What are Lazada ads? Lazada ads are the tools that you can use to promote your business easily in Lazada. Do you want to know more about Lazada ads and how much they cost? Let’s check this out!
Read also: What is Campaign in Lazada and How to Join Lazada Campaign
Can You Advertise on Lazada?
Since Lazada users in Malaysia have increased rapidly, selling on Lazada is the best decision you can take for your business. Beside selling the popular products, you need to use the Lazada Malaysia ads to promote your business but how to put ads on Lazada? For your information, there are several options you can choose to advertise your business in Lazada Malaysia such as:
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Lazada Marketing – Sponsored Search Ad

The first option on how to advertise in Lazada is by using the Sponsored Search Ad. You can find it on the Lazada Seller Center. After you have logged in, you have to click Lazada sponsored solutions center. Then on the right bottom, you can choose Sponsored Search.
Lazada Marketing – Sponsored Product Ads

Another way to promote your products is by using Sponsored product ads. Sponsored products ads work based on keywords. In this part, Lazada will help you to detect the most relevant traffic and let your sponsored product ads appear.
Lazada Sponsored Display Ads

Lazada Sponsored Display Ads can also be the solution to reach more potential customers and retarget prospects.The Lazada ads cost will be charged by the CPM model. This advertisement model helps sellers increase product visibility on Lazada’s premium online assets.
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Lazada Affiliate Program

There is a new feature in Lazada which is known as Lazada Affiliate Program. This program allows Lazada add on deal and drive traffic to their product pages.
Lazada Flexi Combo

There is also Lazada Flexi Combo or also known as Flexi Combo Bundle which is a promotional tool you can use to encourage buyers to purchase more items in your shop.
How Much Does It Cost to Advertise on Lazada?
After you know several ways to advertise your business. You might be curious about the Lazada advertising cost. For your information, there is no fixed amount to advertise in Lazada. It is because the cost will be charged by using an auction based pricing model. You can freely set the amount of money you are willing to pay when a customer clicks on your products.
Read also : See How to Upload Your Products in Lazada Malaysia
How Can I Promote My Items in Lazada?
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Promoting your products is an essential thing to do when you are selling online. When you are selling things in Lazada, you are allowed to join the Lazada advertising campaign.
So what are Lazada Marketing campaigns? It is a special sales event held by Lazada that helps to generate traffic to the Lazada website. You can join Lazada marketing campaign by following this steps:
- Step 1 – Go to seller center.
- Step 2 – Choose promotions.
- Step 3 – Select campaign management.
- Step 4 – Click the campaign and tap join.
You will get many benefits when joining the marketing campaigns, such as :
- Campaign daily net order is 7 times the average daily net orders.
- Up to 5 times the average daily sales.
- Campaign visits are 5 times more than the average daily visits.
- You will achieved Highest revenues during campaign.
Here are another way to increase your sales and product visibility such as:
Optimize Your Product Listings

To increase your shop and product visibility, you need to optimize the product listing first. Here are the tips on how to optimize your product listings.
- Your products have a good product quality score.
- Your products has been optimized with good Lazada SEO best practices.
- Your Lazada product detail page images optimized.
- You have the basic SEO optimization for the Lazada product detail page.
- You have cleaned up your Lazada Buyer Q&As.
- You have cleaned up your Lazada product reviews to look more professional.
Request for a Shop Catalog And Pixel from the Lazada Team

The best way to make sure to get optimal results from your Lazada ads is to request a Shop catalog from the internal team which usually comes with a pixel code. This really helps to build an audience and track your conversion.
If you want to ask for your shop catalog, you have to email Lazada’s Marketing Solutions. The email should include:
- A shop catalog request.
- Business manager Identity.
- Ad account Identity of your Facebook.
After you have emailed, you need to wait for the response. If there is no response within 48 hours, you can email them again to ask for progress.
Setup a Chatbot

Another way to help your business is by setting up a chat box. You can create a Facebook Ad that opens Facebook messenger and sends a coupon. By using this chat box, you can communicate with your buyer and help you to easily ask the buyer about their reviews on the product you sell.
A/B Test Your Facebook Ads

There is also an A/B Test. This test is a way to introduce the scientific process into ecommerce business. By using the A/B testing features for your Lazada product listings, it can help to identify which is performing the best. To get the best result, you have to structure your campaigns well too. This structure includes the audiences, offers, and ad messaging variations.

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Create Compelling Ads

Another way to help your business is by creating compelling ads. You can communicate on Facebook but remember to keep it simple, on point and direct with your brand messaging. For your information, the most common advertising method that popular brands use is a high-discount promotion – for instance 50% off for the next few days.
Beside finding the most popular products, you also need to promote your products to reach more sales. There are several ways to promote your business such as Lazada ads, social media marketing and many more.
For your additional information, there is no fixed amount to advertise in Lazada. It is because the cost will be charged by using an auction based pricing model. You can freely set the amount of money you are willing to pay when a customer clicks on your products.
Join Ginee Malaysia!
Ginee is an Omnichannel that can help you manage your online stores registered in Lazada. If you have Lazada stores and want to increase your sales using Ginee Ads and other features such as product, promotion, stocks, orders management. Join Ginee Malaysia now!
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