If you think you have reached the top of your Shopee business, it might be time to grow. You can start to consider selling things internationally. How to sell things internationally? With Shopee, you can be a crossborder seller easily without any extra effort and investments. 

Shopee has a feature called Shopee International Platform (SIP) that will help you with that. Join the Shopee International Platform program and become a cross-border seller. In this article will be explained to you about what all of this means for you as a Shopee seller shortly.

Read also: How to Sell Product in Shopee, Before and After Selling Tips

What Does It Mean to be a Crossborder Seller?

How to sell internationally online market and be a crossborder seller? When you register as a seller, you only do it on the market where you live. For example, if you are from the Philippines, you register at Shopee PH and if you come from Singapore, you can register as a seller at Shopee SG. 

But even if you go to Shopee to meet your purchase needs, you find that some products have to ship abroad. There are best products to sell internationally on Shopee, such as clothing and fashion items. Then, how to sell internationally online on Shopee?

Sellers of a region can sell their products from any Shopee supported country called Shopee crossborder seller. This means that if you are a seller from China, the potential buyers of the Philippines or Indonesia can order your products.

Read also: Best Selling Products in Shopee You Should Know Now

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What Is Shopee International Platform (SIP)

Shopee International Platform (SIP) is a feature that allows sellers to sell in different countries/regions or do international selling with the support of Shopee Malaysia. Selling in international markets with SIP allows the seller to perform the following actions: 

  • Develops their consumer awareness.
  • Logistics and customer service arrangements for free.
  • Development of business abroad without additional efforts or costs.

There are two business models following the SIP program. They are Managed By Seller and Managed By Shopee models. 

The Managed by Seller means that when you receive the order, you will organize the shipping of products towards Shopee’s warehouse. Going for Managed by Shopee model means that Shopee courier will search for packages and send them to customers. The successful delivery of your package will take 7 to 14 days.

How to Join SIP?

After knowing how to sell internationally on Shopee, then how to join Shopee International Platform? The SIP program is not for everyone. The Shopee team will pre-select qualified sellers to be invited to the program. At this time, sellers do not have the option to actively request to be part of SIP. 

You will receive a notification in your Shopee app under Shopee updates if you are eligible. Simply click on the notification, click Yes, then agree to the SIP terms and conditions. In two weeks, someone will contact you about the onboarding process.

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SIP Best Practices

As a new crossborder seller, you need to know some of Shopee International Platform (SIP) best practices. Here are some tips to help you get the most out of your SIP experience: 

  • Accept Shopee’s Terms and Conditions about laws for selling internationally.
  • Product names and descriptions must be written in English.
  • Ensure accurate and up-to-date product weights.
  • Make sure that SIP_shopee_agent and scommercetrading are not blocked from both your email and the Shopee messaging feature. (SIP_shopee_agent is Shopee’s customer service team, they will contact you if there is a problem with your order. scommercetrading is the SIP buyer account).

Shopee International Platform (SIP) Capabilities

Being part of Shopee International Platform gives you the ability to sell overseas and boost your sales. Leverage Shopee’s advanced capabilities to go international by doing these: 

  • Agree to the Terms of Service. Read and agree to Shopee International Platform Terms of Service, then click on Yes and click the Submit button.
  • Receive orders. Receive orders from overseas buyers and arrange for delivery to Shopee Malaysia Warehouse.
  • Fulfilled by Shopee Supported Logistic. Package will be delivered by PosLaju/JnT/DHL. No extra effort required.
  • Sales Remittance. Receive sales through the Seller Wallet after delivery of parcel completed.
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How Long Will It Take for My Parcels to Reach Overseas Buyer?

Shopee cooperates with an established network of logistics providers who will ensure reliable and efficient delivery for Shopee’s sellers and buyers. Delivery time will depend on the overseas destination. This can vary greatly depending on the destination. For delivery to Singapore, it will take about 5 to 10 days. 

Do We Have to Pay Additional Charges to Enrol into Shopee International Platform Program?

It is totally free to join SIP. The Shopee International Platform ensures you don’t need to make extra efforts to sell internationally and it aims to provide you with good cross-border services. Local selling experience is maintained at the same time! 

How Will My Total Stock Be Allocated to the Respective Overseas Markets?

Shopee has achieved a detailed inventory allocation analysis through undertaking an typical evaluation which compares the product demand in the respective local markets. Based on this evaluation, a right inventory allocation logic has been derived which guarantees enough inventory allotted to local and overseas markets.

Do We Have to Respond to Queries Made by Overseas Buyer?

Overseas buyers’ queries could be handled directly through Shopee’s customer service team, as one of the various offerings offered through Shopee International Platform.


Shopee crossborder sellers are sellers of a region who can sell their products from any Shopee supported country. Shopee provided a new feature called Shopee International Platform to help sellers be Shopee crossborder sellers. Shopee International Platform (SIP) is a feature that allows sellers to sell in different countries/regions or do international selling with the support of Shopee Malaysia.

How to sell internationally on Shopee Malaysia is not for everyone. This program is only for qualified sellers that will be invited to the program.

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