Many sellers still face a series of challenges when it comes to maximizing sales potential. One way to boost sales is with Search Ads Shopee. How can Search Ads Shopee work to boost sales? Let’s check this out.
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Types Of Paid Ads In Shopee
There are three types of paid ads in Shopee. There are Products Search Ads, Shop Search Ads and Discovery Ads Shopee.
Setting Up Products Search Ads
The purpose of promoting your product with search ads is to allow shoppers to find and buy your product in ads that appear prominently in Shopee’s search results.
Select The Product
Please select the product you want to promote. Before you start, make sure the product title, image, and description are updated.
Select Keywords
Select keywords related to the product. Have Shopee manage the keywords or add your own keywords.
Set Bid Price for Each Selected Keyword
Set a bid price for each selected keyword. The bid price is the maximum amount you can pay each time you click on an ad.
Set Budget and Duration
Set budget and duration for ads. Ads will run until the budget runs out, your Shopee ads credit have been run out, or the advertising period ends.

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Setting Up Shop Search Ads
Shop ads Shopee allow you to bid on top keywords to display your shop at the top of your buyer search results page. Please note that shop search ads are only available to Shopee Malls and Preferred Sellers.
Shop Search Ad settings are similar to Product Search Ads settings. After setting, the shop will be displayed at the top of the search result page.
Setting Up Discovery Ads
With Discovery Ads Shopee, your product will appear in the Recommended section of Shopee. It can help you improve the exposure and sales of your product.
You can visit the Seller Center to create Discovery Ads and select products to promote. Before selecting a product, please make sure that the product title, image and description have been updated. These products selected are recommended for advertising due to their high sales and conversion rates.
When you enable the Auto-optimization option, Shopee will automatically adjust your bid to improve performance. Alternatively, you can set the bid price yourself.
What Is My Ads
Shopee My Ads allows you to place ads on Shopee apps and web platforms to increase product awareness. To set My Ads, browse the Marketing Centre and find My Ads.
Read Also: 3 Shopee Ads Tips, Reach Higher Sales, Gain Brand Awareness
Setting Up Your First Keyword Promotion
To set up your first keyword promotion you need some Shopee Ads trick. Here is how to do that.
Enter Marketing Centre and Click My Ads
Log in to the Seller Centre and enter the Marketing Centre. Then, click on My Ads.
Click Add Keyword Ads
Click on Add Keyword Ads. Promotion tab is place where all your product promotions are displayed. To get a quick overview of all your Scheduled, Ongoing or Completed promotions, use the dropdown list to apply the appropriate filter.
Select the Product
Choose products that you want to promote, then click Next. You may only advertise from your existing shop listings.
Click + Add recommended keywords
Click + Add Recommended Keyword to proceed to the next step.
Choose Keyword and Set Bid Price
If you want to add your own keywords, click Add More. Keyword to affect when your ads appear in Shopee search. Choose keywords that are similar to the words or phrases that people might use when searching. The bid price is the maximum amount you will pay each time buyers click on the promoted list. Shopee can help by recommending keywords and bids that are relevant to your list. You can choose either from this list or add your own.
Here, you may see a listing of keywords on your list ranked through quality score and search volume. Quality Score is a measure of the way appealing your advert is and its relevance to the keyword. Search Volume refers to the number of keyword searches in 30 days.
Use the search bar to search for applicable keywords and click on Add. Set your bid price and click on Confirm.
Select Match Type
Select your Match Type for selected Keywords
1. Broad match (Default): By Default, all keywords may be set as Broad match. This matching choice lets in your ad to be listed at the search page as long as the customer`s seek word contains the keyword you bid for.
2. Exact Match: Only shows your ad whilst customer searches for the precise keyword you’ve bid for; even minor differences will impact the search-ability of your product. For example, in case you bid for “Dress” and customer searches for “DressES”, your ads will no longer appear.
Enter Budget and Duration
Enter a Budget on your ad and indicate the Duration your ad will run for. When everything is done, click Publish Promotion.
My Ads operates on a Cost-per-Click model. Each time your advertised list is clicked, the CPC amount (or bid price) may be deducted out of your ad budget.
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Managing Your Keyword Promotion
All ads are on the Promotion tab. To edit the ad Duration or Budget, hover over the period or your expenses, and click the edit icon. Click the ad title to view the Ad Details.
The ad detail page allows you to manage and view the outcomes of specific promotions. Clicks indicate the number of clicks your ad has received so far. The total expenses is the amount charged for the total number of clicks received. The lower your search rank, the more likely your ad will appear when you search for a keyword. Improve your search ranking by selecting relevant keywords and making competitive bids.
How to remove Shopee Ads can be done by clicking Delete. You also may pause your ad by clicking Pause anytime.
Reviewing Your Ad Performance Report
After your ad has been running for a few days, it’s a good idea to check your ad’s performance on the Report tab. Orders show the number of orders received through the promotion during the selected time period. Click-through rate (CTR) shows how well a promotion is converting a product view into a click. A high CTR indicates the effectiveness of your ad.
Look at views, CTR, and orders to see which keywords are working. Use the Date Selector Drop-list to view performance over a specific time period. Click Export Data to save your ad performance data.
Checking Your Billing Records
To check how much you’ve billed to date, you can see it in the Billing tab. Your Balance indicates how much money (Ad Credits) you’ve got on your My Ads account. View your billing records for a specific time period by using the Date Selector. Filter your billing records with the aid of using Additions (top ups), Deductions (keyword promotion) or Deduction (targeting promotion).
Topping Up Your Ad Account
The Top-up tab allows you to purchase the Ad Credits you need to run your promotion. This shows the amount (Ad Credits) in My Ads account. To Top Up your account, select the appropriate Top Up amount. You can’t buy Ad Credits with Shopee Ads voucher.
Click Buy Now and check your purchase details, then click Check Out.
With advertisements, you can increase your product and shop exposure. After knowing the kind of Shopee Ads Malaysia, you can choose which one is good for your Shopee’s shop and try it.
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