What is a Shopee marketing strategy? Sea Limited, the parent company of Shopee, was founded in 2009. It started off as online gaming company Garena and it didn’t jump into e-commerce only until 2015.Shopee was launched in 2012, and Lazada was already a number one e-commerce platform within the region when Shopee first entered the market.

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What is Marketing?

Lazada and Shopee marketing strategy? Marketing may be a system during which an internet site or a corporation makes use of the products offered to them. During this case you are talking about marketing for Shopee, so what it’s doing here is trying to draw in people to come back and use the services that Shopee provides like buying or selling top quality products.

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What Marketing Strategy does Shopee Use?

Shopee 4P marketing strategy? Here may be a summary about How Shopee Marketing Strategy works and helps Shopee become the leader within the region.

The pandemic is just accelerating an existing trend. A joint report from Google, Temasek and Bain and Company estimated that the eCommerce sector in SEA was worth over $38 billion in 2019, up from $5.5 billion in 2015. The report forecasts that e-commerce value within the region will surpass $100 billion by 2025.

Riding this boom is Shopee, the leading e-commerce site within the region measured by average monthly active users.. Here are some key strategic factors driving Shopper’s journey from ambitious startup to a regional retail powerhouse.

Mobile first

Shopee marketing strategy in Malaysia? Southeast Asians are the foremost engaged mobile Internet users within the world. consistent with the Google, Temasek, and Bain and Company report, there are 360 million Internet users within the region and 90% of them hook up with the web primarily through their mobile phones.

From the start, Shopee saw mobile as an emerging trend and also the way forward for e-commerce within the region. It immediately focused on optimising user experience and engagement through mobile.

The company says online shopping must evolve to suit the requirements of younger users particularly who grew up communicating, collaborating and entertaining themselves on mobile devices. Shopee’s mobile-first approach allows it to take advantage of the expected continued growth in mobile subscriber penetration.

Shopee says that over 95% of orders on the platform are now made on mobile. Responding to the current demand, Shopee offers an end-to-end online shopping experience directly on the mobile app.

How to boost Shopee sales? are ready to browse products, order, make payment and track the status of deliveries. At the same time, sellers are able to use the app to require a photograph, create listings, monitor shop performance, receive payments and track deliveries through integrated logistics and payment tools.

Taking a Hyper Local Approach

Shopee pricing strategy? Southeast Asia may be a region and not one market. Each country has different e-commerce characteristics and challenges, and also the demographics of consumers also differ from market to promote. 

With this in mind, Shopee takes a hyper localised approach in each market to bring the foremost relevant online shopping experience for brands, sellers and shoppers.

By understanding each market and its user behaviours means Shopee is in a position to reply to their needs. In addition to having local offices and teams in each of the markets it operates, each market is very localised in its product categories and marketing campaigns.

For example, in Indonesia Shopee launched Shopee Barokah to satisfy the wants of Muslim users for a spread of Shariah-compliant products and services, particularly during the fasting month.

More than Just Shopping

Shopee social media marketing? One important area of innovation for Shopee is its ability to produce a personalised and social experience for its users. Shopee has from the start integrated shopping and socialising. The platform creates immersive experiences by building a powerful community that permits users to attach and interact with each other.

Features include: Shopee Live (a live streaming feature); Shopee Games (an in-app gaming function); Shopee Feed (an in-app social feed allows users to share content on what they’re listing, buying and selling with the larger Shopee community).

Shopee Live Chat (a chat function that permits buyers to talk with sellers directly and learn more information before and after making a purchase).

Smart Advertising

Brand marketing Shopee? Campaigns Featuring Relatable Icons Shopee’s 9.9 shopping event in 2019 featuring Cristiano Ronaldo and Baby Shark saw thrice more orders than the year before. The soccer star was seen dancing to a remix of the viral children’s song while swiping on Shopee’s mobile app within the company’s crusade.

It may be cringe-worthy for a few, but it clad to be a viral hit with thousands of individuals sharing the video all across the region.Last year, Shopee’s campaign featured mascot Phua Chu Kang, together with his familiar Singlish accent as he banters with viewers and urges them to not miss the nice deals on the campaign’s online and offline channels.

Read also: Increase Sales Fast with Add on Deal Shopee Tool for Sellers

Promotions and Discounts

Shopee business model? Instead of specialising in advertisements, Shopee managed to capture customers through various campaigns, for promotions from free shipping, discounts to flash sales all year round.

In 2020, the anticipated yearly Singles Day or 11.11, proved how Shopee’s marketing strategy remains dominating the marketplace because it topped all six countries within the region during the said shopping day, because the platform saw 200 million items sold in at some point.

For example in Malaysia, Shopee focused on different demographics via app in February 2020. 

Shopee Malaysia launched a men’s sale option because the platform observed that ladies shop as a kind of entertainment, whereas men target higher ticket items and there has been a gentle increase of male buyers making purchases of laptops, phones and appliances.

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What Sellers Must Do with Shopee Marketing Strategy?

Shopee marketing? To address the constant growth, Shopee’s marketing strategy is to return up with support solutions that match all SMEs:

  • Shopee eCommerce? Shopee 9.9 Super Shopping Day: All sellers signed up for Shopee’s Seller Support Package in April, during 9.9 sale day Shopee will highlight these new sellers throughout super sale days 9.9, 10,10 and 11.11. Sellers has reported 6 times higher within the number of orders during that period
  • Shopee University Program: This program includes online Seller Education Hub, Shopee Masterclass, e-tailer’s social commerce tutorials which insist sellers on improving e-commerce skills together with familiarising with the Shopee Live platform.
  • International connection: Shoppe’s marketing strategy to achieve international connection among local, global brands with the region‘s digital-first shoppers. At the start of 2020, Shopee has successfully connected 600 brands with celebrity companies like Samsung, Disney and L’Oreal which generate 2,5 times sales during 10.10 sale days.
  • Besides preparing for the huge sales 10.10, Shopee steps up their marketing strategy by putting emphasis on their partners, offering more opportunities for his or her online shopping value chain consisting of companies, retailers and sellers.

Read also: The Pros And Cons Of Using An Online Marketplace In Malaysia


In order to build brand loyalty and create memorable experiences for users, Shopee’s business model focuses a lot on hyper localised activities to cater to the demands of each market. The strategies used are all used wisely to make sure that it benefits Shopee.

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