Are there any fake products on Shopee? Yes, you might find fake products there but you can still avoid it too. Do you want to know more about it? Let’s check this out!

Does Shopee Have Fake Products?

Are there any fake products on Shopee? And yes, you might find fake products in Shopee but there are also authentic one too. Why does this happen? It is because Shopee can’t do a physical quality check as Shopee doesn’t hold all the inventories.

Beside that, Shopee is the only place or media that connects buyer and seller. Shopee is the marketplace where sellers can sell their products and buyers buy what the seller sells on Shopee.This doesn’t mean you should stop buying things in Shopee. You just need to be more careful before buying things.

Read also : Shopee Malaysia: Back to Basic with Ginee Malaysia

How Do I Report a Fake Item on Shopee?

Shopee authentic guarantee is the Shopee policy which protects buyers from fake seller Shopee by holding the buyer payments to the Shopee seller until the buyer confirms that they have received the products. If the buyer already confirms the receipt, Shopee will release the payment to the seller.

100% authentic guarantee Shopee will guarantee that Shopee seller will not run away with the buyer’s money. So if you receive a fake product or unsuitable items, you can do the following things.

Do Communication with Seller 

Shopee preferred vs Mall actually sell the authentic products but if you receive the fake one, you can try to communicate with the seller first. This method will help sellers to explain and convince you that the product is original. You can ask for proof too here.

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Ask for Shopee Return and Refund

If you are not satisfied with the products, you can ask for return and refund by taking these steps.

  • Step 1 – Go to Me Tab on Shopee Account.
  • Step 2 – Choose To Receive.
  • Step 3 – Click on the affected order.
  • Step 4 – Select Return Refund.
  • Step 5 – Type in the reason why you want to return and refund and don’t forget upload the photos.
  • Step 6 – Click Submit.

The Seller Disputes Your Claim

Not all seller will accept your return and refund, they might try to dispute the buyer’s claim.

Shopee’s Decision

After the buyer and seller give the proof, you need to wait for Shopee’s decision. Shopee will consider the proof from both sides. That’s why you need to give the best quality photo.

How to Claim 2x Money Back If I Received a Fake Item from Shopee Mall?

You must know the Shopee Mall meaning if you often buy things in Shopee. Shopee Mall guarantees that they offer authentic products only. If you want to be a Shopee Mall seller, you can find and search the information on how to join Shopee Mall.

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If you receive a fake product from a Shopee Mall authentic, you can get the 2x Money Back Guarantee. If you get fake products from Preferred Seller, you will get 100% Refund Money Back Guarantee. This refund guarantee will be counted based on:

  • Total Order for full order refunds.
  • Disputed amount for partial refunds.

To claim the refunds, you need to take these steps such as:

  • Step 1 – Request a return on Shopee.
  • Step 2 – Click the reason of “I received counterfeit products”.
  • Step 3 – Type in the reason you think that it is fake products by giving the proof. Then click submit button.
  • Step 4 – Choose the preferred 3PL.
  • Step 5 – Arrange the shipment back to Shopee.
  • Step 6 – Shopee will check the authentication of the product.
  • Step 7 – If the product is indicated as fake, Shopee will refund the money to your Shopee wallet.
  • Step 8 – Shopee will refund one more time through Bank transfer in 14 business days. Check your bank account regularly.

But if the seller can prove that they sell the authentic products, you will not get the refunds. The products to proof the authentication of the products such as:

  • Brand registration certificates or Authorisation of distribution.
  • Invoices from authorized manufacturer or authorized distributor within 3 months before the investigation date.
  • Certified copy of trademark registration.

How to Spot Fake Items on Shopee?

How to know if Shopee seller is legit? This is important so that you will satisfied with the products you buy. To know whether the seller sell a fake products or not, you can so this things including:

Read the Description

Reading the description is important so you will know the products’ size, color, grade and so on. You can see whether the product is fake or not by looking at the description, sellers usually write grade A, Replica as the indication that it is a counterfeit product.

Read also: Shop Description Shopee Example to Attract Consumers


Look at the price and compare it with the original one. If the products are cheaper more than the usual rate. You need to know that it is a fake products

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Proof of Authenticity

Many manufacturers are really good at imitating their products. Even people will find it hard to know it is fake but you can try to search and find more information about the products so that you can differentiate it.

Read Other Customer Review

To know how the products of course you need to ask the one who has bought the products. You can know it from other customer reviews. Real all the reviews there from the worst to the best one. From that review, you can consider whether you want to buy it or not.

What Happens If I List Counterfeit Items?

Listings means the group of products that you sell in Shopee. So how do I list the counterfeit products in my Shopee listings? As you know, selling fake products are prohibited therefore if Shopee knows you are selling the counterfeit products, your products listing will be automatically deleted.

Then your account will get suspended by Shopee. Beside that, you will also receive seller penalty points. If you get many penalty points, Of course you will not be able to sell in Shopee.


When you buy things from Shopee Mall but they are selling the fake products, you can claim for 2 times money back from the paid amount. To claim it, you need to prove the evidence and contact Shopee customer service.

Ginee Malaysia

Be careful of fake products on Shopee with those tips from Ginee. And prevent selling fake products, stay original, surely the customers will become your loyal customers! In order to manage your Shopee store easily and efficiently, you can use Ginee Malaysia to help you handle all stores in a single dashboard.

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