Pay-Per-Click (PPC), ad networks have become more and more popular over recent years. Particularly with publishers with a high volume of web traffic looking to maximize their ad revenue. There are many options out there, the question is, what are the best PPC ad networks?
Whether you’re a seasoned PPC advertiser or you’re just getting started, there’s always room to explore new ad networks to grow your business.
Every platform has a slightly different audience, targeting options and bidding methods not to mention costs. Top media agency in Malaysia like Google Ads tend to be a lot more expensive than cheaper alternatives.
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How To Find The Right Network For You in Malaysia?
There are many factors to consider when joining an ad network. You want to join a media agency Malaysia that helps you better manage your ad layouts, fills the most ad space and generates the best ad revenue possible. You need to have a strategy for PPC.
Testing a new network demands an investment of both time and resources. It’s essential that you figure out which ad networks are most suitable for your business first.
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Here are six things you must consider before deciding which ad networks to go with.
Do Your Due Diligence
Check out the ad networks running on the websites that you admire and take note of them. Research on client experience, learning from the experience of other publishers who currently use these ad networks is essential.
Ask your publisher friends, especially those in the same niche as you, and who are using these ad networks about their experience with them.
Size of The Network
The ad network size gives you an idea of how many ads they can offer you. A larger inventory means that ad networks have more choice when trying to match ads to websites based on their content.
Better targeting means increased user engagement and higher CTR rates. A large inventory also means there are more advertisers on the network.
Quality of Ads
Low-quality ads are terrible for advertising in general. Whether you like it or not, the advertisements that appear on your website are viewed by the users as either directly or indirectly promoted by you.
A lot of publishers neglect what ads are being served on their site. While this gives you good gains in the short term, this could damage your brand and user experience in the long run.
It’s best to partner with ad networks that only serve ads that resonate with your users. Advertisements need to be relevant and will work well with your website’s niche.
Ad Formats And Placement Requirements
Ad formats can have a significant impact on ad performance. Each ad format has its pros and cons, and like most cases, there isn’t a perfect ready-to-use solution available. If you know which ad formats you should go with, it makes sense to go with a network that offers multiple ways of displaying ads.
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This way, you can test several types over and discover which ones work best for you. Look for ad networks that offer multiple ad formats such as aa standard IAB display units, text ads, custom display units, rich media ads, video rolls, interstitials and more.
Check the payment method and terms before considering signing up. You need to know how they will be making their payments and if it fits your business model. A regular payment schedule and transparent reporting are also things you should strive for when choosing an ad network.
Ad Management And Support
Look for an ad network that provides active support concerning ad management. Pay attention to the level of control that you have over the ads that are shown on your site.
Make sure that you can set up ad filters to block certain ad formats and categories that you do not want showing on your site. An ad network that can provide a good ad management platform will ensure that you make as little trial and error as possible.
Which Networks Are The Most Popular in Your Industry And Why They Are Effective?
PPC and CPC stand for Pay-per-click and Cost-per-click, respectively. The networks that offer payments per click on the ads or links are PPC/CPC ad networks.
Being a part of ad tech, getting a click on ads is a once in a blue moon event. However, users do click on ads. Especially during Q4, advertisers see an increase in the number of clicks on ads.
When compared with impressions, clicks on ads get better interaction and engagement to advertisers. Hence, advertisers agree to pay more for clicks on ads. If you are partnered with a good network then you can surely make the most out of the CPC model of payment.
So, here are the seven most advertising industry in Malaysia 2020.
Google Ads
Even in the face of increasing competition Google AdSense is still the leader of the ad network pack when it comes to digital ad spend. It is perhaps the simplest and most effective PPC ad network in the digital ecosphere.
In fact, Google has a phenomenal 78% market share of the global PPC ad market. Offering access to literally millions of advertisers through the Google Display Network, Google Ads provides the ability to deliver quality, relevant ads with high click-through rates.
Google Ads allows publishers to choose the types of ads that appear on their sites, using demographic targeting to serve ads that suit the interests of the page users. Advertisers then participate in real-time bidding auctions, with the highest paying, most relevant ad appearing in the available ad space.
YouTube reaches over 2 billion logged-in users per month globally, so it’s an excellent opportunity for advertisers to reach their audience through this platform effectively.
Campaign creation and management are handled through the Google Ads platform with more in-depth information about the audience’s demographics and engagement through YouTube Analytics in the YouTube account.

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The top ad network for social media platforms, Facebook Audience Network(FAN), was initially developed to serve ads to Facebook users.
FAN allows page owners to create a range of ad formats, including Facebook ads, mobile ads, and text ads.
With 1.62 billion users every day, Facebook ads is an extremely popular option for SMEs, particularly when it comes to mobile marketing.
There are several ways that publishers can configure Facebook’s PPC model; however, the most popular way is via cost per thousand impressions (CPM).
Instagram Ads can be posted via Facebook Ads. but actually this huge ad platform warrants its own section as you don’t necessarily need a Facebook account to start running ads on Instagram.
As a PPC platform it has a higher click through rate than any other social media platform. There are over a billion monthly active users, the majority of whom (over 70%) are under 35.
Basically, if you’re targeting the millennial market, this is the platform you should be using.
The leading social media platform for professionals, LinkedIn is one of the top PPC ad networks for advertisers looking to reach C-suite executives and business decision-makers.
With 575 million registered users worldwide and 260 million of those active monthly, LinkedIn ads are an excellent choice for those running B2B ad campaigns.
They offer a range of ad formats, including sponsored posts (the bread and butter of social media advertising platforms), along with in-mail, text ads, and dynamic ads.
Still one of the most popular social media platforms in the ecosphere to date, Twitter and its PPC ad network, Twitter Ads, is an effective advertising platform for brands looking to gain traction in the social arena.
A very respectable 1-3% click-through rate (CTR), paired with a trending hashtag can make for highly successful ad campaigns. While Twitter may not have the reach of Facebook Ads, they have a slightly younger demographic, making Twitter Ads a good choice for brands with a target audience in the 18-35 bracket.
They offer a range of ad formats, including native posts, sponsored hashtags, promoted accounts, and Twitter moments.
Pinterest is a visual social platform where users share “pins”, which can be anything from recipes to interior design inspiration to martial arts. Almost any subject you can think of, there’ll be a Pin Board for it.
Pinterest has a successful advertising platform, with audience targeting settings available for demographics, interests, keywords and more. Very similar to what you’ll find on Facebook.
Ads on Pinterest are particularly effective in the early awareness and discovery phases of the decision-making funnel, since Pinterest is often used for discovery, inspiration and new ideas.
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