Have you ever received an auto reply Shopee before? What does auto reply mean? Let’s read this article to get more information about it.

What Does It Mean By Automatic Reply?

Have you ever got a Shopee message in checkout? If yes, you might get an automatic reply. As you know, Shopee has become one of the most popular and leading ecommerce companies in Malaysia nowadays.To provide better services, Shopee keep making new features so that their platform will be more popular again. 

One of the new features is automatic replies. Have you ever heard about automatic replies before? So automatic replies or also known as auto reply messages are the Shopee feature which you can use to maintain your shop’s chat response rate when you are away or on vacation.

By using an auto reply Shopee sample, you can inform your customer if you are away so that your customer will know and not wait for your reply. You can lead to better customer satisfaction when using this auto reply feature.

How to activate the auto reply Shopee chat message? You can set up the auto-reply feature through Shopee Webchat and from the Seller Centre by switching on the Vacation Mode.

When you activate the vacation mode, your product listing will be deleted automatically and your customer will not be able to shop in your stores. But don’t worry because it will be back to normal when you switch off the vacation mode.

Even if you turn on the vacation mode, you will still be able to login and access the Shopee Seller Center. How does vacation mode work? So, once you switch the vacation mode, the product you sell will appear as sold out in an hour. Your customer will not be able to browse your product listing.

As a result, once you have switched off the vacation mode, the customer that is looking at your stores will be notified. What are the advantages of using auto reply chat sample? Here are the advantages for you.

  • All products you sell will be displayed as sold out in an hour.
  • Your customer will not be able to browse or order the product you sell.
  • No need to handle when you are away.
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Read also: Auto Chat Shopee: Sellers Need to Know This Feature

What Is A Good Auto-Reply Message?

How to make an auto reply message sample for online shopping? To manage your customer’ expectations, you need to make a good auto reply. A good auto reply have to include 3 things such as:

  • The length of time you will be away.
  • The estimated time when you are back.
  • Thank the customers for their interest in the product you sell.

How To Set Up Auto-Reply?

When you are using chat features, you can see the Shopee chat history and also the Shopee chat seen so that you will know whether the customer has read your chat or not. Beside chatting directly, you can set auto reply chats in Shopee. You can set it yourself in your Shopee App and make sure that you have ended all your campaigns and promotions in Shopee.

Setting Up Auto-Reply In Chat Assistant

Please leave a message in Shopee when you are away. You can use the auto-reply feature to leave a message. You can also use the vacation mode too. How to set up a vacation mode? To activate the vacation mode, you can take these steps such as:

  • Step 1 – Go to Shopee and choose Me tab.
  • Step 2 – Click on My Shop and choose seller assistant.
  • Step 3 – Select on Shop settings.
  • Step 4 – Switch on the holiday mode.

So, if you are back, you can activate your product listing again by taking the same steps mentioned above and switch off the holiday mode.

Setting Up Default Auto-Reply

What is the default auto reply? Default auto reply is a reply that will be automatically sent to the customer when they send you a message. You can set this default auto reply through Seller Center and Shopee App.

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Seller Centre

You can set up the default auto reply in seller center by taking these steps:

  • Go to Shopee seller center.
  • Go to chat assistant page.
  • Click on auto reply.

Shopee App

If you want to set up the default auto reply via Shopee App, you have to switch on the toggle near to Send Auto-Reply in chat from the Chat Settings page.

You have to note that once your customers receive the default auto reply from your shop, they will not receive another message until 24 hours. Beside that, your reply content and status will be synced across Shopee App and Seller Centre

Setting Up Off-Work Auto-Reply

Shopee sellers are also allowed to set up the Off-Work Auto-Reply. This Off-Work Auto-Reply will send the automatic message to the customer who sends the message outside working hours.

Actually this Off-Work Auto-Reply is default and is set for the customer. You can change and edit the message text via seller center by clicking edit under Reply Content. You can also set your shop working hours by going to the working hours setting section and choose edit.

If you want to set the same working hours for several days, you can select Apply to all days after choosing the applicable days and set your working hours.

Here are the notes you need to remember when using the auto reply message such as:

  • The buyer will not receive any new auto reply messages within 24 hours after receiving 1 Off-Work Auto-Reply message.
  • The buyer will not receive any Off-Work or Auto-Reply message when both Default Auto-Reply and Off-Work Auto-Reply are enabled.
  • Buyers will only get the Auto-Reply message when they chat with Seller.
  • The maximum characters for both Default Auto-Reply and Off-Work Auto-Reply messages are 600 characters.
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Read also : Introduction To How To Make Sale On Shopee As Sellers


When you activate the vacation mode, your product listing will be deleted automatically and your customer will not be able to shop in your stores. But don’t worry because it will be back to normal when you switch off the vacation mode.

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