Have you ever written feedback in Shopee? Is there any Shopee feedback form for it? Let’s read this article to get more information about it.
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What Should I Write In Feedback For Seller?
Have you ever bought things in Shopee and written Shopee customer feedback? If not, you need to understand what feedback is. Feedback is the buyer’s response to the product they buy. Your feedback is important to help other people know what and how is the quality of the product you buy.
Based on the shop’s survey, feedback is the basis for the shop’s improvement. Actually there are 2 types of feedback such as seller feedback and product feedback. What is it and is it different? Here we go.
Seller Feedback is the response or the reaction of your seller’s performance task. In the seller feedback, you tell how your seller treats you. Your seller feedback works as the report on customer experience when buying things in the shop and how you have been treated.
However, product feedback is the reaction of the product quality you buy. It is not about the buying experience, shipping and customer service. It is about the product. In this section, you can write whether you are satisfied with the product you buy. By writing product feedback, you can help other people to know the products so that they can consider before buying things.
For your additional information, feedback score and your review sums really matter to your product ratings. Besides that, it is also one of the determinants for seller product rank in the Shopee search result. Sellers might get the score within one to five stars ratings. In these ratings, it all depends on the customer review.
How is the Shopee feedback sample? Actually seller feedback covers several things including shipping, packaging, customer and the seller professionalism. Here is the example for seller feedback:
- I received my order at the right time, and it’s looks great
- Fast delivery. Looks awesome and will shop here again.
But if the seller suspects the customer wrote a bad review on purpose in the feedback page, you can contact Shopee customer service so that Shopee can remove the feedback from the feedback page. Here are inappropriate feedback such as:
- The order was Fulfilled
- The feedback inappropriate language or any personal information
- The feedback has a promotional content
- The feedback is not related to the seller service.
So the question is how to improve your Seller Feedback score? Here are the way to improve the seller feedback you need to know such as:
Specific Your Product Listings

The first way to improve your seller feedback is by creating specific product listings to avoid the misconception and misunderstanding about your product and seller trustability. That’s why you need to put a detailed description for your product.
Keep On Your Promises

If you promise to deliver your in fast shipping, you need to keep your promise so that the customer will trust you.
Read also : The Benefits Of Joining Shopee Shipping Program To Your Shop
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Be Responsive

The other way to improve your seller feedback score is by being more responsive. You can use Shopee live chat to communicate with the customer.
Respond To Negative Feedback You Get

If your buyer wrote a negative feedback in your feedback page, you may not be defensive. It is better to ask the matter then explain to them and resolve the matter together. After it has been resolved, you can ask your buyer to delete the bad reviews. If they still write the bad review, you can contact the Shopee email address about it.
How Do I Give Feedback On Shopee?
Customer feedback will show up on your feedback page. The customer feedback is important to your sales because actually other customers will decide to buy things at your shop by seeing other customer reviews first. Having good feedback is important because it impacts the seller conversion rate and the search result rank.
How to write feedback in Shopee? Here are the steps for it.
- Step 1 – Go to your Shopee account
- Step 2 – Click My Purchase History
- Step 3 – Select To Rate
- Step 4 – Rate your order by giving stars, add photos and write a detailed review
- Step 5 – Click on the Submit button.
You need to note that you are only able to write a feedback within 15 days after your order was completed. If you rate within 1 to 2 stars, you will ask to rate the products based on 3 criterias, such as:
- Product Quality – To rate the product’s quality
- Seller’s Service – To rate the quality’s service from the seller
- Logistics Rating – To rate the courier service provider
It is not mandatory to give feedback in Shopee but when you give the feedback, you will receive Shopee Coins. For that, you need to create a high quality product review. Here is the tips on how to create a high-quality product review
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Give the five stars rating which means you have received the best service and are already satisfied with the service and products you buy.
Image And/Or Video

You need to upload up to 5 images for each review. You can also add a video there too.

For the best review, you need to write your review for at least 100 characters. If you add your review in 100 characters with image and video you can earn 0.4 Shopee Coins.

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How Seller Can Use Shopee Feedback As Advantages
What are the advantages of Shopee Feedback? Here are the benefits for you.
Earn More Positive Product Reviews

When you sell good things and the customer is satisfied with it, their feedback can be used to earn positive product reviews. That’s why you need to write a clear description to avoid being misled. Don’t forget to use the high quality product and don’t ever use filters.
Help To Promote Your Products

Good feedback can help you to promote your business products. It helps to spread the word about your product to others which can help to boost up your sales too.
By writing a feedback in Shopee and uploading the image and video of the product you buy, it can help another potential buyer to decide whether they want to buy the product or not and once you submit your feedback, you will not be able to delete the feedback manually but you can still edit the feedback in 30 days. If there’s any inappropriate things happen, you can do the Shopee complaint email
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