You can still find many traditional marketing methods like billboard advertising today. Advertising is actually used for brand awareness. In this new era, you can try to change your traditional advertising method to the new digital advertising method. You can try to build your brand awareness with PPC which works by using the metrics.
Read also: What Is the PPC Campaign Objective and Why Is It important?
One of the advantages you can get by using digital marketing is you can control how your marketing strategy and brand awareness grows. So how to measure brand awareness? We will discuss growing brand awareness with PPC and paid social campaigns. Are you ready? Let’s check this out!
How Do PPC and Paid Social Campaigns Increase Brand Awareness?
How to build brand awareness and reach it with PPC and Paid search brand awareness campaigns? Before we go directly to that matter, You need to know what brand awareness is first. Brand awareness is the extent of consumer knowledge or familiarity of your business brand, images, products and also services. This brand awareness has divided into two types such as:
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- Brand recognition which means the ability of consumers to recognize a brand name, logo and the slogans.
- Brand recall is the pinnacle of brand awareness which means someone will automatically remember your brand when they see your products or competitors’ products that look like yours. This also one of brand awareness ads examples.
How to increase brand awareness? You can use PPC ads to increase brand awareness by introducing your brand in the ads that you have targeted. You might get your potential customer by creating ads that show what your brand is that include your brand name, logo and others.
To increase your brand awareness in PPC, you have to monitor how many impressions that your ads get and how many of them click on your ads. You can try to switch over to the pay per impression option to build brand awareness and you can also use SEM for brand awareness.
Read also: SEM: Path For Your Business to Locally and Internationally
Paid Ad Brand Awareness Campaign Goals
Brand awareness KPI is important for those who want to build their brand awareness. Building brand awareness may take many forms from hearing your brand name, seeing your brand logo, exploring your brand website and many more.
How to do the Google company brand awareness campaign? Before you join the campaign, you have to know your brand well. You have to know whether your brand, product or service is already on the market. Are you focusing on increasing your sales or just increasing brand awareness?
You need to know and set your campaign goals before deciding to join the campaigns. After you target your campaign’s goals. You can choose to observe the following metrics such as:
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- Impressions means how many people see the ad you have posted. They might just see and scroll by or take their time to read your ad.
- Clickthroughts means how many people are interested in your ads and clicking through your site.
- CTR is the simple formula to find out how many people are clicking through in the relation to how many are seeing your ad.
- Video views means the way you can take to see how many people have seen your ads video which you posted on the website.
Tips for Growing Brand Awareness with PPC and Paid Social Campaigns
Building and growing your brand awareness might not be easy but you can have many creative ways and opportunities to grow your brand awareness so that other people will know your brand by looking at the brand logo and products. The most important is you have to know and set your campaign goal to build your brand reputation that can drive your sales. Here are tips that can help you to grow your brand awareness.
Know Who Is Your Target
The first thing you need to determine is your target. Set your target. Who do you want to know and buy your products? You can set and determine whether your product is suitable for teenagers, adults or based on the age range or gender. Don’t forget to make a specific target.
Understand Your Target Market Habits
After you know who your target is now you have to search what are they interested in, what are their habits, What apps do they spend their time on more? Which social media they preferred. To grow your brand awareness, you need to make the effort to know more about your target audience. The more specific you know your target, the more out of each view you will get.

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Diversify Your Ads
Since it is for brand awareness, please don’t keep exposing your brand’s ads or video just in one way or one place. Try to make something different to make your target notice your ads. You can set the out of the box ads which can make your target curious about it. Try to advertise them in more than one location or through different social media or ad streams such as Google Ads, Facebook, Instagram, etc.
Use the Right Keywords
Keywords play an important role when advertising in PPC. You need to find a good and relevant keyword so that the searchers can find you. A good and relevant keyword will connect your ads to the searches. Using a good keyword means your ads are more likely to show up for your target market.
Get Creative with Keywords
Not only the relevancy of your keyword, you also need to create creative keywords for your brand ads. This is important when you are doing a brand campaign through PPC. Here are the ideas for you to get your creative keyword flowing:
- Your competitors’ keywords.
- Current event keywords.
- Trending keywords.
- Misspelled keywords.
- Keyword your target market is searching for is outside your industry.
Insert the Right Information
Let your target know your brand by giving them the right information about your brand. You need to expose your brand logo, slogan, tagline, location and also your brand website.
PPC advertising and Paid Social Campaigns can be the solution for those who want to build brand awareness, collect leads and generate revenue online. Building a growth brand awareness is not easy but you don’t need to be worried, you can try to apply the tips mentioned above to help you with it.
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