Do you know what is monkey business? Monkey business is one type of business strategy that can actually harm your business. Do you want to know more about it? Let’s check this out, and avoid it as fast as you can!
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What Is Monkey Business?

Have you ever heard about the monkey business? If you never heard about this, you might think the monkey owns the business, but it is totally wrong. So, what does monkey business mean? Monkey business is a business strategy that you need to avoid.
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In general, monkey business looks the same like the usual business but actually it is a bad business strategy. You might be curious about monkey business meaning. Monkey business is a business strategy that might harm other people as well as your customer when you apply it in your business. It is because the monkey business focuses on satisfying the personal interest.
Monkey business comes from the words “monkey” and “business”. The reason why the strategy is called monkey business is because it refers to monkey behavior that involves only looking and chasing for what they want. Same as monkeys, the monkey business actors also only chase what they want in business like profits and don’t care about other people.
This monkey business strategy is very popular even though it is forbidden. The monkey business actors are not only individuals but there are also more than 2 people in the company or community. For your information, the monkey business actors are usually not responsible.
Here are the monkey business features you need to know such as:
- Monkey business actors offer a big profits with less or no effort at all.
- Business involves large amounts of money movement like insurance, travel savings, investments and many more.
- Monkey business victims will get a high abnormal profits in the beginning that will attract the customers to put more money in the business.
- There is no significant business object. The monkey business usually has unclear business objects with unpredictable price that can rise in some conditions.
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Tips to Avoid the Monkey Business Trap
As mentioned above, monkey business is very dangerous. The monkey business has unclear objectives that offer a big profit with no effort. You might get a high profit that makes you want to put more money there but remember it is a trap. You might find monkey business in the investment business.
Are you curious on how to avoid monkey business? Here are several monkey business tips for you so that you will not get trapped.
Don’t Be Easily Trapped

The first tip for you to avoid the monkey business is to not easily get trapped. You need to remember that monkey business strategy usually offers a high profit with no effort. All you need to do is just put money in the business.
The question is how much is monkey business needs? Actually there is no fixed amount. If you want a higher profit, you have to put a lot of money into the business. You can find many monkey business examples in investment. When the victims put a lot of money, the monkey business actors will take the money and disappear.
Avoid the FOMO Syndrome Temptation

Another tip you need to follow is avoid the FOMO Syndrome. FOMO stands for Fear of Missing Out. This means when you get this FOMO syndrome, you might feel worried if you are not following the newest trend. Most monkey business victims are people that have FOMO syndrome.
When you get this syndrome, you will be easily trapped in the business monkey. For example when there is a trend of using products. If you have FOMO syndrome, you will keep buying it no matter how expensive and useless it is.
Understand How Businesses Generate Profits before Using Products

You need to understand how the business generates to avoid any monkey business. You can do market research or analyze the business as well as the products. When you understand how the business works and how it gets profits, you will be able to know whether it is a monkey business or not.
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You need to remember the promise they give is nothing when you don’t know what business object they have, how the business process works. That’s why analyzing the business process is important to know whether it is monkey business or not.
Avoid Transactions with Unusual Items

The indication of monkey business is an unusual business transaction. So, you need to make sure to avoid any unusual business transaction. You can see the monkey business characteristic in the product they offer which is always under unexpected condition.
Always Check the Legality of the Institution before Transactions

Checking every legality before joining a business is a must. You can see whether it is a monkey business or not by looking at the legality. For your information, a monkey business usually does not have legality. That’s why they dare to offer a higher profit and disappear when there is a problem like money loss.
Ensure Institutions Have a Positive Track Record an Equally

You need to check the business record before joining it. When you do the business analyzing, you need to make sure that the business you want to follow is in a good record. If you see the business track record is good. It means the business is secure and clean. So you don’t need to worry.
Deepen Financial Literacy

Another way to avoid the monkey business is by knowing financial literacy. When you know the business financial literacy, you will know how the business is financial and also the potential risks that might occur. These things can be your consideration before joining the business.
Monkey business is a business strategy that might harm other people as well as your customer when you apply it in your business. It is because the monkey business focuses on satisfying the personal interest. The monkey business has unclear objectives that offer a big profit with no effort. You might get a high profit that makes you want to put more money there but remember it is a trap.
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