What is SKU in Shopee? SKU is also known as a stock keeping unit that consists of alphabets and the numeric. SKU is used to help the seller to identify their product. Do you want to know more about it? Let’s check this out for more information needed.
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What Is SKU Shopee Seller?

Have you ever heard about SKU? What is parent SKU in Shopee exactly? SKU stands for Stock Keeping Unit which is used to help sellers to identify their inventory product that they sell.
What is SKU in Shopee example? SKU is only known by the seller. This SKU usually comes out in the combination of alphabet and numeric that helps the seller for the specific data of their products like the size, color, brand, style, and others.
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How Do I Get A Shopee SKU Number?

You might be curious about where to find SKU number? You can find the SKU number at the product, usually only the seller knows what it means because the seller is the one who created the SKU number. There is no standard for making the SKU number. Here is the parent SKU example: A253SR which means A253 for the product code, S for size small and R for red color.
Every business has a different SKU. There is no fixed standard on how to create SKU but here is the simple way to create it
- Count how many products you sell and categorize them. For example if you sell baby food, baby chairs, diapers, etc you can categorize them as babies.
- After you have categorized your products, you need to differentiate the gender and also the size.
- Make your own code and make sure that it is unique and you understand the code you made. You can start your code with a letter and stay between 8 to 12 different characters.
- Create your own inventory system. You can use the application to help you with the parent SKU Shopee example
After you have created your own SKU, you need to add them on Shopee. How to add the SKU? Here are the guides for you.
- Step 1 : Click at supplier and select the manage hyperlink that is placed under the action column. You will be directed to the new Supplier Related SKU page.
- Step 2 : Find and click on the Add Related SKU button
- Step 3 : Click on the SKUs that are related to your supplier at the check box. And click if you have done.
- Step 4 : Set the supplier SKU identity and the minimum order quantity.
- Step 5 : Then, you need to click the Add button once you are done. But if you want to remove it, you can click the remove button.
The way on how to use SKU in Shopee is actually the same as how it is applied at the stores. SKU helps sellers to differentiate the products they sell, to track their product inventory so that you can know how many you have sold, how many left and whether you need to restock it again or not.
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What Does SKU Mean On An Order?
Parent SKU meaning is the code that is used to help you to find your inventory. Since there are a lot of products that sellers sell, making the SKU is important to help you to run your business. What does SKU mean in an order? As you know SKU is the variation and combination of alphabet and numeric that helps you know which product your customer wants to buy.
As you have many variations of products, you can add the variations at the product details page on ths sales information. You have to insert the variant you have for each product including the price, picture, color,size, amount of stock that is available and so on.
For example, you sell dresses with the code AG5 that have two categories of variations such as size and color. The available sizes are S (Small),M (Medium) and L (Large). The Available colors are pink (P), red (R) and yellow (Y).
You can make the SKU by making the dress code in front, then followed by size and last one is color. So when you receive the order of AG5SR, it means your customer ordered the dress code AG5,size S in red color.
There are two ways to update your SKU such as:
Single Upload

If you need to update just some of your SKU, you can choose the single upload. It will help you to make adjustments to your SKU’s stock available, minimum stock threshold, and also supplier lead time.Don’t forget to select the ‘tick’ button if you want to change or update your SKU data and click on the ‘cross’ icon to cancel the modifications you made before.
Mass Upload

If you need to change a lot of your SKU data, mass upload is the best choice to save your time. Here are the steps you need to take.
- Step 1 – Download the Export tool template to make numerous change of your SKU data
- Step 2 – Navigate the page to mass changing
- Step 3 – Click on the upload tab button from the drop-down menu
- Step 4 – Go to File and upload the template
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Can Ginee ERP Help To Manage My SKU?
If you don’t have time to manage your SKU, you can find Ginee to help you to manage your SKU. SKU is important for business. With ginee, your SKU will be created perfectly. Beside that, ginee can also help you to promote your business too.
SKU is the code that is used as the product identifiers. This SKU will help the customer to check their inventory. There are no fixed rules on how to create the SKU as long as the seller understands it is just alright. SKU gives the information of product type, price, color, style, brand, gender, and also the size.
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