If your business wants to succeed, it’s time to adopt the digital marketing funnel today. Keep reading to discover what is the digital marketing funnel and the example to move them towards purchase.
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What Is The Digital Marketing Funnel

A digital marketing funnel describes the steps that users take to move from being a prospect to a customer. While there are multiple marketing funnels, most include stages focused on brand awareness in PPC, consideration, purchase, and retention. Businesses can use any funnel to guide their marketing efforts.
The digital marketing funnel 2021 is a strategic model that represents the entire buying journey of the personas, from the moment they know your brand until the time they become customers.
This concept is widely used among salespeople but has also become a fundamental resource for the success of marketing actions.
There are numerous approaches to the funnel concept, but the model is divided into six digital marketing funnel stages:
- exposure
- discovery
- consideration
- conversion
- customer relationship
- retention
The funnel serves so marketing professionals can understand what to offer users at each of the stages within this entire convincing process.
With so much competition among companies for the attention and resources of consumers, it’s necessary to prepare and, as a consequence, enhance their communication actions, impacting who matters.
The Digital Marketing funnel will guide full-funnel digital marketing strategy that your company should adopt in search of more conversions and the other digital marketing funnel metrics.
Why Is It So Important For Your Strategy

Learning and adopting a digital marketing funnel can help your business in several ways, including:
- Discover the strategies, like combine content marketing with PPC, that will help your audience the most
- Understand the motivations that drive your target audience to research and purchase
- Realize why specific strategies, like downloadable content, only work at certain stages
- Uncover how and when to nurture relationships with leads and current customers
- Build an effective plan for marketing to users at different stages of the funnel
When you take the time to research the marketing funnel, as well as your buyer journey, you can improve your marketing strategy. Instead of guessing what your audience wants, you can use your data to build a data-backed campaign for attracting and nurturing new and existing customers.
In short, the Digital Marketing funnel is crucial to make better use of your company’s resources and improve your bottom line.

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How To Create A Funnel For Your Business

How to create a digital marketing funnel? The first step is simple: create a goal for your actions — it may be to sell more or increase the PPC Return On Investment (ROI) of your business. In short, a goal to be achieved. Then you need to structure the funnel, defining the steps that are part of the sales cycle. By creating the visual image of the stages, it’s easier to know precisely what is the best model for your business.
With your digital marketing funnel template established, it’s time to understand what you need to do to generate the expected traffic in each stage. In this way, your target audience will be impacted by material that is aligned with their level of knowledge.
What Is The Best Type Of Content For Each Stage Of The Funnel
Understanding how the Digital Marketing funnel works will ensure that your actions are more accurate, making better use of your company’s available resources and impacting users who may become consumers of your brand. This is the best type of content for each stage.

No matter which Digital Marketing funnel is established for your business, it should start with the exposure step. After all, nothing will work if the consumer doesn’t know your company.
The idea is to start your Content Marketing strategy by strengthening your presence with Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques or even paid advertisements in search engines, like digital marketing funnel Google. The important thing is that the user enters a specific keyword, and your page appears among the main results.
At this stage, the goal is to produce content that captures the attention of users, such as educational videos and infographics. On your blog, focus on those materials directed to people who don’t know your company or the fact that you can offer the solution to some of their problems.
The formula for this step is simple: to increase exposure, the company should work with subjects that attract a high number of people and are related to her. To do it, they can do research focusing on a head-tail keyword, with thousands of searches per month.
Read Also: Understanding the Differences between SEO vs SEM
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In this next step, it is ideal for focusing on producing content that encourages users to take an interest in your brand.
After all, as much as the previous stage means that they already know your company, it is necessary to make them stay on your page to discover your products, services, and solutions.
There is no point in taking a user to your website if they have no interest in your brand. This will only serve to increase the bounce rate of your site, which can even harm the stage of exposure.
The main goal of this stage is to turn the visitor into a lead. And now the first challenge arises: to offer some material or content that encourages the user to leave contact information, for digital marketing funnel examples.

The consumers are at a stage of consideration when they know your brand, and that they have a problem your company can solve.
It is up to you, then, to deliver materials that facilitate their decision process. Therefore, the most suitable materials are the ones that explain your company’s differentials and benefits.
At this stage, you already know a little more about the leads and exactly what they are looking for. Your content must present facts and information that prove the efficiency of your solution. Present a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) that solve their main issues or relevant evaluations from other customers.
After all, there is nothing better than the opinion of those who have already tried a certain product or service to make their decision. The idea is to deliver everything that serves to confirm the efficiency of your work.

It’s time to help them to make the decision. With sponsored links, you can draw the user’s attention to a specific landing page, focused almost exclusively on its conversion.
A hint of content for these pages is the free trials, letting the user experience your product or service for a while and know even more about its advantages and benefits.
In all communications, it is necessary to focus on the results that the user will be able to obtain with your company’s help, leaving a little of the functionalities aside.
Read Also: How Do You Set up a PPC Campaign to Increase Conversions
Customer Relationship

With the lead conversion established, the next step is to get closer to your customers. Investing in a drip campaign to further educate the customer and clarify their main questions is an excellent alternative.
Being able to show that you aren’t just interested in getting a conversion but want to help the consumer solve their problems and make their business prosper. You can invest your resources on an email marketing strategy, strengthening your ties with the lead even more.
This way, you can establish a direct channel with them and always be at their disposal to solve their doubts. Now that they know your company and how you can help them, it’s time to stand out from the competition.
Another option is using videos with tutorials to help the consumer use with your products and services, showing that you care about its performance.

Make the consumer who already knows your brand and has bought your product or service continue to make new transactions. Especially in the long term, this stage is fundamental.
In addition to continuing the production of content from the previous stage, it’s essential to monitor and analyze your communications with the lead regularly. A very efficient way to do that is to interview the client to create a case study to be used in the previous stages.
A digital marketing funnel describes the steps that users take to move from being a prospect to a customer. While there are multiple marketing funnels, most include stages focused on awareness, consideration, purchase, and retention.
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