If you are a Shopee seller, you need to know how to boost product Shopee. Boost up your shop and products are the part of Shopee marketing strategy. You have to boost up your products to gain more money. Do you want to know how to boost products in Shopee Malaysia? Here are the tips for you.

Run Campaigns

The first step to Shopee boost product is by running, like PPC campaigns. When running a campaign, you can see how your sales will increase. You can use Shopee My Campaigns features to help you run your shop campaign and it is free.

Before you run the campaign, you need to nominate your products but there are criterias you need to fulfill before nominate your product such as:

  • The images must be in real picture and has an accurate product description.
  • The seller agree to provide 10%-20% discount.
  • Has an attractive price.

If one of the criterias is not fulfilled, your appeal might be declined so that you have to agree to the requirements before you nominate your product. Once you agree, you can join Shopee boost product free. Are you curious on how to join the campaigns? Here are the steps for you:

  • Go to your Shopee seller account.
  • Choose campaigns under the marketing center.

Once you apply, your products might show up in the Shopee upcoming campaign but do remember that there is no guarantee that Shopee will choose your products for the next campaign section.

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Use the Top Picks Features

How to increase Shopee followers and sales? There are several ways to increase your followers as well as your sales and one way you can try is by using the top picks features.  What are the top picks features? Top Picks Features are the features that sellers can use to add a maximum of eight product images and display it as one product page.

Here are the ways to use the top picks features to your shop.

  • Log in to your Shopee account and go to seller center
  • Then select on marketing center and click in top picks under the marketing tools
  • Open the product selector by click on Add collection
  • After that, you have to choose the green plus button to adding products
  • Choose the product you want to add
  • Then select confirm when you have selected all the products
  • Type your collection name then click on save button
  • Then you can activate your collection by clicking the activate button
  • Now you will be able yo see your collection in your Top Picks dashboard

Nominate Products for Flash Sale

Another Shopee ads tips by joining the flash sale. Who doesn’t love sales? No one can refuse the flash sales. But what are flash sales? So, flash sales are the deals which might appear on the Shopee homepage. When you join the flash sales, you will see how your sales will be growing.

Flash sales is one of the most awaited sections in Shopee. Your customer will buy the products in a hurry and you will see your product’s stocks might be finished just in a while. Here are the advantages of joining the flash sale such as:

  • Get more chance to have your products sold out.
  • Attract more customer.
  • Get a higher exposure to your shop.

But you have to mark that not all sellers can join the flash sale, only the one who meets all the criteria can join. Here are the criterias 

  • Never get penalty points.
  • Have a good chat response.
  • Have a good rating.
  • High order fulfillment rate.
  • Low late shipment rate.
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Encourage Buyer Activities Through Vouchers

Shopee ads voucher are important to your sales. As you know, sellers are willing to buy things when there are promotions and discounts in the shop. That’s why it is better for Shopee sellers to offer vouchers to their customers. 

You can offer a free shipping voucher or discount and cashback voucher. You can customize your own voucher based on your needs. Actually there are two types of voucher such as:

  • Product vouchers which can only be used for selected products only.
  • Shop vouchers which can be used to all the products in your shop.

Even if you create a voucher, you can still set the amount of the voucher you create and also the terms and conditions to use the voucher like the minimum purchase. How to create a voucher in Shopee? Here are the steps to create a voucher of Shopee boost price.

  • Click on marketing center in the seller center page.
  • Choose vouchers.
  • Click create new voucher. In this part, you can choose to create a shop or product voucher. If you choose product voucher discount, you will asked to select the products.
  • Fill in the voucher details.
  • Click save.
  • Once you have created the voycher, it will show up in your voucher dashboard.

Read also: Introduction to How to Post on Shopee Feed and Features

Promote your Products with Discounts

Another way to increase your sales is by offering your products at a discount. No one can reject this. You can use My discount promotion tools to help you. You can offer a discount that can apply for one product or to all your products. Besides that, you can set the limit of the discount you offer. My Discount Promotions features are really helpful for Shopee sellers that want to increase their sales and profit. 

Understand the Shopee Sales Funnel

Understanding the sales funnel is important to sellers whether you sell online or in a shop. Sales funnel is the process of flow that customers make before making the purchase decision. Shopee has a tool to help you know the flow named Shopee sales funnel. There are 4 stages in the sales funnel such as awareness, engagement, conversion and also retention.

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Read also: 7 Steps To Shopee Product Research And Sell More Profitable


Shopee is the best place to start your business but your business will not be successful without efforts from sellers. There are several ways Shopee sellers can gain more profit and increase their sales.

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