It’s been a while since you started your online business through Shopee, but you still cannot sell out any products? Wishing to increase sales numbers and gain more profits? Try to boost your shop and products with Shopee paid ads. Discover everything you need to know, starting from the types of ads and how to set it through this article for free.

Get to Know Ads

What is Shopee ads? Shopee ads are a feature offered by Shopee to help its sellers gain more exposure for their product listing and stores by placing advertisements through Shopee’s website and mobile Apps. 

Shopee Ads allow sellers to advertise their products in high-traffic areas across the platform, such as the homepage, search result page, and product details page. By this, you can boost the visibility of your products to relevant customers who are more likely to make a purchase. 

How would you be charged then? You will be charged the Shopee Ads cost whenever there’s a potential customer who clicks on your ads. There are four keys area of functionality in Shopee Ads, such as:

  • Promotions: sections where you bid for one of your products to appear under Similar Products or top of Shopee search results.
  • Report: can be used as a basis to evaluate your ads and improve in the future as this section allow you to see your ads’ performance.
  • Billing: review your billing records and see how much your ads have been clicked;
  • Top Up: with paid ads, you can only run ads once you’ve enough balance on your Shopee Ads credits.

What Results Can I Expect From Using Ads?

Shopee Ads help sellers in achieving business goals by generating sales. On average, sellers who use Shopee ads to promote their business see an uplift of 24% in orders and 26% in sales revenue for the advertised products. 

Based on a posted Shopee Ads review, there’s a tip you can apply if you would ever like to start Shopee ads:

  • Advertise at least 11 products using “Search Ads”.
  • Allow your ads to run for at least two weeks to see the impact.
  • Monitor each product’s impression, order, and revenue from ads by looking at the performance report in the Seller Center.
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How to Use Ads?

Before getting started, there are different types of Ads in Shopee based on the goals seller wish to reach, such as:

Increase Awareness or Sales of Specific Products

To achieve this goal, you can use Shopee discovery ads and search ads to advertise your products. While search ads will show your advertised product on the search result page, discovery ads will deliver your products in multiple sections of the Shopee platform to shoppers interested in the products similar or complementary to your advertised products.

Increase Shop Traffic and Brand Awareness

For achieving these goals, you can use shop search ads which will show your shop at the top of the search result page, as well as the Shopee Ads voucher and products most relevant to the potential customer’s search terms. 

Sellers also have the option to customise their ads’ pictures and taglines. Decide the keyword that will show your products by bidding for them, so whenever shoppers search for that keyword, they can see your shop search ads and be directed to your shop if they click on your ads. 

To use the ads, you will first have to determine which keyword Shopee you want to bid for. If you are unsure how well your advertised product will sell or unsure how relatable your used keyword is, you can bid for the minimum price and see how much ROI is earned from your ads, and decide whether or not to increase the bidding price. The minimum bid for Discovery Ads is RM 0.04 and RM 0.07 for Search Ads.

Also read: How Much Advertisement Fees on Shopee? Here’s the Answer!

Then, you will have to make sure your Ads credits are enough to prevent the advertising being abruptly halted in the middle of promotions due to insufficient ads credits. How to use Shopee ads credit wisely? You can set a daily or total budget cap, so your ad spend will never exceed the budget you’ve already set up.

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Two Types Of Promotions Ads

In general, there are two steps of promotions ads, being:

Setting Up Your First Keyword Promotion

Statistically, 70% of Shopee purchases are generated through keyword search. Keyword Ads allow you to target the right consumers and gain a better position in search results. To set up your first keyword promotions, do follow these steps below:

  • Access your Seller Center account by login into your seller account;
  • Click on the “My Ads” menu on the sidebar under the Marketing Center section. These sections allow you to choose keyword ads or targeting ads;
  • Choose “Create Keyword Ad Now,” your dashboard for Keyword Ad shall be empty if this is your first time creating keyword ads;
  • Select the product you want to promote for your keywords are and click “Confirm”;
  • Set your budget and the period you want to run your ads;
  • Click “Add Keyword” and type the keyword relevant to your product. You might see a few products suggestion appear in this process; click the most applicable one to your product;
  • When you select the product and click the search icon, there will be a series of keywords suggestion appear; you can click one by one or choose “Add All’ to add the keyword;
  • Click “Confirm” or  “Add Keywords” if you want to edit the selected keyword;
  • Choose “Publish Promotion” to run your Ads.

Also read: Shopee Keyword Ads Vs Targeting Ads, Know The Difference Now

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Managing Your Keyword Promotion

When going back to the Shopee My Ads menu, you can see your ongoing promotions under the “Promotions” tab. If you want to make quick changes to the previous value you set earlier, click on your budget and time duration tab. To view your ads performance, you can click on the ads to be directed to the detail page.


Shopee Ads are a great feature that will help you boost exposure to your shop and higher the chance of getting your products sold, as the advertisement will likely appear on the right target. How to remove Shopee Ads if you suddenly want to change products to advertise for? You can click go to your published ads and click “Stop” to end the campaign earlier than the setup period.

Ginee Malaysia 

You can also search for more details regarding Shopee Ads Youtube through Shopee Seller University in Shopee Malaysia. You can rely on Ginee Malaysia to create and run ads that accurately and efficiently reach the target audience.

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