping, discount vouchers, rewards and also games.

You might be curious on how  Shopee make profit. As you know there is a seller and buyer in  Shopee which means there are many transactions happening in  Shopee everyday. 

 Shopee makes profit from the ecommerce marketplace commision, the transaction fees, fulfillment services, payment processing fee and also the cost per click advertising on  Shopee platform so when you click the ads at  Shopee,  Shopee will get money from it.

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What Is The Best Seller On  Shopee? 

 Shopee was founded in 2015 and just in a few years,  Shopee had turned into the most popular and leading ecommerce platform in SouthEast Asia.  Shopee’s growth is the result of their prepared work module and their strategic plan for  Shopee expansion in South East Asia.

Based on  Shopee case study interview,  Shopee is the most popular ecommerce platform because it is easy to use and mobile friendly. Beside that, you can find your needs there at any time and any place.

What are the best selling things you can find at  Shopee? Based on  Shopee case study, it depends on the country because each country has different culture and habits but the common things that people find at  Shopee are :


Skincare has reached the top search on  Shopee. Nowadays many women pay more attention to their looks that’s why skincare has become a high demand product.


Coffee addicts can’t stand without coffee in a day. Many  Shopee seller sell the variation of coffee because they know that coffee is never out of style. 


Besides skincare, women are also interested in jewelry to make their appearance look better. That’s why jewelry also became the top search.

Kids Toys

As kids spend longer in reception because of school closures, parents must think about creative ways to keep them engaged and be able to think about their own work, too and toys are the answer.

Read also : Let’s Learn How Fulfillment by  Shopee Work for Sellers!

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How Do I Become A Successful  Shopee Seller?

Since  Shopee has grown into the most popular and leading ecommerce, selling things in  Shopee might be a great choice to start your business but how to be a successful  Shopee seller? Here are the tips for you :

Choose Your  Shopee Username Properly

You have to create a name that will describe your business products so that the buyer will remember your shop name easily. Choose it properly because you only can make your username once.

Find A Product To Sell

Besides your  Shopee username, you need to find the best selling products to sell in your shop and don’t forget to pay attention to your  Shopee appearance too. 

 Shopee Badge

Your  Shopee badge can help you to increase your sales because when you have the  Shopee badge, it means you are a trusted seller.

Promotion And Campaign

To become a successful  Shopee seller, you need to give your buyer a discount voucher and don’t forget the campaign.


Shopee has turned into the most popular ecommerce platform in SouthEast Asia.  Shopee’s growth is the result of their prepared work module and their strategic plan for  Shopee expansion in South East Asia.

Ginee Malaysia

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