Facebook is the most favorite social media marketing avenue for millions of companies in the world. Finding the best time to post facebook ads is important because it will help your business and also help to attract your audience’s attention. But is there any best time to post on facebook for likes? Are you curious about the best time to post your facebook ads and gain sales? Let’s check these out!

Read also : 2 Ways to Do Facebook Live Selling and Sell on Facebook

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Is There A Best Time To Post On Facebook?

What is the best time to post on facebook 2022? Is the best time to post on facebook philippines 2020 is the same in 2021? Actually finding the best time to post to Facebook Marketplace Malaysia can really help your business and help your business to reach more of your audience even as Facebook organic reach continues to decline.

There is no exact time to post on Facebook but based on the study and research, the best time to post on facebook for maximum exposure is between 1pm – 3pm during the week and Saturdays. Beside that, based on the research, the researcher found out that the best time to post on social media such as  Facebook, Twitter, Instagram Feed for business and almost every other social media or digital marketing channel is on Thursday and Friday.

Actually there is no best time to post on facebook on thursday or on others days but based to the search and studies, here are the best day and time to post your ads such as :

  • Monday and Tuesday between 9 am and 12 pm
  • Wednesday and Thursday between 12 pm and 3 pm
  • Friday and Saturday between 3 pm and 6 pm
  • Sunday from 6 pm to 9 pm

All of these studies can be helpful to point marketers in the right direction. But almost every study reveals a different best time to post on facebook on wednesday or another day. The best times to post on facebook 2020, 2021 or even 2022 will depend on a number of factors that are specific to every business.

Read also : Branding and Awareness Through Facebook Page Malaysia 2021

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Why There’s No Universal Best Time To Post On Facebook

Are you curious about when is the best time to post on facebook philippines 2022? Actually there is no universal best time to post on Facebook. To know and figure out when to run your ads, you need to have a deep understanding of your business, your industry, and your customer. You need to do some research too by making questions and answering them. 

Here are the example of the questions you can make such as:

  • What days do you get the most sales?
  • What time of day do your blog posts get read the most?
  • When do you generate the highest number of email sign-ups?

As you know, there is more content shared to Facebook than any of us could ever consume, and as such, Facebook’s News Feed algorithm helps to determine what is shown to us every time we open up Facebook. Whenever you post to Facebook, you are competing against at least 1,500 others who post for a place in the News Feed and timing is only one of a number of factors that determines which content appears. 

Here are the tips you can follow to find the best time to post your business ads on Facebook such as:

  • Review your top-performing posts
  • Check when your audience is most active online
  • Consider when your competitors are posting
  • Post in your audience’s time zone
  • Monitor and adjust
  • Show up consistently over the long term

When Should You Post To Facebook? A Couple Of Strategies You Can Try

If there’s no best time to post, how do you decide when to share your content and ads on Facebook? To answer this question, you can try to use two methods such as : 

  • Using a comprehensive understanding of your own audience on Facebook and how your content is performing will bring more success, than generic insights drawn from studies on a wide variety of Pages from a range of industries and brands.
  • Post when it’s relevant.This one is a little less scientific. But some content will work best in-the-moment or at a time when it’s most relevant. A great example of this is the content many sports teams share to Facebook to update fans on the scores or breaking news.

For your business, some of your content will perform best when they are relevant. For example, the best time to share content related to the launch of your new product tends to be directly following the announcement. Or if you had an advert on a local TV station, it’s best to create and share social content around the same time that it’s broadcast. So there is no best time to post your content but it all depends on the relevancy and your audience’s time zone.

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Successful posts are a combination of great content and excellent timing. One of the best ways of figuring out your best time to post on Facebook is by looking at older posts. Looking at the times you published successful posts will indicate when your audience is most receptive to your content. You can try to use social media management tools to help you see which of your posts performed the best.

Consistency is also vital for your social media success. Showing your audience that you are consistent will create a sense of reliability and trust. Don’t forget to make sure that you create the right balance. Posting too much can come across as spammy. This is more likely to drive down engagement

Don’t forget to post your ads or content at the right time. There is no point in posting even the most fantastic content if you are sharing it when your audience is asleep. If your audience is in another time zone, you will have to post when they are online and ready to view your posts.

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